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Full Version: Site performance, Server errors, outages and tunings
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New forum record today:

"The most users online at one time was 120 on Today at 23:14"

Most likely they were bots, not real users, but the server survived the load. Nice 😉
- upgraded the kernel
- moved the apache cache to tmpfs
- added more cache tweaks
Fixed a couple of more issues. Still no luck with limiting the size of the cache file system - it periodically overflows. Tried another config, let's see if that helps.
As always - it's not that easy. Bugs, tweaks and workarounds. The cache does not want to be cleaned up, because of an old bug. The easiest solution (rather a dirty trick) is a cron job removing old files.

BTW, has anybody noticed anything? Any improvements?
Hm, its not preloading so much, e.g. if I open a thread here in the forum and scroll down, its loading the posts while scrolling.
But in generell its really ok.
Yes, the idea was to load just what's needed (what's visible) as quick as possible. That allows to reduce the average page size and load time by about 30%. And not everybody scrolls down (or up).
Ok, I'm fine with that 😊
Good! 😉
While APC cache reports pretty good statistics:

File Cache Information
Cached Files 402 ( 48.2 MBytes)
Hits 2978069
Misses 441529

User Cache Information
Cached Variables 585 ( 1.4 MBytes)
Hits 219488
Misses 149317

the pagespeed one is quite disappointing:

cache_hits: 5693
cache_misses: 22714

It's mostly related to the image rewriting, but I'm not sure it can be completely disabled.
I think I found it! I should've complained earlier 😉

It should work much faster now! 😊