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Full Version: Site performance, Server errors, outages and tunings
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Bloody rippers again!!! Gonna look into HIPS stuff, since QoS is not compatible with modspeed.
I'm beginning to block by IP again
... and just blocked two more IP's. Sorry guys, but the server is not powerful enough for site ripping.
Upgraded WordPress - new interface is awful! This is another upgrade that worsens the experience. The previous was ModSpeed - had to install the previous version.
Upgraded the forum and plugins. Now the editor is working in Firefox!
Since the last upgrade the site takes more CPU cycles and also more swaps. I wonder what the problem is.
Upgrading the OS. Then let's see what happens after reboot.
Rebooted. Still slow.
Looks better so far. Still no clue what might have caused the overloading.
Good news! The hosting company upgraded all accounts and added 20% storage space. That means plus 8GB for the same money 😉

I wish they'd upgraded the RAM, though...