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Full Version: Site performance, Server errors, outages and tunings
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Added automatic embedding of the .mp3 attachments.

Some files might be double embedded - the existing [mp3] tags should be removed now (more work...)
Added automatic embedding of the .mp4 attachments 😊

Same as above - double embedding is possible.
Removed metadata preloading for mp3 and mp4 - it turned out, that it takes a lot even for metadata, especially if there are several embedded files on the page. Pages load MUCH faster now.
Added webm and webp!
Added .mov
Note to myself - upgraded to PHP 7.4.7 (and some other stuff)
Since 3d party cookies/scripts are disabled by latest Firefox releases (especially the mobile versions), what breaks embedding of Twitter posts for some users, I disabled this feature. The links to Twitter posts are still there.
Not had this error message before

Please correct the following errors before continuing:
  • You are trying to post a message too quickly after posting a previous message. Please wait 11 more seconds.

Curious more than anything else - I wonder why there is a check and limit?

I did wait the prescribed time and everything was OK

(14 Jul 2020, 07:46 )madjack Wrote: [ -> ]I wonder why there is a check and limit?
It's to prevent SPAMming and/or overloading the server with too many requests. Think of an external program which makes a dozen posts per second.