My wife made me a present for my birthday a couple of years ago – Wolford “Python” pantyhose, but I could not find an opportunity to wear them until the last warm days of this year. And, of course, I asked her to make a couple of photos. The sun already disappeared and was replaced by clouds and dripping from time to time water, so we had to use a flash to show what these pantyhose are capable of and a wide-angle lens to get around the space limits 😉
As typical Wolford the “Pythons” are made with pantyhose-haters in mind. They do not feel like “usual” “nylons”. When you take them out of the envelope they look like cotton tights but feel like a strange construction made from jiggling springs (again, typical Wolford, I should say). They are soft and thick like a terry bathrobe, but when you pull them on they literally disappear. What’s left is warmth, softness and comfort. Again, nothing for “usual” pantyhose fetishists so far.
But there is something more. Continue reading “Wolford Python pantyhose. Review. Sport look and men in pantyhose”