After a 14hour long battle with the hoster the problem has been sold. The VPS was inadvertently moved to another hosting server and when I started the old one (what I saw is that the server was down) there appeared two versions of the server running on the same IP-address.
So, sometimes I saw the old version of the forum with no latest MadJack’s posts (what gave me almost a heart-attack, because the last backup was made just before he posted his latest selfbondage adventures MJ-SB07/2011 – Back in the bag! and MJ-SB06/2011 – A different Chair tie — do not forget to check them out!) and sometimes the new version.
Anyway, I hope the period of the server administration self-bondage is over, what should theoretically free up some time for publishing. But for now, check what MadJack was busy with!