It bloody works

I can’t believe it… It works. Catwalks, fashion shows, advertisement campaigns and all that crap I have never considered indeed works. What am I talking about? Fashionable vs practical.
With some exceptions (military, sport or work clothes) fashion is not supposed to be practical. Some of the most often used fashion items can be proclaimed as dangerous. Yes, you guessed correctly, I’m talking about high heels. More examples? Narrow pencil or hobble skirts, long nails, nylon clothes (nylon burns very fast). What next? Yes, you guessed correctly again. Latex.

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What is fetish? Part I. By Kumi Monster.

Rather short and up to the point explanation by Kumi Monster posted in JWZ blog. (Did I mention that Kumi is easily my favourite fetish person? I intentionally avoided using the word “model”).

“not much time to explain it all but besides the multitude of fetishes out there that have to do with latex like girls in catsuits or fancy fashiony dresses or stockings, there’s also quite a few that dont care for that type of thing at all. they prefer their latex layered or in thicker gauges.

it’s called heavy rubber and there’s an internationally available magazine of the same name out there too.

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