Nana to Kaoru. Chapter 29. Dangerous practice, paedophilia and manipulations

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See what happened in this chapter? Kaoru made Nana feel guilty and she surrendered to her fate. I should say that this is a very dangerous and very unfair practice (actually, like all manipulations), especially in a priori unequal relationships.

For example, an adult and a kid. One of the reasons why paedophilia is bad, and one of the reasons why the age of consent exists. Manipulations… A kid can be easily accused for something what might indeed have happened, but the reasoning was completely different, or there was no reason at all. Hey, it’s a kid! Then comes punishment. Then another one. Then a new fault will be “discovered”. Less self-confidence leads to more mistakes. More punishments. A chain reaction. A kid has neither psychological strength nor life experience to consciously or sub-consciously detect the manipulations, nor social status to adequately respond.

Later such a kid will look for a dominant partner, who will use the same familiar practice, and will continue to suffer, trying to prove that he or she is good and deserve that cruel moron.

Yes, I’m very sceptical and suspicious when I see DSM (BDSM less B)relationships. Bondage can be also present, but in fact is not related to this particular subject.

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