See Part I
Alexandrebuffalo ( in Paris, has always been attracted by the entire universe of fetish and SM and has his own vision about what fetish is ( – French).
First of all, (and I absolutely agree with him here) he draws a line between fetish for yourself and fetish for the sake of fashion:
“Pour bien marquer une différence je vais écrire fetish pour la mode, et fétiche pour l’esprit.”
Indeed, while fetish for yourself, your partner your community is quite understandable (see Kumi’s introduction), the fetish elements in fashion (and actually the fashion itself) is a very strange and absolutely unexplainable phenomenon. (also, check the Fashion category here.)
Since “Puisque des images sont plus fortes que des mots“, the Fetisso (a documentary video about the fetishes) can be your video guide into the fetishes. The video is in French, if anybody knows where to find the English version, please let us know.
And don’t forget to check Alexandre’s galleries. They are simply amazing!
Update 2013: the site is dead