Family, Kids and fetish moments. Chastity belts

One of our family vacations we spent in Gasteinertal (Austria). The entrance to the valley is guarded by an ancient watchtower. One day we decided to pay a visit to a small museum located in the tower.

The guided tour was quite short – something about 15-20 minutes. There’s actually not much to see in and around, but their collection of the genuine medieval props is indeed quite interesting.

For example, these strange items. Our “advanced” kids (despite extensive Internet and TV experience) could not recognize male and female chastity belts in these devices, which from the first sight look like torture or inquisition equipment. So, they asked, we explained.

Some interesting points.

The cock cage is huge. It’s about 20-25cm long and 5cm wide. The Austrian are not very tall, but apparently they have (had?) something else instead.

Have a look at the anal hole. It’s not just a hole, but it’s got sharp teeth pointed outside and a wide “gusset”. The cock cage does not prevent masturbation, but they definitely wanted to prevent any intercourse. It does not matter whether it’s male->female or male->male.

I wonder for how long they had to wear these not very comfortable things…

See also Family, friends, colleagues and fetish moments or Home together forum thread.

10 thoughts on “Family, Kids and fetish moments. Chastity belts”

  1. Doesn’t the padlock look modern?
    I do remember seeing that belt somewhere.

  2. There use to be a website a while back, Called Altairboy.
    That’s where I saw that belt.

  3. Yes, the site is still up.
    But the pictures are all gone.
    Lucky for me, I did download ALL the photos
    before the laws came in.

  4. Like Ra ” wrote:

    Usual anti-child porn laws in the US. Basically, you need to verify that none of the pictures are of children – the site’s author describes why here:

    In his case, he doesn’t consider it worth the effort to scan each image. And as always, it’s a gentle reminder to mirror your favorite sites.

  5. Also, the internet copyrite law.
    Unless you can prove that the person in the photo
    is over the age of 18, AND you have their OK,
    You really can’t post or repost that photo.

  6. Guest ” wrote:

    none of the pictures are of children

    Oh, nice. Yeah, it’s easier to delete/remove/ignore/pretend, that children do not exist/etc… Yes, kids must not be “sexually touched”, but the fear of publishing ANY image of “underaged persons” is beyond my understanding. Anyway, there are quite a few articles on the subject.

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