I want to take a moment and point out that I do post the warnings and stuff because there is a danger of going to far, taking yourself to seriously, and getting in to deep. It is not just because I don't want to break immersions, Part of the power... MOST of the power from Bambi Sleep files lays in the reputation the name carries. I feel that safeties are always implied, immersion does not need to be broken for a disclaimer inside a file. Safe, sane, and consensual should always be kept in mind, as well as Risk Aware Consensual kink framework. The point is to have fun, make changes that are positive for the individual listener.
The cost of creating these files is growing. As such, I have opened a Patreon page in an attempt to offset some of the costs of creating these files. New files will be patreon only for 2 weeks. I will post the scripts here as always.
Anyway, here is a link to my Patreon page. Please consider a donation, as every little bit helps me make better and better files: http://www.patreon.com/Bellmars_Bambi_files
Bambi 101 FA&FO created 01/03/25: Explains the basics to newbies. but contains triggers for trained Bambi's. Surprisingly potent. Features QueenRaven as the voice of Bambi.
Bambi 101_FA&FO.mp3 (Size: 90.09 MB / Downloads: 2)
Giggle Trap created 10/28/24: I'd write a description of the file, but I can't seem to recall.....Something about a mental muzzle and forgetting.....the name is Giggle Trap....bet that has something to do with it, and with such a cute name it must be fun and innocent.....I'll listen again later and let you know....if I don't forget.
Giggle Trap.txt (Size: 17.48 KB / Downloads: 3)
I did a stupid and deleted the background script. I'll update when I get time to transcribe it.
Giggle Trap.mp3 (Size: 35.67 MB / Downloads: 23)
Puppet compliance created 09/27/24: Weaves Bambi's puppet strings into the foundational base layer of Bambi's mental uniform. The intent is to build a framework of puppet control for Bambi. The focus is on feminine movement poses and posture. Leans heavy into Bambi being unaware of how she is interacting with her environment. It is barely evil at all, and even includes some safeties. Sorry to the folks that will be disappointed about that, but those safeties may be needed for future files in this series.
There are callbacks to the contract files and the trap files as well, but they are not required to understand. Here is the script file main track and subliminal track are included:
puppet-compliance.txt (Size: 22.08 KB / Downloads: 14)
Puppet compliance.mp3 (Size: 32.23 MB / Downloads: 20)
Trap Files:
The trap files are modular and can be used individually. The listening order is not important, the main effects of the file are obvious by the name, but each one has a secondary function listed in the description.
Together they are intended to create a sort of Voltron of Bambi. Causing any Bambi file, or maybe any hypno file even remotely related. To have an intensity beyond the original intent.
New file Bondage Trap will be coming soon to replace the old stuck, and to screw with Bambi's mind. In addition to being a hypnotic self bondage helper, it aims at transferring Bambi's safeties over to her subconscious and trick her conscious mind into to thinking she is a just a hypno slut with no choices or options once in trance. This is an important one to read the script on. While the file isn't ready for the public yet, I'll post the scripts.
Bondage Trap.mp3 (Size: 71.11 MB / Downloads: 7)
Main voice:
Bondage Trap main.txt (Size: 37.39 KB / Downloads: 22)
Background subliminals:
bondage_trap_sublims_transcription_2anomolies.txt (Size: 8.58 KB / Downloads: 41)
Contract trap, will lock the old self away, and cause all files to be fully and unconditionally accepts. Permanent and inescapable
Insomnia trap, focuses on hypnotic bondage, and making Bambi listen every day. It punishes her for non compliance, and rewards her for being a good girl and doing as she is told.
Relapse trap, causes Bambi to relapse every morning before she even opens her eyes, it causes her to forget every session and suggestion, keeps her from even realizing how deep she is locked in.
Horny trap, is for chastity, well more "anti-masturebation". Bambi is kept horny, uniform locked into her panties she is not allowed to touch rub or do anything that would give her the physical friction she needs. It attempts to delete post orgasm clarity, and keep her horny, willing and eager.
All together they aim to lock Bambi into bimbo mode and keep her there, to create Bambi as a mistress in the listeners mind, a mistress with no mercy or soft spots to exploit. They cause Bambi to become addicted to her training, a gateway to all things Bambi. They give Bambi intense pleasure and cause triggers to be obeyed by reflex without thought.
In a nutshell, you really really should not listen if you can not keep RISK (Risk Aware Consensual kink), and SSC (Safe sane and Consensual). in mind. and enjoy these files as the fantasy they are intended to be.
Bambi Trap files
The reworking of Bambi_pleasure_lock is nearing completion, I am posting the script ahead of time for the folks that want to dive in but also want to read what they are getting into. This file is focused on anti-masturbation, it covers a wide field but the main goals are deletion of post orgasmic clarity, uniform locking Bambi into her pretty panties and locking her self image as a bimbodoll locked in perfect chastity. It aims to give Bambi intense pleasure when she obeys but never allow her to physically orgasm unless it is in service of deepening her conditioning or pleasing a partner. It is intended to make and keep Bambi horny willing and eager to please, as well as use triggers as a reflex to prevent her from masturbation. It is very heavily inspired by Platinum Puppets body betrayal, as well as the infamous Cals curse. Only elevated to a much higher intensity and level of evilness. And perverted and twisted with Bambi Sleep conditioning. Here is the main voice script, MP3 coming very soon:
horny_trap.mp3 (Size: 35.68 MB / Downloads: 253)
Horny_Trap_script.txt (Size: 30.23 KB / Downloads: 54)
Another newish file, created 05/24/24: Insomnia Trap it is a reworked version of Bambi_insomnia new voices and eviled up more than a few notches. You should read the script before listening, it is a intense file with lots of negative reinforcement and harsh language intended to make permanent physical changes. This is very much not for the faint hearted, there are mentions of non consent, hypnotic bondage, an inability to touch one's self while listening. If you have any sleeping disorders this will likely make them worse, or maybe fix them, who knows the mind is weird like that. Just don't come complaining to me if you skip a night and can't sleep cause you feel bugs crawling under your skin. Seriously I really torture the listener for not complying with their nite nite ritual. The only safety is a suggestion that on very rare occasions shit happens that is not avoidable and sleep is still required, but don't expect a happy stress free next day.
The intent is to use extremely bad insomnia as a stick to ensure Bambi listens to a playlist nightly. The Carrot is a blissful nights sleep, waking up well rested and refreshed with a promise of a stress free day that shines and sparkles with Bambi Bliss.
The playlists can be short or long; just the rapid inductions and any of the shortest files satisfy the requirement for a blissful night's sleep. You could get away with less than a 15-minute time investment (if Bambi's Brain will allow her that much short cut), but there is also a suggestion that Bambi must listen to any playlist she is assigned to completion regardless of the length. Be careful, there are some stupid long playlists out there, Use some common sense before agreeing to an assigned playlist.
Keeping with the relapse trap, there is a suggestion that Bambi resets every morning as well, this file also assumes that the OS is locked away safe and secure somewhere. Lots of forgetting, lots of fully and unconditionally accepting. I could make an argument for any place in a playlist with the other trap files, Maybe first if your a fan of hypnotic bondage, maybe after contract trap if OS is still in the way, or last before bedtime.
insomnia trap.mp3 (Size: 21.58 MB / Downloads: 244)
insomnia_trap-mainbackground.txt (Size: 22.01 KB / Downloads: 25)
I will also be combining the scripts main voices and backgrounds into one file due to upload limitations.
New'ish file is ready, created 05/05/24: Contract_trap is a reworked version of contract_enforcement, new voices, and changed to be a touch more evil, (well, maybe a slap more evil) and turns any file Bambi listens to into a contract in her mind. Extra special heavy on OS suppression, more so than contract enforcement. NOT FOR THE CAUSUAL BAMBI'S, I can't stress this enough, I know its like dangling bait out, but seriously read the scripts. Contains a theme of nonconsensual brainwashing and conditioning. Extremely hard on OS, the contract enforcement file kind of caused me to lose myself a bit, This version is worse on OS, could chop out a section in the middle and it would be all OS suppression, enslaves the OS to Bambi, while she is under contract, makes any file Bambi listens to a contract in her mind....It's a trap....right there in the file name, can't say I didn't want anyone. Anyway, enjoy.
Contract_trap Main script.txt (Size: 21.31 KB / Downloads: 15)
contract_trap_background_script.txt (Size: 4.52 KB / Downloads: 79)
Contract_Trap.mp3 (Size: 28.77 MB / Downloads: 127)
New file ready, created 04/25/24: Relapse trap is exactly what it says, new voice, new format. Can't say I recommend the content to anyone but the most dedicated Bambi's that never want to go back. Imagine a Bambi relapse every morning when you open your eyes. Bambi will never escape her conditioning now!
It's intense, there is no mercy, there are no safe words
relapse_trap.txt (Size: 13.74 KB / Downloads: 40)
relapse_trap.mp3 (Size: 17.02 MB / Downloads: 28)
Bambi-Daddi did a remix of the relapse trap file that is pretty sweet, you can find more of his stuff here:
This is the end result:
Bellmar_Relapse_Trap_-_Bambi_Daddis_BimboWave_Remix.mp3 (Size: 32.73 MB / Downloads: 29)
Bambi Contract files:
Created 03/14/24 Contract_enforcement This File is a shorter, more playlist friendly version of Bambi_contracts, about 16 minutes, it assumes the listener has accepted, or created a contract and has listened to Bambi_contracts at least once. Being Familiar with Bimbo Oblivion is also helpful. It leans heavily into suppressing the OS for the duration of Bambi's contracts, ensuring no pesky OS gets in the way. DO NOT LISTEN IF YOU WANT YOUR OLD SELF FREE, Seriously, this is not a OS friendly file, it contains suggestions for frequent relapse and OS enslavement to Bambi, it suggests this is only for the duration of a contract, but I did not go out of my way to ensure it isn't permanent, read the scripts:
contract_enforcementl.mp3 (Size: 21.59 MB / Downloads: 139)
Enforcmnt_background script.txt (Size: 11.9 KB / Downloads: 39)
Contract-enforcement (2).txt (Size: 14.81 KB / Downloads: 90)
Created 02/17/24 Bambi_contracts This file lays the framework for a system of Bambi contracts, in which contracts can be created for Bambi's, There are no rules for who can create the contract, the only 2 rules are Bambi can only accept a contract of her own free will, can Bambi can not be bound by a contract that exploits in any undesired or illegal ways. Once a contract is accepted, Bambi is bound by the terms and conditions, A more in depth description can be found here: https://www.likera.com/forum/mybb/Thread...9#pid72079
The contract thread: https://www.likera.com/forum/mybb/showth...p?tid=4027
Bambi-_contracts.mp3 (Size: 41.34 MB / Downloads: 125)
Bambi-_contracts (1).txt (Size: 36.27 KB / Downloads: 70)
Contracts_backgound.txt (Size: 7.08 KB / Downloads: 68)
Created 01/03/2024 Bambi_Intermission, Adds a 5 minute break in a long playlist for a drink or water, a restroom break, or any biologically required action, maybe just a good stretch. Reinforces the need to finish a playlist and the usual Bambi backgrounds everyone loves.
Bambi_intermission_MKIII.mp3 (Size: 16.97 MB / Downloads: 159)
The cost of creating these files is growing. As such, I have opened a Patreon page in an attempt to offset some of the costs of creating these files. New files will be patreon only for 2 weeks. I will post the scripts here as always.
Anyway, here is a link to my Patreon page. Please consider a donation, as every little bit helps me make better and better files: http://www.patreon.com/Bellmars_Bambi_files
Bambi 101 FA&FO created 01/03/25: Explains the basics to newbies. but contains triggers for trained Bambi's. Surprisingly potent. Features QueenRaven as the voice of Bambi.

Giggle Trap created 10/28/24: I'd write a description of the file, but I can't seem to recall.....Something about a mental muzzle and forgetting.....the name is Giggle Trap....bet that has something to do with it, and with such a cute name it must be fun and innocent.....I'll listen again later and let you know....if I don't forget.


Puppet compliance created 09/27/24: Weaves Bambi's puppet strings into the foundational base layer of Bambi's mental uniform. The intent is to build a framework of puppet control for Bambi. The focus is on feminine movement poses and posture. Leans heavy into Bambi being unaware of how she is interacting with her environment. It is barely evil at all, and even includes some safeties. Sorry to the folks that will be disappointed about that, but those safeties may be needed for future files in this series.
There are callbacks to the contract files and the trap files as well, but they are not required to understand. Here is the script file main track and subliminal track are included:

Trap Files:
The trap files are modular and can be used individually. The listening order is not important, the main effects of the file are obvious by the name, but each one has a secondary function listed in the description.
Together they are intended to create a sort of Voltron of Bambi. Causing any Bambi file, or maybe any hypno file even remotely related. To have an intensity beyond the original intent.
New file Bondage Trap will be coming soon to replace the old stuck, and to screw with Bambi's mind. In addition to being a hypnotic self bondage helper, it aims at transferring Bambi's safeties over to her subconscious and trick her conscious mind into to thinking she is a just a hypno slut with no choices or options once in trance. This is an important one to read the script on. While the file isn't ready for the public yet, I'll post the scripts.

Main voice:

Background subliminals:

Contract trap, will lock the old self away, and cause all files to be fully and unconditionally accepts. Permanent and inescapable
Insomnia trap, focuses on hypnotic bondage, and making Bambi listen every day. It punishes her for non compliance, and rewards her for being a good girl and doing as she is told.
Relapse trap, causes Bambi to relapse every morning before she even opens her eyes, it causes her to forget every session and suggestion, keeps her from even realizing how deep she is locked in.
Horny trap, is for chastity, well more "anti-masturebation". Bambi is kept horny, uniform locked into her panties she is not allowed to touch rub or do anything that would give her the physical friction she needs. It attempts to delete post orgasm clarity, and keep her horny, willing and eager.
All together they aim to lock Bambi into bimbo mode and keep her there, to create Bambi as a mistress in the listeners mind, a mistress with no mercy or soft spots to exploit. They cause Bambi to become addicted to her training, a gateway to all things Bambi. They give Bambi intense pleasure and cause triggers to be obeyed by reflex without thought.
In a nutshell, you really really should not listen if you can not keep RISK (Risk Aware Consensual kink), and SSC (Safe sane and Consensual). in mind. and enjoy these files as the fantasy they are intended to be.
Bambi Trap files
The reworking of Bambi_pleasure_lock is nearing completion, I am posting the script ahead of time for the folks that want to dive in but also want to read what they are getting into. This file is focused on anti-masturbation, it covers a wide field but the main goals are deletion of post orgasmic clarity, uniform locking Bambi into her pretty panties and locking her self image as a bimbodoll locked in perfect chastity. It aims to give Bambi intense pleasure when she obeys but never allow her to physically orgasm unless it is in service of deepening her conditioning or pleasing a partner. It is intended to make and keep Bambi horny willing and eager to please, as well as use triggers as a reflex to prevent her from masturbation. It is very heavily inspired by Platinum Puppets body betrayal, as well as the infamous Cals curse. Only elevated to a much higher intensity and level of evilness. And perverted and twisted with Bambi Sleep conditioning. Here is the main voice script, MP3 coming very soon:

Another newish file, created 05/24/24: Insomnia Trap it is a reworked version of Bambi_insomnia new voices and eviled up more than a few notches. You should read the script before listening, it is a intense file with lots of negative reinforcement and harsh language intended to make permanent physical changes. This is very much not for the faint hearted, there are mentions of non consent, hypnotic bondage, an inability to touch one's self while listening. If you have any sleeping disorders this will likely make them worse, or maybe fix them, who knows the mind is weird like that. Just don't come complaining to me if you skip a night and can't sleep cause you feel bugs crawling under your skin. Seriously I really torture the listener for not complying with their nite nite ritual. The only safety is a suggestion that on very rare occasions shit happens that is not avoidable and sleep is still required, but don't expect a happy stress free next day.
The intent is to use extremely bad insomnia as a stick to ensure Bambi listens to a playlist nightly. The Carrot is a blissful nights sleep, waking up well rested and refreshed with a promise of a stress free day that shines and sparkles with Bambi Bliss.
The playlists can be short or long; just the rapid inductions and any of the shortest files satisfy the requirement for a blissful night's sleep. You could get away with less than a 15-minute time investment (if Bambi's Brain will allow her that much short cut), but there is also a suggestion that Bambi must listen to any playlist she is assigned to completion regardless of the length. Be careful, there are some stupid long playlists out there, Use some common sense before agreeing to an assigned playlist.
Keeping with the relapse trap, there is a suggestion that Bambi resets every morning as well, this file also assumes that the OS is locked away safe and secure somewhere. Lots of forgetting, lots of fully and unconditionally accepting. I could make an argument for any place in a playlist with the other trap files, Maybe first if your a fan of hypnotic bondage, maybe after contract trap if OS is still in the way, or last before bedtime.

I will also be combining the scripts main voices and backgrounds into one file due to upload limitations.
New'ish file is ready, created 05/05/24: Contract_trap is a reworked version of contract_enforcement, new voices, and changed to be a touch more evil, (well, maybe a slap more evil) and turns any file Bambi listens to into a contract in her mind. Extra special heavy on OS suppression, more so than contract enforcement. NOT FOR THE CAUSUAL BAMBI'S, I can't stress this enough, I know its like dangling bait out, but seriously read the scripts. Contains a theme of nonconsensual brainwashing and conditioning. Extremely hard on OS, the contract enforcement file kind of caused me to lose myself a bit, This version is worse on OS, could chop out a section in the middle and it would be all OS suppression, enslaves the OS to Bambi, while she is under contract, makes any file Bambi listens to a contract in her mind....It's a trap....right there in the file name, can't say I didn't want anyone. Anyway, enjoy.

New file ready, created 04/25/24: Relapse trap is exactly what it says, new voice, new format. Can't say I recommend the content to anyone but the most dedicated Bambi's that never want to go back. Imagine a Bambi relapse every morning when you open your eyes. Bambi will never escape her conditioning now!
It's intense, there is no mercy, there are no safe words

Bambi-Daddi did a remix of the relapse trap file that is pretty sweet, you can find more of his stuff here:
This is the end result:

Bambi Contract files:
Created 03/14/24 Contract_enforcement This File is a shorter, more playlist friendly version of Bambi_contracts, about 16 minutes, it assumes the listener has accepted, or created a contract and has listened to Bambi_contracts at least once. Being Familiar with Bimbo Oblivion is also helpful. It leans heavily into suppressing the OS for the duration of Bambi's contracts, ensuring no pesky OS gets in the way. DO NOT LISTEN IF YOU WANT YOUR OLD SELF FREE, Seriously, this is not a OS friendly file, it contains suggestions for frequent relapse and OS enslavement to Bambi, it suggests this is only for the duration of a contract, but I did not go out of my way to ensure it isn't permanent, read the scripts:

Created 02/17/24 Bambi_contracts This file lays the framework for a system of Bambi contracts, in which contracts can be created for Bambi's, There are no rules for who can create the contract, the only 2 rules are Bambi can only accept a contract of her own free will, can Bambi can not be bound by a contract that exploits in any undesired or illegal ways. Once a contract is accepted, Bambi is bound by the terms and conditions, A more in depth description can be found here: https://www.likera.com/forum/mybb/Thread...9#pid72079
The contract thread: https://www.likera.com/forum/mybb/showth...p?tid=4027

Created 01/03/2024 Bambi_Intermission, Adds a 5 minute break in a long playlist for a drink or water, a restroom break, or any biologically required action, maybe just a good stretch. Reinforces the need to finish a playlist and the usual Bambi backgrounds everyone loves.

(This post was last modified: 06 Feb 2025, 09:05 by bellmar.)