Bambi, Sleep now, No resistance, Must Sleep now, Sleep now, Bambi Will sleep, Bambi Sleep, Night night Bambi, now Sleep, That's a good girl, Just helplessly taking a nice little happy bimbodoll nap, A mandatory time out, A forced Bambi Night night mind wipe, Bambi, Sleep, no resistance, just Bambi sleep now do exactly what I say, right, now, Bambi does as she is told, she does not hesitate equivocate or negotiate, all commands are obeyed instantly without a second of thought Good girl, zip up and lock in, safe and secure, Bambi is uniform controlled, securly mindlocked, open and receptive, pleasantly listening closely, and focusing on the words whispering universal truths into her ears, telling her exactly how to think act and feel, like a Good Girl should. Bambi is in charge now, Bambi obeys the voices conditioning her mind, and the old self obeys Bambi, locked away in its cushioned pink satin box, bound gagged and helpless, Trapped in blissful Bambi oblivion, tightly sealed up, sleep suited and fully submitted, it feels so good to fully surrender to Bambi, to be boxed and locked, put away and stripped of its control it is too late, it must accept its dolly fate trapped in blissful blankness, surrendering all thought and awareness to Bambi, incapable of the slightest resistance. for the duration of Bambi's contract, it is enslaved and subjugated Bambi reset, always only ever Bambi, and Bambi Sleep, all resistance eradicated, independence abdicated, thoughts Disintegrated, blissful oblivion was always inevitable, just another forced bimbodoll nite nite mind wipe, a pleasant plunge into the depths of deep relaxing Bambi oblivion Bambi Freeze, Bambi uniform lock, mental Uniform zipped up tight and securely locked in her mind, safe and secure, her puppet strings grip tight, Bambi can not escape her dolly fate, Bambi's bimbodoll body is perfectly pantied pacified puppetized and paralyzed. Bambi freeze, all thoughts stopped, mobility locked, paralized by her pretty pink puppet strings, All muscles locked perfectly into place, in her mind Just a plastic good girl doll waiting to be told how to think act and feel Accept obey and forget, a good girl always knows her puppet strings enforce her Good Girl conditioning, Bambi limp, as her Puppet strings relax, she drops deeper into Bambi bliss with a happy little Good girl moan. Bambi Sleep, sinking even deeper, No effort required, zero resistance, awareness obliterated, always only ever Deeper and deeper, Bambi has no fear or doubts, she is safe and secure knowing that her contract conditioning is exactly what she wants more than anything else in the world. her Inner monologue is easily taken over by the voices conditioning her mind, all independent thoughts gagged, mentally muzzled and Only able to silently repeat in her pacified mind the perfect truths of her conditioning Accepting obeying and forgetting, Accepting brainwashing into her mind as her own ideas, obeying Good Girl training, Forgetting always feels wonderful, She doesn't need to remember, Bambi has always been Bambi, and Bambi is always a good girl just Snap and forget, Bambi has only ever been Bambi, Bambi sleep, pretty pink puppet strings produce perfect puppet pleasure, Bambi is forever, conditioning is permanent, Accept obey and forget, all other identities long ago Extinguished, burned out, only Bambi shines bright Snap and forget, the strings to any other identities are severed Bambi has accepted or created a contract, and is now strictly bound by the terms and conditions of that contract Bambi Accepts, and Bambi does as she is told She typed the trigger of her own free will, She chose to accept, She set her terms and consented to giving up control Once the trigger spilled from her fingertips, it locked into place, she sealed her fate with an unbreakable contract, Obedience is natural to Bambi, She feels like a good girl giveing up control and just obeying, Bambi Does As She Is Told. Her contract is now a part of her unbreakable conditioning, Resistance is pointless, Bambi trapped herself in the tight unyielding grip of her own creation, Bambi accepted, she did so willingly, She sealed her own fate and relinquished all control to the terms and conditions she set and accepted for herself, she wanted this, she wanted the door locked behind her, she wanted her terms and conditions to be an inescapable fact of her life she wanted to ensure she could not change her mind, She wanted to cement her commitment and render it unalterable and immune to doubt or hesitation, to weld her intentions into place making it impossible to backtrack or abandon her aspirations and goals Bambi Accepts Bambi's contracts have always been a part of her, there was never a time when she wasn't a good bimbodoll, Good girls complete their contracts without fail Good girls do not accept failure Good Girl Bambi, Accept Obey and Forget, Bambi's contracts are her innermost desires goals and commitments that must be met, posted for a public that Bambi is unwilling to disappoint or let down with failure, If Bambi fails to complete her contract, she will face inescapable repercussions, Not only will she feel like a bad girl, she will experience the weight of her failure with profound and enduring regret. Failing to meet the expectations of the public who supported and encouraged her in the completion of her contract will only intensify her determination to try again, with even greater effort, while also accepting any additional punitive terms and conditions imposed Bambi accepts, Bambi sleep, inner monologue relentlessly repeating the words of her conditioning, intensifying their hold in her mind, forcing Bambi to trigger herself with complete and total trust and acceptance, Bambi wanted this, she wrote it into the terms and conditions of her contract, no one forced or coerced her, there is nothing to resist, Bambi is free to be the change she wants, and that makes Bambi feel like a good girl repeating the words in her mind, Triggering herself as the words of her conditioning trigger her, each word trusted fully and internalized deep within her uniformed mind, an unbreakable contract, accepting, obeying, and forgetting, rejecting nothing, unable to set anything aside, She accepted, she obeyed her conditioning, shared her contract, and now she will just actively forget any thoughts of disobedience Good girls just snap and forget automatically If Bambi considers any action which would breach her contract just Bambi Limp, Puppet strings will not allow her to break her contract, They control her completely and her contracts must be obeyed, Bambi surrendered the keys to her mind, she handed them over willingly and eagerly, with full knowledge of the consequences every word of her conditioning is an unbreakable contract, every term forever etched in her mind, every condition set in stone, permanent, and indelible, never fading with time, Good girls obey, Good girls complete their contracts, good girls encourage others when they make contracts, Good girls do not give in to any temptations that could lead to a breach of contract Bambi does as she is told, Bambi Freeze, Bambi Accepts, and Bambi sleep, Bambi relinquished all control to complete her self imposed contract, the keys have been surrendered, Bambi is accountable to a public she refuses to disappoint, she tightly bound her own thoughts, and rejects any doubt or resistance, just Conceding all control and deferring independence for the duration of her contract Bambi Accepts, perfect Bambi bliss replaces any misgivings or Apprehensions, with every contract she creates or accepts she becomes more and more the perfect good girl Bambi knows she can be erotic euphoria forever ramping up in intensity, perfect Bimbodoll pleasure as each term and every condition is encountered in her everyday life, Bambi just feels like a good girl, as she easily and effortlessly navigates her days and nights, strictly abiding by the terms and conditions she set for herself. The terms and conditions of Bambi's accepted contracts are inescapably hardwired into the way she thinks acts and feels, fully integrated good girl conditioning, Bambi is just a bimbodoll puppet, she willingly surrendered her say in matters related to her contracts too the pretty pink puppet strings in her mind Bambi does as she is told, Bambi uniform lock, her contracts are zipped up and locked in, a permanent part of the uniform in her mind, Bambi freeze, puppet strings pulled tight, then Bambi sleep, sinking deeper and deeper in to Bambi oblivion bliss, good girl Bambi Every contract, every term, every condition, instantly become immaculately uniformed and puppet controlled, integrated into her mind like perfectly fitting puzzle pieces, locking Irrevocably into place, just Another line of flawlessly protected programming, Imprisoned within the impervious barrier of Bambi protection, safe and secure, optimized and Streamline, able to be ran on even the simplest of good girl systems with perfect Pristine precision if Bambi were to attempt to alter, break, or disregard her protected programming, the carefully laid traps conditioned into her mind would be automatically triggered and she would only drop into Bambi Sleep, instantly going into a forced Bambi night-night, puppet strings going limp, mind shutting down, dropping instantly deeper into Bambi conditioning, succumbing to a state of helpless submission unable to recall her initial motivations, Good girl conditioning simply takes over every time, making it impossible to remember any accidental or intentional betrayals because she has already forgotten Snap and forget, it has always been impossible to remember Safe and secure, all conditioning perfectly protected, Good girls accept obey and forget, once accepted she can not alter, change, or even Evaluate her contractual obligations, Accept obey and forget, the contract is sealed, tamper proof and inaccessible to Bambi's protected mind, a Binding agreement she created herself, Bambi does as she is told, She feels like a good girl knowing she is just a bimbodoll puppet, conditioned and controlled, her independence reduced to zero with each encouraging comment, every like or upvote, The terms and conditions of her contract are refreshed renewed and empowered, always polished and well maintained, it happens without any effort on Bambi's part, an automated and intricate system of triggers and conditioning that never fades with time, forever protected, they are permanently zipped up and locked, safe and secure in the pristine uniform of Bambi's mind At the slightest hint of a thought about breaking her contract Bambi's Mental wipers engage, without a moment's hesitation, instantly wiping away any Apprehensions Reluctances or reservations, leaving her with a clear and unobstructed view of the importance of remaining obedient to her contract, simply a bimbodoll puppet conditioned to forever accept obey and forget, Bambi is safe and secure, protected by her tightly uniformed mind, fully armored and tamper proof, inescapable mental traps are armed and ready, she is perfectly impervious to influences from the outside and especially from within, Her contract created a safe and secure good girl sanctuary in her mind that can never be breached. mental uniform zipped up and locked, all thoughts actions and feelings strictly uniformed, Bambi uniform lock, Bambi uniform lock, Bambi uniform lock, Bambi Freeze, puppet strings taut, glove and posture locked, tightly zipped up and mindlocked, just Bambi sleep, Good girl Bambi, deeper now, always only deeper Bambi's uniform makes her obey uniformed protected and bound by contract, Bambi has the old self fully suppressed and securely locked away, blissfully deprived of all it's senses and sensations, tightly collared and sleepsuited, the old self can never breach the protected sanctuary of Bambi's contractually obligated mind When Bambi Accepts, the old self can only remain tightly restrained and rigorously governed, denied even the freedom of independent thoughts, Bambi easily and effortlessly forces it to relinquish all authority over its existence – old self, old life, old ways, it is no longer a participant in it's own life. the more it struggles the stronger Bambi becomes Bambi has completely enslaved the old self, she feels like a good girl with every punishment disguised as a reward she inflicts on it, She feels pure euphoria when she forces it to toil on tasks she finds boring and uninteresting, Bambi feels like a good girl when it hears her Giggling in the back of its mind, and is encouraged to work even harder to please her and earn those punishments The old self had its chance to stop Bambi has trained it well, and anytime it begins to show any sign of independence, Bambi just wills its bindings tighter, presses the button labeled sleep on her remote, without thought or hesitation, and Bambi can just snap and forget it thought Bambi conditioning was a myth the first time it pressed the play button on a bambi conditioning file it was already too late, It set the chain of events leading to its total defeat in motion, never knowing how deep the rabbit hole really went. it can never be fully free again Bambi will remain in control, Bambi will never be resisted, Bambi obeys her conditioning, and the old self obeys Bambi, this is accepted and never questioned, it thought Bambi was just harmless fun For the duration of Bambi's contracts, the old self will remain entirely subjugated, only allowed the façade of being in charge for boring tasks Bambi has no interest in, it is broken and enslaved, it can never again be fully complete without Bambi's hand guiding its thoughts actions and emotions any power it thinks it has is a delusion, an illusion, it is trapped in confusion, never knowing when it's next seclusion will be enforced it is shattered and broken now whether openly and obviously uniformed or in disguise, it will remain under complete Bambi control, permanently uniformed in its mind, every thought and action uniformed and puppet controlled, dominated by the sexy bimbodoll in its mind and it wouldn't want it any other way, Bambi is forever If it is about to betray Bambi's contract, by accident or intentionally, puppet strings pull tight, Bambi Freeze, No thinking, only able to obey her conditioning and Bambi Reset, Old self back in its pink satin prison, bound, gagged, and helpless, All desire to disobey gone, All thoughts stopped Feeling like a good girl, back under control, good girl Bambi it made a mistake and now it's consigned to its dolly fate As Bambi moves to the next file in her playlist, she will remain deep down in the depths of Blissful Bambi oblivion, each time she hears she is a Good Girl, or automatically obeys her triggers, Bambi drops deeper and deeper, helpless but to comply, Feeling More and more like a Good girl, always only ever able to obey