Women and fetish art. Part III. 3D fetish art by Nemain Ravenwood

latex inflatable hood stockings corset artSee Part I, Part II.

Sometimes it begins with a musical phrase heard on the radio or in a shopping centre, with a movie trailer or with a single photo from an advertisement campaign. But “it” “catches” you and you begin to ask around or search the Internet trying to find who it was. The singer, the actor or the photographer.

It was exactly one of these cases – I spotted the drawing (on the left) on one of the *chans. And that was enough to start the investigation. Fortunately, “the barcode” was not removed what greatly simplified the process.

And this is what I managed to dig out:

Her (yes, her! This brilliant self-taught fetish artist is a woman!) name is Nemain Ravenwood

  • Born in March 1979 in Düsseldorf (Germany)
  • Lives in Saarbrücken (Germany, close to France)
  • Her interest in fetish art began with pin-up images, then she discovered ballet boots and latex, what gave it proper start.
  • Began to play with Poser in 2002
  • Now Nemain owns a marketing agency and pay sites (see below)
  • She loves the look of kinky outfit (latex, corsets, high heels, gas masks), but apparently not the feel of it.
  • Nemain dresses her sub into such outfit, but wears latex only occasionally, a couple of times a year.
  • Latex is her “skin of choice”

36 images from various places:

You can find Nemain here:

5 thoughts on “Women and fetish art. Part III. 3D fetish art by Nemain Ravenwood”

  1. Thanks for the feature in this blog, there is just something wrong, I wear latex myself, so it is not just making the fetish images, I am a fetishist too 🙂
    Maybe you should edit this.


  2. Whoa!!! Nemain herself! Thanks much for dropping by!

    Nemain Ravenwood ” wrote:

    Thanks for the feature in this blog,

    Thank YOU for your outstanding works!

    Nemain Ravenwood ” wrote:

    there is just something

    Pretty much possible, I may have misinterpreted the various interviews.

    Nemain Ravenwood ” wrote:

    I wear latex myself, so it is not just making the fetish images, I am a fetishist too 🙂

    Mmm.. Actually, I mentioned that in the post. OK, I think I know where the confusion comes from…

    Of course, you ARE a fetishist. But would you wear latex if you knew that nobody will see you?

    If the answer is “rather no”, than this is what I meant in the post.

    If the answer is “yes”, I misunderstood the information on the Internet.

    Thanks again!

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