And another post asking for money opinion! (The first one was about my birthday).
What would you like to see new, changed, improved, removed, updated, redesigned on the site? The utter goal is to attract more visitors and to increase participation.
Does anybody want his/her own blog on this website? Free of charge, of course? Local social networking? What about a chat function? It can be a separate application or an integrated ICQ client. A on-line drawing tool/board (oekaki-like)? On-line games? Portal functions? A possibility to create groups/community? A separate photo/art sharing board? Add a Shop?
In the nearest future I would like to do the following:
Completely redesign the Links and move them under the WordPress (the blogging software). Currently the links are neither updated nor looked at.
Replace as many static pages with blog posts as possible. That will make the referral and searching systems much easier to implement.
Redesign the menus. They are not quite up-to-date. For example, add “About”, “FAQ” and remove “Updates”.
- At first I was going to integrate the site and Facebook, but since my FB account was inadvertently deleted for no reason, I’m not sure I will invest time to move in this direction. But if you think you can benefit from such application, I’m ready to reconsider, reregister and revive.
All your ideas are more than welcome!
Irc chan on freenode or something. You can use mibbit or another embeddable irc client.
Never liked ICQ, always used IRC. There are some nice plug-ins for WordPress (also mibbit based) I plan to have a look at. Let’s see…
The mibbits ads are annoying and take too much space. Will try another solution.
very difficult question…
I’ve been busy these days and now I can see the changes like the chat… very good idea so the new people can meet other with the same likes.
***In my humble opinion and ideas, creating a category in the forum for the new ones, with basic things about latex, pvc, what’s the difference between them, all the things a new user wants to know. For example, I love latex,pvc, rubber clothes but I’m new in this “world” and because I don’t speak english very good sometimes there are threads in the forum that I simply don’t understand 😛
Like Ra said:
***I think this will help to increase the activity on the people that is registered on the forum and don’t participate, maybe because they don’t know what to say o something like that, but If you create the option of creating their own blogs in you site, they will post whatever they want and sometimes you can choose and image or and article from their blogs and post it on the main page of
***And the last, maybe you can give the option to create post on the blog to other users (for example the users in the forum like Culmor, Strappado that have a lot of activity can help you creating posts on the blog) if you want…
That’s all the I have, if I have more, I’ll try to help to put it here 😉
the new chat feature is cool 🙂
We have chatted sometimes now…
But now it says chat is full???
Hey are there really 22 people chatting?
The maximum is 25 possible chatters. As far as I understand every visitor has a reserved slot in the chat, even if he/she does not actually “speak”.
From the statistics:
25 total visitors
Current Envolved Visitors 3
Viewing or participating in a conversation
Current Non-Envolved Visitors 22
Just Browsing
As a solution I can remove the chat from some pages to decrease the load.
Remove from the forum, but today we have lots of visitors, definitely more than simultaneous 25 users. That means (unless someone wants to pay for the chat service) that I need to find another solution. And this is what I’m doing right now..
maybe linking the forum account with the blog so when you post a comment you can see your “notifications” of new comments
“madboy ” wrote:
“New thread” notification is already done via RSS The last new comments can be seen in either forum or blog, but not “criss-crossed”. Not sure if it’s needed.
“madboy ” wrote:
This is would be interesting, but very difficult from the technical point of view.