Diesel, Amsterdam, Zentai…

… and three sex dolls make the new Diesel XXX Party advertisement campaign.
For those who don’t know, the heraldic shield of Amsterdam contain three vertically ordered Saint Andrews Crosses. Some say that the three crosses represent the three dangers: fire, flood and the black death. On the Flag the crosses are ordered horizontally (XXX).

Check Diesel XXX web-site.

Pantyhose in ad-campaigns

Taken in Moscow. One of my favourite street ads. The pantyhose look like Philippe Matignon Cristal 30.
Снято в Москве. Одна из моих любимых уличных реклам. Колготки похожи на Philippe Matignon Cristal 30
Gefotografeerd in Moskou. Een van mijn favoriete straatreclames. Het lijkt me dat de panty Philippe Matignon Cristal 30 is.

Taken at Schiphol airport (Amsterdam, The Netherlands). To be honest, I would prefer seams 😉
Снято в аэропорте Схипхол (Амстердам, Нидерланды). Надпись “Бесшовная коммуникация”. Я бы препочел со швом 😉
Gefotografeerd in Schiphol. “Naadloze communicatie”… Eerlijk gezegd zou ik naadjes willen zien 😉