See Part I, Part II and Part III
Hey, you can ask, what is the difference between this set and the ones we saw before? Same Bianca, same transparent latex catsuit, same boots, same water?
The hood. This hood is different and this difference does make a difference! 😉 The hood has only nose openings. Have you ever tried to swim blindfolded (I would add – and gagged)? I – never. I swam totally encased in pantyhose and swimsuits, but I could see through the nylon.
But in the closed hood, it’s only you, your tight latex second skin, small nose holes and water. Even if you are not bound, even if you still feel the ground with your high heeled boots, you know that if you make a pair of wrong movements, you may be lost…
See also:
- Swimming in latex
- Transparent rubber tights and catsuits
- Bianca Beauchamp on LatexLair
- Bianca Beauchamp on eBay
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