DIY zentai or pantyhose encasement

Pantyhose encasement suitI would like to return to the suits found by Madjack on eBay (see the discussion).

As you can see the suits are made out of regular pantyhose. The only thing I do not know how to do is how to treat the seams so the pantyhose do not run after cutting and the seams remain elastic. Rubber glue? Silicone sealant? Stretch tape sewn to the seams on both sides?

4 thoughts on “DIY zentai or pantyhose encasement”

  1. I would love to try one out, I’m just not sure I can bring myself to pay what they’re asking.

  2. That was basically my point. What one man can make, another can destroy steal 😉

    Let’s think how we can repeat and probably improve the design.

  3. Yes – the price is high, especially for something that could rip/ladder first time on!

    I’ve managed to enjoy encasement using lots of pairs of pantyhose (I was sure I’d posted a session with me encased in pntyhose, but can’t find it)

    There are lots of methods out there – this site has a good one, and some pretty good self-bondage too!

    Zentai suits are great, but I can’t source any in ‘velvet’ which I think is the closest to pantyhose
    in ‘feel’.


    Ra… can you find my missing post?

  4. can you find my missing post?

    Not quite sure which one you are talking about.

    Check the contributed section here: /sb/real.php

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