HexCorp Dronification

93 Replies, 10038 Views

I have made a lot of drone photos in the past few months but have hardly posted any of them here lately so I decided to share a couple from last night when I went out to a club and was in a public drone scene. The controller in my hand is meant for someone else to use to control my movements. In the photo, I'm wearing two DGLabs Coyotes that are connected to the remote you can see. The buttons pressed on the remote are sent to whichever coyote channels are relevant to the action performed. For example: left nipple stimulus = turn left. Chastity cage stimulus = move forward, etc.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
 Untitled-5.jpg     Untitled-6.jpg   
Transitioning line

(This post was last modified: 30 Apr 2023, 21:55 by Like Ra.)
I like the colour accent:

 hexcorp_drone_latex_bondage-03.jpg     hexcorp_drone_latex_bondage-02.jpg   
 hexcorp_drone_latex_bondage-04.jpg     hexcorp_drone_latex_bondage-01.jpg   

Source: https://twitter.com/LatexMissrach
(This post was last modified: 30 Apr 2023, 22:08 by Like Ra.)
Drone Sleepsack.mp4 - Google Drive