The art of latex zentai and single-glove rope bondage

Found only two photos from apparently a very promising set (the site mentioned in the photos is not responding). Zentai-like total latex encasement already sounds promising, but if you add a must-have-karada, a wonderful unfortunately not for selfbondagers single-glove made out of rope and dramatic lighting…

Yes, please. I wanna be inside with an unreasonably sized gag and an unreasonably sized plug 😉

2 thoughts on “The art of latex zentai and single-glove rope bondage”

  1. Excellent – even gets the ‘grreen’ vote! 🙂

    I relate to your statement:

    ‘Yes, please. I wanna be inside with an unreasonably sized gag and an unreasonably sized plug ;-)’

    When I see a photo or art-work that instantly make me go ‘I want to be her’ (or Him) I know it’s a good scene.

    Good find again


  2. Madjack ” wrote:

    I want to be her’ (or Him) I know it’s a good scene.

    Yes, I think this is when I say that the image “works for me” 😉

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