Black sheer pantyhose. A separate fetish.

Black pantyhose, just like white or tan ones,  form a separate fetish but unlike white and skin-toned nylons they require a lot more attention to details. Slender legs, perfect material without blemishes or pulled threads, even colour and ideal fit. What is tolerable for skin-coloured pantyhose (sometimes even ladders are invisible) is absolutely unacceptable for dark-coloured ones. And when everything is right, the result can be breathtaking.

Even if only a bit of a leg is visible, five centimetres of transparent nylon between, say, jeans or leggings and sneakers can be mind-(and not only)-blowing. (Yes, imagination…) I still do not dare to wear black pantyhose publicly with shorts, but if I have to wear long jeans or trousers I always put on black (or dark blue) transparent tights and enjoy the sometimes visible centimetres.

Do you have any good examples? Upload them in the Black sheer pantyhose forum thread!

See 16 photos below.

2 thoughts on “Black sheer pantyhose. A separate fetish.”

  1. Interesting post!

    MY feeling about sheer black pantyhose are similar, but I think they only really look good on female legs that are smooth, hairless, perfectly shaped and preferably long! 🙂

    As I feel my own legs fail to meet this criteria I choose not to wear them and stick to my favourite Tan or opaque black.


  2. Madjack ” wrote:

    MY feeling about sheer black pantyhose are similar, but I think they only really look good on female legs that are smooth, hairless, perfectly shaped and preferably long! 🙂

    My point exactly. Tan/skin coloured hosiery is more forgiving.

    Madjack ” wrote:

    As I feel my own legs fail to meet this criteria

    This is something for another post I’m thinking about.

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