I wore a typical wired egg vibrator under 5 layers of pantyhose to work. The feeling was amazing. The vibrations kept me both distracted and motivated at the same time.
It was not my first time wearing pantyhose to work but a first with a vibrator. I wore 2 layers of 5 toed pantyhose with penis sheath to work but I felt it wasn't enough. I also was jealous of women being able to wear pantyhose openly so today I wanted to feel like a woman wearing it.
Still in my 5 toed pantyhose from yesterday, showered and slept in it, I decided to add more layers today.
I recently knew of crossdressers tucking their male genitalia to look and feel more feminine. I did the same. In my penis sheath, I tucked my testicles up into my body and pulled my penis down and back as far as I could. I quickly don another layer of 5 toed pantyhose to secure the tuck. My pubic area was flat and smooth, I began to feel like I had no penis at all.
I then taped the egg vibrator at the tip of my tucked penis. The vibrator was in between my penis and anus, the sensitive part of our body. I then wore another pantyhose with sheath but thicker, about 200D. This pair has a longer sheath so I hid the vibrator controller in it, causing an illusion that I still 'had' a penis.
Finally the last pair to finish the job. It is half pantyhose, half knee stockings. The waist and thigh is 15D skintone and from the knee down it's 80D black stockings. I love it because it looks like I'm just wearing a pair of knee socks only to find out I can't take it off.
I brought extra batteries in case the vibrator weakens. It did during the early part of the day. The vibration power was about the same as a cellphone vibration.
I changed fresh batteries in and the power was massively intense. On it's lowest setting it has 3x the power of cellphone vibration. So strong that I kept it at that level for most of the time.
During work I often turn it on for minutes at a time. It was hard to keep a straight face while the vibrator is at work. I felt so aroused yet I can't cum cuz it would get very messy and awkward. The feeling of forcing yourself to orgasm yet at the same time stop yourself from it is very submissive. I felt like I'm my own slave.
A few times I accidentally knocked on the control knob and it hit the medium levels I almost squealed in shock. Sudden intense vibration went on and I can't turn it off immediately as the control was in my crotch. I had to hide then quickly turn it off through my jeans before being seen. Sometimes customers came while I'm still being vibrated, I had to endure the seemingly endless stimulation.
As the vibrator was so strong it is audible at higher levels, I was feeling embarrassed when I left my vibrator to medium-low in a noisy crowd, only to step into a quiet elevator with other people. I can clearly hear the bbbbzzzz so I doubt others would not notice it. I had to fake coughing to mask the noise. Felt so good and bad.
After work, I had to walk 10 minutes to the nearest bus stop for the trip home. I decided to make this walk the worst I have ever walked. I blasted the vibrator to max level and tried to do the walk. So stimulating I thought I would keel over and faint. My whole body was trembling, legs felt like jelly and shaking, breathing heavily and sweat profusely. So intense I almost cummed which was supposed to be extremely difficult due to my tucked penis. I was going to explode but still I had to look calm in public. After the walk I quickly went to a bathroom to turn it off.
One of the best days of my life. 😊
(This post was last modified: 01 Feb 2013, 16:39 by curse154.)
It was not my first time wearing pantyhose to work but a first with a vibrator. I wore 2 layers of 5 toed pantyhose with penis sheath to work but I felt it wasn't enough. I also was jealous of women being able to wear pantyhose openly so today I wanted to feel like a woman wearing it.
Still in my 5 toed pantyhose from yesterday, showered and slept in it, I decided to add more layers today.
I recently knew of crossdressers tucking their male genitalia to look and feel more feminine. I did the same. In my penis sheath, I tucked my testicles up into my body and pulled my penis down and back as far as I could. I quickly don another layer of 5 toed pantyhose to secure the tuck. My pubic area was flat and smooth, I began to feel like I had no penis at all.
I then taped the egg vibrator at the tip of my tucked penis. The vibrator was in between my penis and anus, the sensitive part of our body. I then wore another pantyhose with sheath but thicker, about 200D. This pair has a longer sheath so I hid the vibrator controller in it, causing an illusion that I still 'had' a penis.
Finally the last pair to finish the job. It is half pantyhose, half knee stockings. The waist and thigh is 15D skintone and from the knee down it's 80D black stockings. I love it because it looks like I'm just wearing a pair of knee socks only to find out I can't take it off.
I brought extra batteries in case the vibrator weakens. It did during the early part of the day. The vibration power was about the same as a cellphone vibration.
I changed fresh batteries in and the power was massively intense. On it's lowest setting it has 3x the power of cellphone vibration. So strong that I kept it at that level for most of the time.
During work I often turn it on for minutes at a time. It was hard to keep a straight face while the vibrator is at work. I felt so aroused yet I can't cum cuz it would get very messy and awkward. The feeling of forcing yourself to orgasm yet at the same time stop yourself from it is very submissive. I felt like I'm my own slave.
A few times I accidentally knocked on the control knob and it hit the medium levels I almost squealed in shock. Sudden intense vibration went on and I can't turn it off immediately as the control was in my crotch. I had to hide then quickly turn it off through my jeans before being seen. Sometimes customers came while I'm still being vibrated, I had to endure the seemingly endless stimulation.
As the vibrator was so strong it is audible at higher levels, I was feeling embarrassed when I left my vibrator to medium-low in a noisy crowd, only to step into a quiet elevator with other people. I can clearly hear the bbbbzzzz so I doubt others would not notice it. I had to fake coughing to mask the noise. Felt so good and bad.
After work, I had to walk 10 minutes to the nearest bus stop for the trip home. I decided to make this walk the worst I have ever walked. I blasted the vibrator to max level and tried to do the walk. So stimulating I thought I would keel over and faint. My whole body was trembling, legs felt like jelly and shaking, breathing heavily and sweat profusely. So intense I almost cummed which was supposed to be extremely difficult due to my tucked penis. I was going to explode but still I had to look calm in public. After the walk I quickly went to a bathroom to turn it off.
One of the best days of my life. 😊