I noticed that likera.com is placed to the nudity and pornography categories on OpenDNS. What means the access to it is blocked from some public access points and companies.
Here's a couple of questions.
- Does anybody have problems with it?
- Does anybody use anonymizers/proxies to access likera.com?
- Does anybody need a likera.com dedicated proxy?
- Bobbi@ttbm uses HTTPS for his whole site. SSL certificates cost money, encryption eats resources and not cacheable. But the traffic will be encrypted. Does anybody want encryption?
Here's a couple of questions.
- Does anybody have problems with it?
- Does anybody use anonymizers/proxies to access likera.com?
- Does anybody need a likera.com dedicated proxy?
- Bobbi@ttbm uses HTTPS for his whole site. SSL certificates cost money, encryption eats resources and not cacheable. But the traffic will be encrypted. Does anybody want encryption?