Looking for a feeling.

6 Replies, 6264 Views

First of all, hello! and sorry for my english.

Well i have been looking for an especific feeling, that some of the most experienced users must have achieved.

I want a plug, if its possible, that keep me the feeling that im REALLY full, like the one you desperately need to go to the bathroom. i bough a small butt plug, and i had feeling nothing, after some time i could forget it there. so i advanced to a medium-large plug, that gives me a lot of trouble inserting, but again no full-feeling, only a small disconfort.

So, is there possible to achieve, this full feeling, like you REALLY need to go to bathroom, through a butplug? thanks!!
Ever tried inflatable butt-plugs?
An enema can make you feel pretty full. They have ones with balloons you can inflate so you cant let it out untill someone deflates the balloon.
hi! sorry for taking so long to reply. Well i had an inflatable plug, that kept deflating, so i kind gave up about this kind of stuff.
Do you guys recomends somewhere i can buy a good inflatable plug that holds the pressure? i will use the oportunity to buy an pump gag too
You can always try eBay: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-...=824&kw=lg

But there's no guarantee that a new plug will keep pressure, probably it's better to try to fix the old one. Inflate it and immerse completely in the water. And follow the bubbles 😉
(17 Sep 2011, 23:09 )Like Ra Wrote: You can always try eBay: http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-...=824&kw=lg

But there's no guarantee that a new plug will keep pressure, probably it's better to try to fix the old one. Inflate it and immerse completely in the water. And follow the bubbles 😉

damn!! gonna do that NOW thanks
I've been thinking about getting the tantus A-Bomb..

Anyone got a experience with these?