Latex hood with penis gag with piss tube

38 Replies, 45583 Views

 Fig 1.jpg     Fig 2.jpg     Fig 3.jpg     Fig 4.jpg     Fig 5.jpg     Fig 6.jpg   
 Fig 1.jpg   
Greetings there Folks.

Sorry for the delay. When I started this project I'd no idea it would take weeks (now months) and what is presented is not as I would like. However, this may offer enough to "go with" and I expect there to be questions to which I shall attempt to address. Please bear on as my time is not my own and I am in process of switching computers (Vista no longer is supported by Google and is veeeeeeery old apparently. Hey, I'm still trying toi get the VCR to quit flashing...) So, hopefully, I have enough moxie to get this to the Forums.

Instructions to construct a Latex Rubber Catheter Hybrid Apparatus.

The following is nomenclature for a hybrid device designed for practicality, play or sport in mind. There is as yet no formal name. Some suggested “SurLoc” and also suggested possibly offering these on eBay and elsewhere. Liabilities and interest lack had a lot of sway there. At this point, instructions and related info are offered to those here with a potential interest. Let’s continue…

Things you will need:

*   Very  sharp small scissors, (available from medical supply stores and possibly fabric shops) Thin latex rubber is difficult to cut cleanly. Surgical scissors work quite well.
*   Toothpicks.
*   Rubber Cement. The kind that is used for artwork (paper, mounting pictures is fine.) Even the type for fixing punctures in auto and bike tires will work but is more expensive.
*   A fine pointed felt pen for marking (Sharpies is but one brand name and generally the ink residue will wash out using isopropyl [rubbing] alcohol.)
*   Rubbers and catheters of choice. There are numerous designs and styles about so pick what you think will suit your anticipated needs. A small sampling of caths are offered in the pics.
*   A cylindrical “tube” (the cardboard inserts from a paper towel roll or wrapping paper will work.) This should be larger than the diameter of the cath and rubber, wide enough to get a good “stretch” but not by too much.
*    Balls or objects with a rounded type “end” such as a ping pong ball, practice golf ball, any number of small “play” balls” or other rounded object to roughly fit the contour and size of the rubber and cath you are working with.
*   Talc or Cornstarch. Unscented talc is best- the perfumes in most off the shelf talc will erode latex rubber over time though generally, toys like these will probably not last long enough to be affected.

Start with the rubber of your choice. I used to use Trojan Extra Strong which have not been around in many turns- they were quite strong and relatively thick and therefore quite long lasting. Regular rubbers will work at risk of breakage, leakage, less durability and life. Heavy and thick rubbers provide a potentially better seal, usually fit more snugly and tend to help control an erection should that be a consideration. This may be (or not) a turn on or off depending the intended preferences. Color is an individual decision and I would avoid textured types unless you’ve a penchant for such.

Same with catheters (see pics), choose a design style that meets your anticipated criteria. The photos show a sampling of what is available including “clear” designs. These types usually are harder to mate with latex rubber as they are generally Silicone based which does not lend itself to be easily glued and do not generally have any stretch. Latex rubber catheters come in different sizes, from pediatric to quite large. Most should find an “average” size to work and I suggest avoiding small unless one is particularly small and/or large unless one wants “extra” room or simply is large.

Most rubbers, especially the extra strong ones come with a lube of some sort. This must be removed by washing thoroughly, drying and then dusting with powder to keep it from sticking and making it easier to work with.

There are at least a couple of methods to employ; the first is easier though may not achieve desired results.

*   The simple method:
With self adhering Caths (those that have glue banding) one may simply roll the cath onto a rubber. (See Fig 1) First, cut the end of the rubber and roll it onto the tube down to a point below the top of the rube. At the cut point on the rubber, swab with isopropyl alcohol to remove any power residue or finger oils as a clean surface is a must. Allow enough room for the cath to make contact with the rubber close to where it was cut to avoid excess rubber as this will just end up being in the way. Usually with self adhering caths the glue will produce a secure bond that will be waterproof. Dust the mated piece to deter any of the cath adhesive that may still be exposed from sticking. Then roll the piece off of the tube. Then unroll entirely, place in a bag (a paper bag works well though a plastic one could work) with an amount of powder (cornstarch or talc) and shake to dust the entire surface, remove and turn inside out, place in bag and do this again. Now both sides should be coated (dusted). Remove and return the cath to the original side (it would still be inside out at this point) and hand roll it up to the original condition. Be gentle as not cause any rips or tears and do not worry about making this “tight.” Now place the device on the tube (dusting the tube will help) and carefully unroll pulling it slightly down the tube as you go to keep it tight and avoid any wrinkles. When at the end (unrolled the entire length) start at the beaded end of the rubber and roll back up to the original condition taking care to avoid any wrinkles. This is now ready for use.

This method is simple though as stated may not produce the desired results: it may not be as visually appealing and the glue band may cause an unevenness and constriction that may or not pose a possible situation. This “roll on” method works with self adhering caths (those with a glue band) and generally will be the only method to work with the clear silicone caths.
Another method (preferred) has mating the rubber to the outside of the cath, that is placing the rubber over the top of the cath and carefully gluing into place (Fig. 2). More complex but yields better results. First, determine how much of the cath is wanted which becomes an individual decision. There become variants here though at this point this is just the basics. I’d suggest at the beginning at least long enough to cover at least the head of the penis and perhaps a tad beyond. Cut the cath at the desired point and place on a ball or whatever form you choose to use (Fig. 3). I sanded a large wood dowel rod that works most well and will fit inside the tube which comes in handy. Cut the very (reservoir) tip of the rubber and try to leave as much as possible as this makes good secure contact point for gluing. A small hole will stretch over the cath tube and be tight. Swab all contact points with alcohol to remove any powder residue and let dry. Carefully place the tuber over the cath so the hole in the rubber slides down the cath tube and pull down to a point where in makes good contact without wrinkles. (See Fig 4) The rubber should be rolled up at this point as it is much easier to work with. The contour of the rubber should be roughly the same as the shape of the cath and fit on top. Carefully take the rubber and pull it up the cath tube to expose the inside at the point where the rubber nipple (reservoir) meets the cath tube, take a small bit of rubber cement on a toothpick, just a dab (the toothpick allows a small area for a small amount of glue) and carefully place this on the cath tube and bring the rubber down to make contact. Press with a finger to allow no air bubbles and make a smooth surface. Let this sit for at least a minute and this tack point should become secure. Repeat this process until there is a complete glued “ring” securing the rubber to the cath. Now introduce a small dab of glue to the upper portions where the rubber nipple/reservoir meets the rest of the cath tube. This can be done by carefully pulling a section of the rubber tip from the cath tube to place glue. Do this delicately as at this point the rubber is somewhat stressed and could easily rip. This does require patience- DO NOT HURRY! When done correctly, the tip of the rubber should be securely glued to the cath tube, smoothly with no air bubbles or wrinkles.
Now, use the same procedure to glue the rest of the rubber to the cath top using a small dab at a time until you have the rubber glued to the cath top. Again, make sure there are no “bubbles” as you want a nice smooth glue job.  Take your time! When this is done, let this sit for a few minutes. When working with light and thin rubber as here it does not take long to set up though the extra time is simply insurance. If you try to use too much glue at once you may get wrinkles that are difficult to impossible to fix. If you don’t care about appearance then use as much as you’d care to but small quantities work much better.

When this is set, unroll, put in the bag of power and shake, turn inside out and do it again. Starting at the bead on the rubber hand roll up as before and unroll on the tube again making all as smooth as possible. Re-roll from the bead and the device/toy is ready for use.
As an alternative, some caths have an inner flap designed to fit behind the penis head for an added layer to deter leakage. It is possible with some engineering and ingenuity to make your own.  This method is a more involved and involves gluing a balloon to the inside of the cath to create the seal. You will need to find a proper sized balloon (one that will fit inside the cath head as well as your member head) and also make a small hole in the balloon tip roughly the size of the cath tube. Cut the end of the balloon with the bead (this is the beaded stem where one would blow up the balloon that is far too small and constrictive) which is why it needs to be trimmed. This cut should be made a bit up the stem to allow use. The size will take some trial and error to get the right size and obviously not too small. It is possible to make a new “bead” with this small bit at the end of the balloon and that will require experimentation. Such a bead will make it durable, stronger, more secure and create a better seal. This involves adding a bit of glue to the outside of the cut and carefully hand rolling it upon itself to create a small bead. Alternatively, using a cylindrical object a bit larger in diameter of the cut balloon stem, place the balloon stem outside the cylindrical form. Starting at the cut end, add a bit of rubber glue, roll this onto the stem to create the bead. Just a small bead as too much may become uncomfortable.

Swab all mating surfaces with alcohol and let dry.  Dab a small bit of glue in a circle at the inside cath hole  using the procedures aeady used and affix the balloon tip to the cath at the hole points making sure the balloon and cath holes are in alignment. You might use a cylindrical object a tad smaller than the cath hole to ensure proper alignment. Any color of balloon may be used, I like Red. Hold in place and let dry. Carefully dab more glue, a bit at a time to continue attaching the balloon to the inside of the cath head taking care not have any “bubbles” and an even glue job.  Glue the balloon head to where there is no longer a natural contact with the cath head. When done and the result should be a more advanced toy that offers another bit, both in protection and potential (and perhaps visual) sensation(s). Note: All balloons have a “finish” side (the outside of the balloon) which is usually smoother than the inside (which is rougher.) Turn the balloon inside out before working with it so to have the smooth finish on the inside. Those sensitive enough to feel the difference shall find an appreciation it and the rough side will lend itself to better adhesion.

An alternative to increase the tension of the rubber “bead” may make it so other methods (as in string, yarn, tape etc.) may not be need be needed to keep the device in place. Take some flat rubber material (a piece of a thin rubber glove could work) and make strips about .5 inch/1 cm wide and at least 6 inches/15 cm. or more long. This is where a fine point marker comes in handy but instead of trying to draw/scribe a line, using a flat edged device as in a ruler or even piece of paper, mark/make the line with dots as it is much easier. Cut these strips to length. Dust and with the cath rubber device unrolled on a tube, take the rubber strips, place on the bead, hold one end with a finger and wrap around the bead holding it carefully. Stretch the rubber strip to overlap the bead and when at the end, with the stretched strip held in place with another finger carefully roll the cath rubber up again. This increases the “hold” potential and you can experiment to discover the proper amount of tension (tightness) desired and when it’s right, these may be worn for extended periods depending on the person involved.
This completes this portion.


*   Cardboard Rolls:

The “tube” I use came from a commercial towel dispenser, is quite heavy, thick and just the right diameter. Household types are generally pretty flimsy and may not work well though some wrapping paper rolls may. As stated I also made a wood dowel but make certain there are no rough spots anywhere, no matter what you use as thin rubber is easily punctured. I use a heavy C-Clamp or portable C-clamp vise to hold the cardboard tube upright on my desk.

*   Rubber sheeting and strips:

I also use what are called “Thera Bands” which are wide rubber strips used in muscle therapy that come in various thicknesses (strength) and colors. I got mine on eBay though they are widely available. These may be had as long as you would like. This may also be used to modify or repair rubberwear and other garments.
*   Clear Caths:

Those I’ve encountered are of Silicone Rubber, great as in the words of a fellow I made some for “you can really see what’s going on” or perhaps coming out. Silicone Rubber is difficult to glue and I never found any that would work well so should you have interest, those that are self adhering will stick to a rubber using the method previously described. Should any find glue to work let us know.

Removing marker ink marks: Most fine point markers may be removed with isopropyl alcohol. Avoid using Ethyl alcohol as this has potential to be detrimental to rubber and of course avoid anything petroleum based.

*   Tubing:

Any tubing to one’s liking may be used and as stated there is a personal preference for rubber. I suggest avoiding synthetic rubber as it is not as durable and the taste is not the same.  

*   Notes about use.

When using these devices for introducing bodily fluids orally, do know what you are doing. Whether this to be a solo adventure or in concert, beware that unless one is familiar with the circumstances involved, one could easily gag or wretch which could cause one to choke and croak which could certainly be a downer. Play safe and always allow for the potential of something going awry until you are entirely comfortable with the proceedings (nuances and processes involved). First timers may need some mental adjustments as after all, ingesting bladder contents, whether ones or another’s is not necessarily common or natural. However, as most to view this would have perhaps an interest in that which may not be considered “common.” Some may choose to “prep.” Practice by drinking while urinating as this will relate to the sensation of drinking while urinating. A further step- use the delivery device (plastic or rubber) tube intended to be used while drinking whatever fluid one chooses to “practice” with (like a straw). I prefer rubber as opposed to plastic as, well, its rubber and after all, that is generally what we are starting with considering the nature of this subject firstly. I’ll also suggest smallish diameter tubing for the following reasons. Due to physiology, the male urethra is not very large and is only able to accommodate so much output volume so matching tubing to the output holds advantages. A large diameter allows for the potential for backflow if not fully evacuated from the tubing (a greater volume of excess fluid in a large tube has less than a smaller one) and a smaller one more closely matches potential output. Another way to say, less leftover excess makes potentially less potential chance for mess.

When actually engaging in the act, depending upon the sensitivities of one’s sensitivities when the flow starts there should be a subtle noted increase in air pressure in the tube due to air being compressed by fluid. This is dependent on the delivery system involved and sensitivity of the person(s) involved to detect and notice. When this begins, depending on the setup (with or against gravity) one must of course be at ready to accept the flow. Against gravity (or “uphill”) one needs to employ sucking action (again as in using a straw) to ensure proper flow and prevent backflow and the potential for an overflow. There is a balance involved that will come with practice and in most cases, better too much “suck” that not enough for the aforementioned reasons.

Dependent upon circumstances, type of tubing used (plastic or rubber) and ambient temperature, the initial flow will likely be at less than body temperature as there will be an initial heat loss as the fluid travels the tube. Depending on flow rate and length of the tubing the fluid should soon become “body” temp. The first time (perhaps a few) may be at the least a curious sensation.

*   A note concerning “taste.”

Everyone has a different metabolism based on what they drink and eat. Obviously, the more one drinks, as in water or other fluids influences what their effluence tastes like. Many have a high sodium (salt) diet and so may taste “salty” and diabetics without proper sugar control may actually taste sweet as sugar will spill over into the kidneys. Vegetarians are marketably different from carnivores or omnivores to which many a connoisseur shall attest. Much depends on what preferences are desired.

*   Another potential consideration.

Women by biological design have a urethra considerably shorter and appreciably wider than men and hence generally have a much faster and quick discharge or flow rate. This is because the male elimination plumbing is about five (5) times longer resulting in a slower per volume of fluid flow which is simply physics. So, take into account that a woman has the overall capacity to eliminate much faster than most people can potentially accommodate (swallow) and still breathe. Unlike men, most women are not able to regulate the urine stream unless they practice Kegal exercises which also offers potential benefits, particularly during say coitus or could potentially lock a tongue in a very erotic placement… An alternative has using a collection bag which has advantages and becomes a personal decision. Plus, an aspect that may hold an appeal to a few, the longer a liquid is in a latex rubber bag, a distinct taste may be imparted. A downside has depending on temperature the contents will lose the original internal heat.
Another consideration has to do with yet more physics. Fluid as electricity will always seek the path of least resistance. Our “fluid” in this case will not flow against gravity (uphill) on it’s own accord, no matter the bladder force involved, even women, at least not very far. Given should any be in an “upright” position this means a delivery system involves at least 24 inches/60 cm of tubing. Ra has a better grasp of fluid dynamics and may be able to explain this concept better but the bottom line has the fluid needs considerable help to get to the intended target, assumedly in this situation, the mouth. One will need to apply and supply a proper amount of suction to assure proper flow. This may take an adjustment and practice though some may get it right straight away.

Depending upon intentions and level of involvement it is within limited theory possible to keep a recycle loop going for a great length of time. The possibilities are limited only by the party or parties therein.

*   Applications and use:

This device has obvious application to those caring to direct the flow where they want it to go and as stated, when utilized correctly there should be no leakage. This of course will depend upon the participant(s). Personal experience has involved the use of flow restrictors (in line clamps) to prevent back flow and occasionally back flow valves which are available through industrial and/or medical sites. I’ve to admit to limited experience here though do recall a particular “session” where one was employed and as far as my feeble recollection allows worked as intended for an extended period of time with a disclaimer here: the participants were definitely under the influence of some pretty potent mind altering psychoactive substances (nice one’s too) that make the memory slishy at best. This also occurred when using such substances was much more common among the more common stoners of the time and more socially acceptable. However, those times without hesitation included some very good times…
When intended for “recycling” uses potential results are best when this is applied to a flaccid or relaxed penis in order to make it as tight as possible which will also create the best possible “seal”. This may not be possible among those more excitable or younger as not getting excited while donning such a device may prove at the least a challenge. There is no particular practical advice to impart here save perhaps after an ejaculation one may be able to apply the device as described. The advantages when applied to a relaxed member other than a secure and tight fit has that one will “grow” into it should their member become rigid. When using a strong and/or thick condom the restriction will become apparent as a full erection generally will not be attainable which has potential for a frustrating enjoyment and a turn on among a certain set. So, essentially by design, when used as described it will maintain a snug, constrictive closeness no matter what size. Additionally, if placed properly at the urinary meatus (the penis and cath holes) will be in alignment and being “tight” will go a long way to preventing any fluids to escape.

Alternatively, should one seek induced stimulation (self, mechanical or partner,) apply the toy in an erect or semi erect state. When connected to a tube a number of sensations may be experienced by the following:
Any sort of vacuum induced should cause levels a level of stimulation depending on one’s sensitivity. Experience has shown there will be stimulation when worn in any variation; erect should provide more. Vary the vacuum rate (fast or slow with random or steady pulses or in any combination.) Should a partner be involved, perform these unpredictably. The results can be a maddening delight. Another to consider, use the other end of the tube in the mouth, hum. As has been known for millennia, humming during oral sex shows that there is a note for everyone and some have many aplenty. When hooked to a tube, the same or similar effects can be achieved as the vibrations are transmitted to the target. I have even achieved excitement among a couple of lasses in the past when they wore the now hard to find rubber “drainage pants” designed with a tube in the crotch area of rubber panties. These often did not exactly work as advertized as women have a different urinary elimination design and as previously described a higher flow rate which usually made the flow go more places than where intended. In other words, it could be a mess. Still, the garment, under the certain circumstances did have some fans…

*   Connectors:

These are widely available via any medical outlet, even a hardware store and easy enough to improvise. I’ve used the barrel from a Bic pen by cutting the lengths needed and sanding the edges to make them smooth. This has worked for years. A variation also makes use of a plug in the end of the cath tube Se Fig 5 & 6). This is when the tubing is desired to be disconnected (for whatever reasons, perhaps another partner induced level of excitement or frustrating torture…) Anything water/vacuum proof that fits the cath tube end works and I’ve made some from silicone (the sealant one uses around the house or in a marine environment.) The following ensures there will always be a vacuum when the tube is removed and a plug used. With the tube connected, induce as much vacuum as is practical/possible (sucking works here) and grip or crimp the cath tube as close to the penis head as possible to hold the vacuum, remove the tube and replace with a plug making sure not to lose the vacuum. I personally prefer using fingers as a clamp or the like has potential to cause damage to the cath tube. Should the device be tight in the scrotum area there should be a constant vacuum held until the seal is removed. This may not work for all though has for all I’ve had (albeit) limited experiences with. Plus, any emissions from the member will collect in the cath which would be ready to use for whatever use may be intended. Some again love those precious bodily fluids.

*   Flow restrictor/valves.

As stated, in line clamps or any number of valves may be used to constrict/regulate flow which is a common procedure in medical procedures and these devices are widely available at medical supply outlets. Restriction valves have been used and it’s been so long (and again the memory is not so clear due to the circumstances involved) that are also available from a variety of sources, industrial and medical in a variety of sizes. Again, I’ll suggest a smaller tube (at the least one similar to the cath tube size) and simple research indicates a diaphragm type may work. There are other designs (spring loaded ball checks) and likely others though I’d suggest placement closer to the cath as to have less back pressure and therefore less chance of a backflow situation.

*   Tube end points:

Where one wants to direct the flow is an individual decision and there are many manners of delivery devices along with connectors and the like, all which is fodder for another chapter.

*   Shaving.

Elimination or reduction of hair from the pelvic region may increase the potential for a more positive and secure “seal” at the scrotum. This becomes a personal decision as many do express an opinion concerning hair removal and such does hold certain appeal and advantage. Personal experience has had this has had little effect though of course there are and will be individual differences involved. This shall be determined by the participant(s) involved. On a side note, with homosapien evolutionary development, pubic hair was evolved to reduce pelvic friction during intercourse. There are a few to have straight pubic hair, which is rare and could lead to potential eye injury during oral sex by poking the eye…
*   “Hardware”:

All the connectors, tubing, valves and miscellany are widely available from a variety of sources- chemical/medical/science supply outlets/stores, hardware stores, even off the wall places like Office Depot and Staples have provided staples and one does need to be creative, enterprising resourceful and adaptive and all is related and dependent upon one’s objectives, again, whether form or function with considerations to visual aesthetics as some do care how things look while others don’t give a wits piss.

*   Getting the flow to go:

Any number of fluids are available that act as a diuretic to induce kidneys to fill the bladder. Anything with caffeine, especially coffee, cranberry juice and beer (I’ll suggest the “lighter” sorts as those with high gravity, i.e. high alcohol may not have the same effect save for perhaps Guinness which despite being a dark stout is actually rather low in alcohol, about 4.5%.) Drink enough and most are guaranteed to have a need to go. Lasix (Furosemide) is a very effective drug that increases output considerably, usually within less than 30 minutes after ingestion and is cheap and easily obtained on the net.

Realizing that the illustrations are rather lacking (actual pics or a vid would of course been best) and given the written word I’m sure there shall be questions and I shall attempt assistance therein. My technical prowess with the cyber medium (and PhotoShop) is well renowned as in a lack thereof. Some are cyber dweebs, others are cyber dunces. I hold all involved to guess which I might be…
A final note: Take your time and do not become disappointed should initial results be less than expected. This is that which requires a certain level of dexterity that is not difficult to attain. After all, by comparison, few learned how to ride a bike or skateboard or get knots or various play toys and/or scenes right straight away. Should the first attempts be less than stellar, with practice later ones should bring levels of satisfaction with attendant rewards. Obviously these “toys” are not for everyone but again, the chances of you being here if there was not an interest are remote. So, play safe, have fun and above all, Enjoy!

ps. Sorry for the multiple pics, as stated, I'm not adept at the cyber medium. Please send a six year old over to help as they certainly know more about computers than I do...
Whoa! Thanks @Dworkin!
(This post was last modified: 27 Apr 2023, 23:24 by Like Ra.)
Greetings there Folks.

Been many turns since the last comm (been off planet again.) Found this at random thinking it may hold appeal to a few of the more deviant sorts to frequent this portal.

Totally decadent, delightful or disgusting (depending upon point of view) twisted and wonderfully sick. However, any to hang out at Like Ra's Playground aeady have an appreciation of the absurd. The lighting has issues and not much of a sound track but the subject matter!!! This fellow appears to have mastered leakage problems and does not waste any precious bodily fluids while having a climatic time of it. Of course he seems to be German and along with the Swiss are engineers of merit with regards to perfection. They could make a better paper clip. Such may involve 92 moving parts but would be a design delight. As Virgo with a Venus in Virgo I sooooooo appreciate details considerably and should love to produce vids of this nature. A few things stand in the way, cash for one and the fact I'm still trying to get the VCR to quit flashing tells much about my tech proficiency. On the other hand, I do purport to be a good director. Anyway, I hope the link to work and above all...


(This post was last modified: 26 May 2020, 12:31 by Like Ra.)
Greetings there Folks.

This is an update on a previous post (three "up" from this) concerning self contained external condoms or whatever one cares to call them and/or use for and in whatever manner. I mentioned that I used paper rubber cement (and still do) for most latex rubber applications when gluing. I acquired a quite large supply years ago- a dented can on clearance at an art store that still works. A situation with any of these types of glue has that anytime one opens the container there is evaporation loss as the liquid is quite volatile. As a result over time it will get thicker, harder to work with and eventually becomes less efficient. There are solvent thinners that may be added though these approach as much as the original glue per volume. Also, I have used a specific off the shelf brand (Elmer's Rubber Cement) which Is widely available and have used it for decades now. Elmer's apparently has changed the formula and it IS NOT as effective as previous. I know not should "other" brands of paper rubber cement have also done so which are also widely about. The glue still works though noticeably not as well. An alternative has to procure the glue used to patch rubber inner tubes and tires. also readily available at auto, hardware and larger retail stores. I'll suggest for small projects obtain a small amount (unless cash presents no undue concern) as this glue evaporates at a fast rate. Such rubber glue is more suited for fixing ones "suit", affecting repairs or simply for other projects. I've no idea how well it works on and with  cardboard and paper.

This is simply an update to help any who may contemplate a project involving alteration, fabrication and/or repair concerning one of our collectively favorite materials and to further potentially prevent disappointment. This came to my attention via a cohort reporting a failure during a session with his cohort leading to a "considerable loss of previous bodily fluid", a bit of disappointment, some embarrassment and fortunately little cleanup. More details were not exactly supplied nor did I press. Suffice to say that a personally supplied custom made device did not function as intended galls me. The participants have alluded to altered states of mind and hold "other" factors not related to my engineering could have certainly occurred. Been there, done that. Anyway, this is a public service announcement to let any aware of a formula change and because I've not posted in many turns. Here is to hoping all members to have a splendid time of it and as always, Think Kink!

(29 Nov 2019, 19:22 )Dworkin Wrote: Think Kink!
I like this slogan!
Got an idea. Let me know what you think.
I was checking over my penis toys, from stretchers to catheters when I found my dual ended catheter. This little toy allows two males Togo tip to tip with a ball in the center. Why do I have one ??? No idea. But, I just figured out that all I need to do is to insert this catheter and then slide the penis sleeve or one of those hollow penis enhancementers over the catheter.
Because the catheter is about 5-6 inches long, one can place rubber o-rings or rubber bands to help seal the sheath and catheter in place.
The other end of the catheter, being again 5-6 inches long can connect to almost any tube you want to go almost anywhere you want with a good possibility of little to no leaks at all.

Comments ???
Picture will help 😉
After you insert the catheter, you can slip on the penis enhancer or piss condom, put a few rubber rings to hold it in place and hopefully it will stop leaks.

Double-ended penis plug

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
(This post was last modified: 27 Apr 2023, 23:20 by Like Ra.)
Hmmmm, "piss auto-enema" ?

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