Hi Like.
Glad you like the theme and glad to be back.
I do an erratic schedule and don't always have cyber access (as said before, amazing that there are footprints on the Moon and we are stuck with a klutz cyber connection.) The brief part has these are basically external (Texas) catheters mated to a regular regular rubber (I like the old term.) As with all, it takes some practice to get the desired results and modifications may be made to suit individual tastes. Depending upon the intended application(s) when donned while "flaccid" one will attain a much tighter seal and as you have made note, depending on the strength of the rubber it will prevent to certain degrees an erection which in turn may be a delightfully frustrating experience and turn on for a few. When chance presents I shall attempt a work up with regards to instructions. Pics would be nice though right now are beyond easy capacity so hopefully the written word will work.
As to interviews concerning participation in various sites it was not like I was joining or promoting terrorism or child abductions and the vastness of applications were for pretty "regular" blue collar gigs so I was surprised at the scrutiny. None involved Homeland Security and it has been pointed out since that I was "over qualified" for many positions but again, in Michigan (with the highest unemployment) I was desperate and there were soooooooo many looking it was an employers field day (or many.) Apparently my penchant for Stockings SQ and enjoyment of vintage nylon hosiery was too much for the "normals" never mind an enjoyment for latex rubber. No matter, some of those bodies will never be found (catfish are good cleaners...) Please make note here- to the "serious" out there- the humor light is flashing. Anyway, unless I get picked up for this post, to coin another famous line phrase, "I'll be back" (said with a heavy Austrian accent.)
Found the old related thread 😉
(08 Sep 2016, 21:48 )Dworkin Wrote: The brief part has these are basically external (Texas) catheters I've been looking at the external catheters for years, they come in various sizes, but I never bothered to measure my penis in various states, and never bothered to experiment, since these adhesive condoms come in numbers and can be expensive (what a phrase 😁 )
(08 Sep 2016, 21:48 )Dworkin Wrote: when donned while "flaccid" one will attain a much tighter seal and as you have made note, depending on the strength of the rubber it will prevent to certain degrees an erection Yes, I like this restrictive feeling. Unfortunately, most typical penis sheaths are made for huge cocks. And for some reasons, small sheaths with tubes, that would prevent full erection are very rare and expensive. Go figure....
(08 Sep 2016, 21:48 )Dworkin Wrote: I was surprised at the scrutiny. Did you use your real name on these sites? If no, how did they figure out?
Greetings there Folks.
Reasons unknown have that the last transmission went in the the cyber ethos.
Basically, these devices are rubbers (I use the old term) mated to a Texas (external) catheter. Anyone know why they are called Texas? Why not Kansas or Arkansas or _______ (fill in)? Anyway, I should like to make written instructions available as pics right know are beyond me (I'm using Firefox which sucks and Vista which Google no longer supports) I work an erratic schedule and we have a klutzy connection (amazing as there are footprints on the Moon) and we rely on a dish which also means we pay for every byte which bites.
Depending upon the effect one wishes to affect these can be utilized for pleasure or sport and certainly with practically in mind, designed for the times when one does not care to waste a drop and with some consideration(s) can direct the flow where you want it to go. There is the matter of physics involved as bladder force alone will not move a column of liquid against gravity very far (as perhaps in this case "uphill") without assistance and as some may have seen reviews concerning the penis/enema pants things do not always work as advertised or designed. Still, there is the potential for numerous an application. Do allow time for me to place this in a presentable package as time allows. I do though so love details...
As to my potential employment situations- I was quite surprised to find more than a few did a background check as heck, Michigan had the highest unemployment in the USA which made for an employers paradise (as far as looking for employees) and as I was desperate I was not seeking more than just keeping the lights on work. Some told me I was "over qualified" and I learned to mute considerable portions of my past. However, some took exception to my participation here and at Stockings HQ. Huh? My penchant for a liking of an archaic fashion (hosiery and related attire, garment) should be disturbing? And here? You'd think I was a child molester or worse. one to employ the Independent Thinking Process. Scary that last. Anyway, as I say, that matters not now and after a brief time with Facebook or whatever it is I can't help wonder what wonders the mass morons of the general populace think. I mean as for instance, if I accumulate 500 "friends" does that mean I get a free blowjob and a beer? (always a nice idea. I still get a beer regularly...)
So, more to follow and should Homeland come after me just remember me as the Strangeling that I ever strive to be.
Long Live the Like Ra Forums!
Greetings again Folks.
I'd no notice that there was a response from our intrepid leader so I shall attempt addressment. Bear on as I do not know how to use the "quote" feature.
"I've been looking at the external catheters for years, they come in various sizes, but I never bothered to measure my penis in various states, and never bothered to experiment, since these adhesive condoms come in numbers and can be expensive (what a phrase Big Grin )"
These devices do come in a fair number of sizes and "average" is suitable for most. Finding what works is a game of experimentation with a certain amount of frustrations though any to have interests in the themes here (or any undertakings) know this. I am working up instructions which should include photos of various design styles and as you note there are a lot to choose from. eBay is a good source as one needs not procure a large number and get stuck with that one can't use.
"Yes, I like this restrictive feeling. Unfortunately, most typical penis sheaths are made for huge cocks. And for some reasons, small sheaths with tubes, that would prevent full erection are very rare and expensive. Go figure...."
I know not why condoms (at least in the USA are promoted as "big.") More than couple of my black gal friends have asked "what is it about white guys and Magnums?" (referring to the brand of extra large rubbers.) I could not provide answers other than these guys were attempting to keep up with the black man penis size myths which any that have been in enough locker rooms or in the military know is bunk. I like to use the "Extra Strong" rubbers which does not mean extra big. These do become snug when one "grows" into them and I shall elaborate later. And I have noted the sheaths on market are waaaay too big for anyone "average", lots like a lot of rubber penis pants though in the past I have made them shorter to accommodate those less endowed which is a fairly simple process and one of those things I did when I did custom work and "alterations."
"Did you use your real name on these sites? If no, how did they figure out?"
Growing up in the 50's was the height of the "Cold War" and everyone in the USA through programmed propaganda was taught to hate those Rooskies so a very plain western Anglo name was employed. I was very young and never understood as I was in a smallish Midwestern city and went to school with a lot of kids with foreign names and no one cared, as long as they weren't Russian... I started using my name when playing music as back in the psychedelic 60's when encountering people often with a head full of mind altering chemicals where no one was going to remember "Smith" as there were 11 plus pages in the phone book in Detroit at the time. This is long before the cyber medium and the phone was the main contact medium. Really stoned, one was unlikely to forget Gork and it is a standout on an application and resume'. Who knows what the original name was as many immigrants changed names to "fit in" when arriving to the USA in times past. There used to be pages on Bing Images including this site along with music reviews and other alternative sites, not all of them accurate. Even some artwork on U-Tube (a WWII German Heavy Cruiser firing a salvo.) Again, I hardly expected any to follow up as there were so many applicants who would invest the time and as said, I was just looking for work (Hell, I'd have pushed a broom as it was that bad.) There were incidents of threatened violence and vandalism at a couple of places I did work at. I countered that in two manners (management was no help) when I told a few I could be the last face they might ever see many chose to let things be. Plus, I left those places. Don't need the ulcers plus hollow points are expensive... I now have a gig at a retail setting where there is always something to do and I'm kind of the in store handyman which means I am all over and get to use some creativity at solving situations, from customer relations to fixes. Much better fit.
Anyway, some insights. Hope that helps a tad. On a side note, why with with the popularity of this site are there not more to contribute? Owing to the price of a Starbucks (overpriced, overburned and overrated in my opinion) it would go a long way to forgo a cup of brew to help out here. Any out there to have an opine about this???
Well its quite long took sometime too read. But it doesnt matter whether a penis is big or small since the moment it stiff its a  eady big and it would definitely make the condom soo tight. And in case penis sheath for small is expensive. U could always make some for own size. The pleasure using something u make by own is better than buy it. Just use something like a test tubeor something small which when it stiff its a  eady restrict.
And i didnt use real name. This name i use on most of my online game and socialmedia. Seems like a differ identity from my actual self. Like me i been living my life in a lie hiding my fetish without other. In the net, i could share my fetish with other. Ez word just like a new personality.
Are u looking for some artwork? since u were mentioning some artwork and utube. Haha sorry my english bad. If u searching some artwork u could try deviantart. Or maybe nhentai ( my fav site haha ) .
Well some people just stalking around. Like me been stalking this forum for 4 months. Just yesterday i decide to join the forum since the topic seems fun. Haha
(This post was last modified: 15 Sep 2016, 14:54 by Like Ra.)
(15 Sep 2016, 14:19 )Dworkin Wrote: Bear on as I do not know how to use the "quote" feature. Highlight what you want to quote with your mouse, then click on the unlabelled "bubble" underneath the post between "Delete" and "Reply".
(15 Sep 2016, 14:19 )Dworkin Wrote: On a side note, why with with the popularity of this site are there not more to contribute? On many forums there is a core group of 10 max people, who post regularly. A couple of dozens more post from time to time. 95% come here for free pictures 😁 Hey, everything takes time, efforts and money, so why would someone bother to spend any of the three? 😁
According to the statistics: "Members who have posted: 7.25%"
(This post was last modified: 15 Sep 2016, 15:06 by Like Ra.)
On the topic. How do you keep penis sheaths in place? without glue?
(15 Sep 2016, 15:08 )Like Ra Wrote: On the topic. How do you keep penis sheaths in place? without glue?
didnt do it. It just sonething i saw at my friend house. It something he make during past time. A test tube and a leather belt. He cut a hole fit the test tube and wear it like a penis sheath. I ask him how it feel he remained silence and ignored it. Hahaha.
(15 Sep 2016, 15:08 )Like Ra Wrote: On the topic. How do you keep penis sheaths in place? without glue?
I have not had a great lot to do with them though those I did fit well enough and perhaps more oddly were just about the right size. Then again they were from a long time ago and the entities involved are lost to memory and I just may have been lucky. I have made note the newer sorts tend to gargantuan possibly reflecting typical corn porn where everyone is monstrous in dimensions and stamina. Product designers take note: there are a number of "average" people about. How about getting real? Nuff said.
I love how u put ur words and sentences together. Remind me of my online game friend xD
(This post was last modified: 16 Sep 2016, 02:23 by Like Ra.)