I got the silicon oil today and tried it on my sleeping bag outside. I took a paper towel and folded it three times, then put it on the opening of the bottle to get some oil. This was enough for an area of about 20 x 50 cm. It can be spread further, but then the shine is not so good. I cannot tell, how much oil I spend on the whole bag, because the bottle still looks full.
The result: Very shiny rubber, but with talcum powder, it feels much smoother. Lint and dust does adhere to the silicone-treated surface easily.
My fazit: For the looks, and perhaps for washing, silicon oil is nice. For the inside of any garment, I prefer talcum.
Now the big question remaining is: What is the better stuff to keep latex from sticking together? I will fold up the sleeping bag and put it away. It looks nice and shiny right now, but we are lucky: I don't feel like using it tonight. I will check in a week.
(This post was last modified: 11 Apr 2015, 20:40 by Strappado.)
(11 Apr 2015, 20:26 )Strappado Wrote: A cheap and very effective lubricant is talcum powder. Well... I do not agree with you here... Dusty and muddy... There is nothing better, than JLube. It's quite cheap and one bottle lasts for years.
(11 Apr 2015, 20:35 )Strappado Wrote: What is the better stuff to keep latex from sticking together? Chlorination and talcum powder. "And", not "or" 😉
(11 Apr 2015, 20:35 )Strappado Wrote: I got the silicon oil today For the look I prefer a silicon spray. As a lubricant silicon oil works, but I do not like the "feel". I prefer JLube.
(This post was last modified: 11 Apr 2015, 21:05 by Like Ra.)
I am not going to discuss this, but talcum is very cheap and it works. I did not say, that it is the only possible lubricant. Are you getting paid by JLube?
Just a bit of sweat and talcum stops working, but you will get dust and "slush" everywhere...
(11 Apr 2015, 21:44 )Strappado Wrote: Are you getting paid by JLube? Unfortunately not, but there is nothing better and more effective. You know, putting tight latex pantyhose in 2 seconds is a life changing experience...
(This post was last modified: 11 Apr 2015, 22:21 by Like Ra.)
Speaking of talcum. I remember two terrible moments.
The first one was in London in a famous fetish shop, when I tried on my first ever latex garments. At that time I had hairy legs and I tried to pull on latex stockings. Talcum did not help much - it was very difficult, very painful and very long. Fortunately, I did not tear them apart.
Next noteworthy moment was at the Europerve event in Amsterdam in 2001. My idea was to be completely covered in latex. It was quite warm in the changing room, the catsuit was tight (as it should be), and I began to sweat while trying to pull it on. After 40 minutes I, my normal clothes, my latex stuff, the floor around was covered with soggy talcum, but I still could not put it on. I was about to give up and go home, but I finally asked for help and after some more struggling we managed to get me in.
Oh yes, and another disgusting moment was when I pealed the latex off... Oh.... that slushy semi-liquid mud ....
Talcum powder? Never again.... Only for storage.
(This post was last modified: 12 Apr 2015, 01:46 by Like Ra.)
Those are bad experiences indeed. But it is not necessary to cover a garment entirely in talcum. It is enough to "treat" the surface with it, to fill the pores. There is still some powder floating about, and it will of course mix with sweat, but not nearly as bad as you described.
I am focussing on talcum, because this is about a guy in Mexico, who has trouble getting any silicon or silicon based stuff.
Actually, I was attacking you, because you put it as if talcum were the worst stuff in the world. I don't doubt, that JLube is good but that doesn't mean, that anything else is bad, even if you had personal bad experiences. Let's not fight about this, but stick to explaining, how we use our preferred lubricants/preservants/anti-sticking-agents. OK?
(12 Apr 2015, 11:09 )Strappado Wrote: But it is not necessary to cover a garment entirely in talcum. Of course not, it just happens, because you need to add more and it floats around, and you breath it in.... Brrr... Then you have to remove the excess from the latex and repolish.
(12 Apr 2015, 11:09 )Strappado Wrote: I am focussing on talcum, because this is about a guy in Mexico, who has trouble getting any silicon or silicon based stuff. Why silicone? Water-based lubricants are even more convenient, plus sweating makes them more slippery. And eBay works from Mexico too 😉
(12 Apr 2015, 11:09 )Strappado Wrote: because you put it as if talcum were the worst stuff in the world. Not the worst stuff in the world, but easily the worst lubricant to put latex on with 😁 If you know anything worse, please name it.
(12 Apr 2015, 11:09 )Strappado Wrote: anything else is bad, even if you had personal bad experiences In my opinion/experience talcum is the worst. Another example, if you compare non-chlorinated latex + talcum with chlorinated latex without any lubricant, chlorinated latex will win. Or try to put latex on top of other non-latex clothes. For example, over pantyhose or a swimsuit. Talcum will stain everything.
(12 Apr 2015, 11:09 )Strappado Wrote: Let's not fight about I do not fight 😉
(12 Apr 2015, 11:09 )Strappado Wrote: but stick to explaining and always explain "why" 😉
Seriously, if there is no other choice, better talcum, than nothing. I totally agree. Also, talcum must be used for storage, even if the latex is chlorinated. But there are better lubricants. It's like if you do not have a fork, you can eat everything with a spoon (especially if you sharpen it 😉 ).
One big thing against water based lubricants is added moist.
One big thing against silicone based lubricants is greasy stains.
One big thing against any lubricant in the foot area of stockings or pantyhose - falling down can be very painful.
And finally we have individual physiology and preferences For example, allergies or sweating, non-allergic skin reaction to lubricants, lubricant reaction to sweating, etc. And some people do not like chlorinated latex.
So, nothing is perfect, but I would advise to try as many variants as possible 😉
BTW, I made the "lubricant discovery" in a very unusual way. I saw a TV program about fetishes, in which a model said (while putting on a latex dress):"Professionals use lubricants". And it was like... damn.... why didn't I think about it before.... 😁 It was a true revelation and rediscovery of latex.
And finally, you can't use talcum for putting hoods on, especially if they are closed (eyes, breathing, sweat, ears...)
(This post was last modified: 12 Apr 2015, 15:40 by Like Ra.)
BTW,technical advice,as we are..
Unwashed sweat and perfumes are "latex killers"...
(This post was last modified: 13 Apr 2015, 00:43 by Like Ra.)