"Basic Hog Tie 3" help

4 Replies, 6034 Views

The third "basic" hog tie (http://www.likera.com/sb/tech/hogtie3.php ) is an absolutely gorgeous system. It looks very intense and, through clever use of the ring devices, enables tying parts of the body that are not normally possible (even for a contortionist, trying elbows like that would be difficult, since bone structure gets in the way). I could see setting oneself up in this to await the return of a trusted partner or Mistress/Master.

However, looking at it, I cannot see how one could even begin to extricate oneself. Even if you had your hands cuffed with some manner of time-release mechanism, with the elbows bound, you still can't reach anything else. You could rig the elbow tie with a time-release as well, though the body-wrapping design (and the fact that it has to be able to slide along your body) doesn't really lend itself to that.

Does anyone have any suggestions or alternative means of release that don't require a second person?

(Ideally, either a disclaimer regarding the difficulty of self-release or some details on that should be added to the page itself, lest some over-zealous fool try it without adequately considering the release)
(This post was last modified: 28 Sep 2013, 22:52 by Like Ra.)
I once escaped an elbow tie with a long knife. But I can't recommend this method...
I looked at this for the longest time.
What I got from this is that this is only art. Although, it can be done, but righ away, your arms will go numb.
You could do a time release on the elbow buckles at the front, and the hogtie rope at the back 😊
Won't work. Tried many ways. The arms will go numb.

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