14 Jun 2012, 22:12
Hi all,
My first ever post on here. Have browsed this site for many months now but I felt like I have a contribution I could possibly make, and possibly looking for feedback or even a little help.
I was thinking about a Blowjob trainer for a while now. I've seen the one which can use a Web Camera, but I don't have a good web camera, and It can only be used in the light. I wanted something I could possibly use in the dark.
So, I know a SMALL amount of electronics, I have a good knowledge of coding (PHP Developer as a day job) and I know a bit of C++.
I Ordered my Arduino UNO at the weekend, along with a load of other goodies to go with it. Right, Now to explain what I've got, done, and what happens.
So, The kit consists of:
Ultrasonic Rangefinder (HC-SR04)
LCD Display (16x2 - JHD1602)
Shift Register (74HC595) (Use this for the LCD, as can cut down from 5 wires to just 3)
Servo Module (Possibly for release - Not yet tested this part, but have it dropping a key)
Solid State Relay (25A Load) - This is for controlling the Hitachi Wand (Not speed control, just ON/OFF)
2X LED (1 Green, 1 Red)
PS2 Keyboard (Computer Keyboard)
Using a Ultrasonic Rangefinder (With some correct Libraries for speed) I am able to detect how far the face is away from the object (So, Dildo attached to object, with Range finder at the bottom) so lets say I have a 12CM Dildo, The start could be 12CM, and the end could be 8CM (Depending on how far you want to go down) - The piece of code I have built also puts in A Deep throat length, but you can't turn this off right now. I might add functionality to control this, but I built this in mind of deepthroat.
The LCD And Keyboard are the next aspect. From the PS2 Keyboard, you can set some settings up, so if I want to change something I don't have to go into the code to change it, I can just do it from here. The only thing is that it needs to be setup again if you reset the unit. (I could possibly make use of the EEPROM in the future to save this). I've only just started putting the code together for controlling the settings via Keyboard + LCD, but I'll explain what settings are in the Code, and whats currently settable from the keyboard.
Blowjobs Required: 200 (Currently set in code)
BJ Start: (Currently set in code + Can be set via Keyboard)
BJ End: (Currently set in code + Can be set via Keyboard)
BJ Deep: (Currently set in code + Can be set via Keyboard)
BJ Allowed time per suck: 2400 (Currently set in code - ms - Whats the max amount of time allowed before punish)
BJ Penatly addon: 10 (Currently set in code - Will add +10 sucks if the action wasn't completed before the above time)
BJ Deep Good: 5 (Currently set in code - Will -5 sucks for holding a deep throat for the time above)
BJ Max allowed: 200 (Currently set in code - Won't ever go over this value if penatly)
BJ Max Penalty Time: 1200000 ( Currently set in code - After this time period from start, the user won't occure any more penaltys)
BJ Max Run Time: 2400000 (Currently set in code - After this time, User will be released even if they haven't completed task - Safety?)
Bearing in mind, if the user completes the 200 sucks, they will be released. - Maybe could add the feature to give them orgasm via vibrator at the end if they have been good.
Next, Vibrator setup: (All of the following currently set in Code)
Vibrator Startup Wait: *ms ( How long to wait after first suck to start the vibrate control - NOTE: This won't actually start the vibrator, just start the function to calculate when to start vibrate etc)
Vibrator Max Runtime: *ms ( How long once started, that the process can run for. If it reaches this and it's stll vibrating, it will wait to finish )
Vibrator Orgasm Time Needed: *ms ( How long would it be for the user to actualy orgasm )
Vibrator Orgasm TEASE MAX: *ms ( How long to run for Teasing MAX TIME )
Vibrator Orgasm TEASE MIN: *ms (How long to run for Teasing MIN Time )
The above to will be random, to generate a RANDOM tease time.
Vibrator Wait Time MAX: *ms ( How long to wait, before turning the Vibrator on MAX TIME )
Vibrator Wait Time MIN: *ms ( How long to wait, before turning the Vibrator on MIN TIME )
Vibrator Orgasm Rate: 20% ( The percentage of having an orgasm, each time the function is called )
Let me just quickly run through the Keyboard setup. So when you first turn on the Arduino, You will get a welcome message. It will run through all the current configuration IE Sucks required, Start,End,Deep CM. If you Press F1, you get to the Setup Screen. If you Press F1 Again, you start the setup for the Start,End,Deep. (At all times, information is displayed to tell you what you need to do and press.) So the first question is: Set START Depth. It will then display the current distance between the Sensor and your head (if you've placed it there) - You can see at all times the depth in CM to let you know where you are. If your happy with that point, press the ENTER key on the keyboard. Next, it will ask you for the END depth. Same thing applies here. Press Enter. Next, It will ask you to set the Deep depth. Press enter. In all of these 3 steps, if you wish to do it manually to get a more precise input, Press the TAB key on the keyboard, it will switch to manual mode (Also confirmation on LCD to let you know your in manual mode) - Next, use the UP or DOWN arrow keys on the keyboard. UP increases in CM, Down decreases in CM. Pressing enter will confirm each setting. Once you've input these 3 values, the system will check to make sure it's right (I.E make sure the END value isn't > Start value, Deep value > Start value, or Deep value > End value.) - If any of them are wrong it won't work properly so won't save and just let you know and take you back to the main menu, where you need to set them again.
As I code some more, I'm looking to be able to set the times up etc etc. Only problem is, setting up via LCD can be a little time consuming, as your limited to like 1 question per screen, but at least all input is checked.
Here's the actual process. Once back to the main menu, you press Enter and the program begins. The Vibrator will start calling it's function once it's allowed, and decide if your going to get a tease or a orgasm (Which will really interfere with you trying to concentrate on completeing the job) - You will have X seconds/MS as set above to complete each action. If you don't you get +sucks added depdending on configuration and timer will reset. It won't ever go above the set BJ Limit. Here's where the LED come into play. When RED is lit, you need to move to the END position. When it's green, you return to the START position. The LCD will give you an count down how long it is till you run out of time. Right now, it's hard coded so that in every 1 of 10 sucks, you require to give a Deep throat. When it's time for a deepthroat, the LED's will be BOTH on. Once your there, if you hold it there for the amount of seconds per suck, you get -5 sucks removed. LED's will flash to let you know it's ok to come back to start, and the LCD will tell you to let go. The Sensor will check to make sure you didn't move back down to END during the deepthroat, and if you did, you won't be rewarded. I'm thinking of putting some function in here to limit the amount of "rewards" allowed in a certain time, because if you managed to do a deep throat every time, then it wouldn't take that long, but then again if you notice the user doing deep throat a lot to get out quicker, you could always increase the allowed BJ's.
The LCD will tell you how many sucks left at all times, as well as if you have a penatly,or sucks removed. However, it won't inform you about if your going to get teased, or get an orgasm, It won't tell you how long you got to wait, or how long till escape. It's going to play tricks with you.
I've only tried the system several times with my hand. I daren't try it using the vibrator yet, Just don't have the guts to do it!
I know I might of babbled on a bit here, but I hope you like my little creation. If people are interested I am willing to show how I've done this one it's all completed. At the moment, It's all on a big breadboard and all messy. I've not got round to ordering proper boards to put it on a final board, as it's still a work in progress...
What I'd like to do, is replace the the Servo release with a Magnetic Door Lock, but I'm not quite sure how a Magnetic door lock is wired up. I know it needs power, and I could use a Relay to turn the power on and off.
Also, I'd like to add a Punishment for not completing a suck, maybe attaching to some sort of TENS device. The only TENS device I have at the moment is a Muscle one, but it needs constant connection to send a pulse. If the connection is broke, the power is turned off.- Maybe I could use a small Relay on a Fly Zapper, and just make the Relay make the connection between it's power pack and turn on and off like 5 times to punish user.
My first ever post on here. Have browsed this site for many months now but I felt like I have a contribution I could possibly make, and possibly looking for feedback or even a little help.
I was thinking about a Blowjob trainer for a while now. I've seen the one which can use a Web Camera, but I don't have a good web camera, and It can only be used in the light. I wanted something I could possibly use in the dark.
So, I know a SMALL amount of electronics, I have a good knowledge of coding (PHP Developer as a day job) and I know a bit of C++.
I Ordered my Arduino UNO at the weekend, along with a load of other goodies to go with it. Right, Now to explain what I've got, done, and what happens.
So, The kit consists of:
Ultrasonic Rangefinder (HC-SR04)
LCD Display (16x2 - JHD1602)
Shift Register (74HC595) (Use this for the LCD, as can cut down from 5 wires to just 3)
Servo Module (Possibly for release - Not yet tested this part, but have it dropping a key)
Solid State Relay (25A Load) - This is for controlling the Hitachi Wand (Not speed control, just ON/OFF)
2X LED (1 Green, 1 Red)
PS2 Keyboard (Computer Keyboard)
Using a Ultrasonic Rangefinder (With some correct Libraries for speed) I am able to detect how far the face is away from the object (So, Dildo attached to object, with Range finder at the bottom) so lets say I have a 12CM Dildo, The start could be 12CM, and the end could be 8CM (Depending on how far you want to go down) - The piece of code I have built also puts in A Deep throat length, but you can't turn this off right now. I might add functionality to control this, but I built this in mind of deepthroat.
The LCD And Keyboard are the next aspect. From the PS2 Keyboard, you can set some settings up, so if I want to change something I don't have to go into the code to change it, I can just do it from here. The only thing is that it needs to be setup again if you reset the unit. (I could possibly make use of the EEPROM in the future to save this). I've only just started putting the code together for controlling the settings via Keyboard + LCD, but I'll explain what settings are in the Code, and whats currently settable from the keyboard.
Blowjobs Required: 200 (Currently set in code)
BJ Start: (Currently set in code + Can be set via Keyboard)
BJ End: (Currently set in code + Can be set via Keyboard)
BJ Deep: (Currently set in code + Can be set via Keyboard)
BJ Allowed time per suck: 2400 (Currently set in code - ms - Whats the max amount of time allowed before punish)
BJ Penatly addon: 10 (Currently set in code - Will add +10 sucks if the action wasn't completed before the above time)
BJ Deep Good: 5 (Currently set in code - Will -5 sucks for holding a deep throat for the time above)
BJ Max allowed: 200 (Currently set in code - Won't ever go over this value if penatly)
BJ Max Penalty Time: 1200000 ( Currently set in code - After this time period from start, the user won't occure any more penaltys)
BJ Max Run Time: 2400000 (Currently set in code - After this time, User will be released even if they haven't completed task - Safety?)
Bearing in mind, if the user completes the 200 sucks, they will be released. - Maybe could add the feature to give them orgasm via vibrator at the end if they have been good.
Next, Vibrator setup: (All of the following currently set in Code)
Vibrator Startup Wait: *ms ( How long to wait after first suck to start the vibrate control - NOTE: This won't actually start the vibrator, just start the function to calculate when to start vibrate etc)
Vibrator Max Runtime: *ms ( How long once started, that the process can run for. If it reaches this and it's stll vibrating, it will wait to finish )
Vibrator Orgasm Time Needed: *ms ( How long would it be for the user to actualy orgasm )
Vibrator Orgasm TEASE MAX: *ms ( How long to run for Teasing MAX TIME )
Vibrator Orgasm TEASE MIN: *ms (How long to run for Teasing MIN Time )
The above to will be random, to generate a RANDOM tease time.
Vibrator Wait Time MAX: *ms ( How long to wait, before turning the Vibrator on MAX TIME )
Vibrator Wait Time MIN: *ms ( How long to wait, before turning the Vibrator on MIN TIME )
Vibrator Orgasm Rate: 20% ( The percentage of having an orgasm, each time the function is called )
Let me just quickly run through the Keyboard setup. So when you first turn on the Arduino, You will get a welcome message. It will run through all the current configuration IE Sucks required, Start,End,Deep CM. If you Press F1, you get to the Setup Screen. If you Press F1 Again, you start the setup for the Start,End,Deep. (At all times, information is displayed to tell you what you need to do and press.) So the first question is: Set START Depth. It will then display the current distance between the Sensor and your head (if you've placed it there) - You can see at all times the depth in CM to let you know where you are. If your happy with that point, press the ENTER key on the keyboard. Next, it will ask you for the END depth. Same thing applies here. Press Enter. Next, It will ask you to set the Deep depth. Press enter. In all of these 3 steps, if you wish to do it manually to get a more precise input, Press the TAB key on the keyboard, it will switch to manual mode (Also confirmation on LCD to let you know your in manual mode) - Next, use the UP or DOWN arrow keys on the keyboard. UP increases in CM, Down decreases in CM. Pressing enter will confirm each setting. Once you've input these 3 values, the system will check to make sure it's right (I.E make sure the END value isn't > Start value, Deep value > Start value, or Deep value > End value.) - If any of them are wrong it won't work properly so won't save and just let you know and take you back to the main menu, where you need to set them again.
As I code some more, I'm looking to be able to set the times up etc etc. Only problem is, setting up via LCD can be a little time consuming, as your limited to like 1 question per screen, but at least all input is checked.
Here's the actual process. Once back to the main menu, you press Enter and the program begins. The Vibrator will start calling it's function once it's allowed, and decide if your going to get a tease or a orgasm (Which will really interfere with you trying to concentrate on completeing the job) - You will have X seconds/MS as set above to complete each action. If you don't you get +sucks added depdending on configuration and timer will reset. It won't ever go above the set BJ Limit. Here's where the LED come into play. When RED is lit, you need to move to the END position. When it's green, you return to the START position. The LCD will give you an count down how long it is till you run out of time. Right now, it's hard coded so that in every 1 of 10 sucks, you require to give a Deep throat. When it's time for a deepthroat, the LED's will be BOTH on. Once your there, if you hold it there for the amount of seconds per suck, you get -5 sucks removed. LED's will flash to let you know it's ok to come back to start, and the LCD will tell you to let go. The Sensor will check to make sure you didn't move back down to END during the deepthroat, and if you did, you won't be rewarded. I'm thinking of putting some function in here to limit the amount of "rewards" allowed in a certain time, because if you managed to do a deep throat every time, then it wouldn't take that long, but then again if you notice the user doing deep throat a lot to get out quicker, you could always increase the allowed BJ's.
The LCD will tell you how many sucks left at all times, as well as if you have a penatly,or sucks removed. However, it won't inform you about if your going to get teased, or get an orgasm, It won't tell you how long you got to wait, or how long till escape. It's going to play tricks with you.
I've only tried the system several times with my hand. I daren't try it using the vibrator yet, Just don't have the guts to do it!
I know I might of babbled on a bit here, but I hope you like my little creation. If people are interested I am willing to show how I've done this one it's all completed. At the moment, It's all on a big breadboard and all messy. I've not got round to ordering proper boards to put it on a final board, as it's still a work in progress...
What I'd like to do, is replace the the Servo release with a Magnetic Door Lock, but I'm not quite sure how a Magnetic door lock is wired up. I know it needs power, and I could use a Relay to turn the power on and off.
Also, I'd like to add a Punishment for not completing a suck, maybe attaching to some sort of TENS device. The only TENS device I have at the moment is a Muscle one, but it needs constant connection to send a pulse. If the connection is broke, the power is turned off.- Maybe I could use a small Relay on a Fly Zapper, and just make the Relay make the connection between it's power pack and turn on and off like 5 times to punish user.