Latex Sari, bondage tape and old naughty magazines

Some time ago Strappado mentioned Indian sari (can’t find this forum thread anymore). Immediately two images (see below) popped up in my head. However, it took me several months to finally start looking for the magazines in which the pictures were published.

Yes, real magazines I bought 10 years ago. Some of them (like “Practical Photography”) I keep “visibly”, some – “hidden” and far away from the kids reach. Both “visibly” and “hidden” are quoted, because you can’t hide anything from the kids and the “well hidden” things can be found much quicker then the ones kept “on full view”.

Anyway, today I had the house for myself for a couple of hours and finally (coughing and sneezing from the dust) dragged the “hidden pile” down. While the photo made by Bob Carlos Clarke (one of my favourite photographers, RIP) was quite easy to find on the “public” shelves, the drawing was something that required some work.

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