Literally. Eyes closed. Mouth open. Jaw-dro[o|p]pingly-cute.
Can you imagine the rest? What is hidden? What caused this expression on Emma’s face? We can dream, can’t we?
I will try.
- Leather bodysuit and black fishnets
- Tight leather mini dress, black shiny latex stockings (top visible), black stilettos
- Leather top, leather shorts, black fishnets (it must be either black fishnets or black latex, in my opinion)
- Hmmm .. latex pants with hood ;-)?
Your turn.
shiny pink tights with black fishnets over, leather bodysuit, 4 inch heel boots and a chastity belt 😛
Hm… I like the combination of shiny pink and black.
I would possibly add knee-highs on her hands. The same combination of pink/black fishnets will work 😉
hate to break your heart but here is the rest of the outfit
“TuckerD ” wrote:
Hence I prefer the photo from the original post – lots left to the imagination 😉