For Katy Perry‘s performance during Grammy 2012 Abigail Greydanus (on the photo below) made a “post apocalyptic warrior” latex suit, which, according to Abigail, is “one of the most amazing things she’s worn to perform in (latex or not)”.
I can’t say I like the suit, the make-up and Katy’s hair style here, but what I find very interesting (from the fetish point of view) is the transparent latex panels with all associated “features”: wrinkles and air bubbles (they are usually Photoshopped out, but this is something you can’t do during a live performance).
But that’s not all. This time Abigail was a part of Katy’s crew! So she not only made the suit, but also made sure that nothing unexpected happened with it during the show, which she was watching from the backstage.
If you missed the performance – see videos and photos below.