(04 Jan 2013, 17:15 )LustrousLaminaLover Wrote: A male with a female's curves? Hmm....
I've added a picture to show you my curves. My wife put me in a Karada rope harness with sporta bra. I've been letting my feminine side shoe more now. I've completely shaven from the neck down, letting my hair grow lone and now paint my nails.
It seems there is a pattern here...
Strappado mentioned two (Agree @ awesomeness of torchwood clip btw 😁), and now you have, cbshackle.
I would also agree that their are different levels of orgasms. The strongest ones of mine usually come with anal/prostate/perineum stimulation. If I mix and match, the results are even better. And then throw in a good position (of which I would say my favourite (for use with anal) is sitting the wrong way on a chair, bent forward slightly), and I have seen me unable to get up for a couple of minutes after. And that's no exageration; my legs physically won't respond, they are completely numb. It doesn't really bother me though, I love just sitting there, reveling in the contentment, for as long as possible anyway.
Tinker D Wrote:I wonder if ebay still has that 55 gal drum of KY. I might need a lot of lube in the future.
I would love that much lube. Or at least enough to fill a bathtub, just for the experience of submersing myself in it.
K/J-Lube looks like it might be a viable alternative.
cbshackle Wrote:bike shorts and a women's speedo one piece swimsuit that is really tight
One of my favourite combos too. The tighter the swimsuit, the better.
Nice tip about the padding. Thanks. 😁
cbshackle Wrote:If you feel like you are going to orgasm, stop and ride the wave. I can go one for hours this way having multiple orgasm without ejaculation.
Hours?! I tip my hat to you, sir!; I've only managed to bring myself to the brink about half a dozen times in one session before (without rests in between), and found it increasingly hard to stop myself from going over. I really didn't want to, but I made a slight miscalculation on the final stroke and... well, that was the end of that 'experiment'.
There's been quite a few times where I've managed to make myself leak cum (not pre-cum), which is my over-all goal, but in order to do that I have to get right on the edge, which makes the margin for error nigh non-existent. 😟
If I could make myself leak cum like that, without having to get so close to the edge, then my mission would be complete. Hence my interest in prostate play 😉
cbshackle Wrote:My wife put me in a Karada rope harness with sporta bra.
I envy all you people who have someone else to play with... 😟
Nice pic btw. Yup, there are hints of an hourglass there. ...Not the best angle to see it from, though. You might need to take a few more, from different angles, so I can see better 😁
Anyone here into E-Stim? I've never touched the stuff myself, but I'm sure it can be used to directly stimulate the prostate.
As far as I can understand, it would involve 2 poles. 1 would be a buttplug, and the other would be a cockring, as I think the object is to get the current to flow from 1 pole to the other, through the body (although I may be way off the mark here).
I'm not really sure how it all works, but from what I've seen online, it looks like the current throws your muscles into a spasm, which simulates physical stimulation. And very successfully too, by the looks of some of the videos I've seen...
I've tried to steer clear of the things as, knowing how I am when it comes to my playing time (and my tendency to take things too far), I would end up scorching myself or something.
I tried E-stim.
Scared me to death. I did a simple book shocker. A small audio transformer like the found in radios and speakers. I took a pair of leads and wrap it around the head, and the other wire to the base, behind my balls. I then took a battery, 1.5 volts, and touch the leads to the transformer. Nothing.... Nothing at all. I then tried another battery, also 1.5 volt. Still nothing. Tried 2 batteries. Nothing.
Dumbass.... Tried that little 9-volt battery......................
After about 10 mins, I was screaming and crying rolling around the carpet and people thought I was dieing, I removed the wires and toss everything in the trash.
That was painfull and I will not try that again. EVER
Eh, ok.
See, I should stay away from E-stim. But even after reading your post, all I can think is: "I've got one of those 9v batteries... "
*slaps himself*
...nah... better not 😁
What is the power output of the usual toys (voltage and ampere)?
I vaguely remember having tested 1.5 volt batteries with my tounge when I was a kid, not for pleasure, but to make sure, they still worked. They had the poles next to each other and the current caused a light tickling only.
I also remembered touching my metal computer case when it was not grounded. It was stronger (but on the hand, not on the tounge), but it didn't hurt at all. When I measured it, it was 42 volts (and I called an electrician next day).
Furthermore, I am quite used to occasional electrical shocks during winter (touching the metal rail of a staircase and the like). These shocks are more shocking than painful, and they don't go deep into the body, just like being hit on the spot (usually a finger tip).
From all this, I conclude, that it requires a certain expertise to make a good e-stim-device.
(08 Jan 2013, 20:09 )Strappado Wrote: What is the power output of the usual toys (voltage and ampere)?
Usually, toys are 2x 1.5v Batteries (no idea of amperage).
The E-stims are all variable, I believe. Or at least, the one's I've looked at have been.
(08 Jan 2013, 20:09 )Strappado Wrote: I vaguely remember having tested 1.5 volt batteries with my tounge when I was a kid, not for pleasure, but to make sure, they still worked. They had the poles next to each other and the current caused a light tickling only.
I did that too! My brother used to hold me down and put it on to my tongue to torture me as well (I used to tell him I hated it and he'd do it more... 😇 ).
If it's the same one you are talking about (a square one), then it's the 9v battery that we are talking about now. A defacto when it comes to electronics.
The thing about electricity is this: The voltage is like the distance it can travel, the amperage is how much power is flowing that distance, and the hertz (Hz) is how fast it is traveling. (I believe). And the main thing to remember about it, is that it's the amps that will kill you, not the volts.
You could have a 100,000v line that was running 0.1A and it could jump a distance to get to you, but I doubt you'd feel it if it did reach you.
If you had a 1v line that was running 100,000A, if you touched it (and only touched it), you would probably spontaneously combust 😉.
These examples are pushing the theory a bit too far, I think, but you get the idea.
(08 Jan 2013, 20:09 )Strappado Wrote: I conclude, that it requires a certain expertise to make a good e-stim-device.
You conclude, and I concur. It's dangerous stuff.
I've been hit/burned a few times by it (including the house mains!), but was luckily unharmed (except my wits 😉).
I work on the high voltage sections of TV. up to 45kv and higher.
Even after you turn off that tv, and unplug it from the wall or mains, that picture tube has enough current to knock you on your ass, and not in a good way.
Touch that fat red wire, and you'll know what Horzonal hold really means.
Current times Potential Difference equals Power.
I x V = P (Ampere x Volt = Watt)
This means, that 1 Volt with 100,000 Ampere has the same power as 100,000 Volt with 1 Ampere.
A typical current from battery-powerd things is in the magnitude (number of zeros) of 1.5 Volt with 0.5 Ampere. This equals a power of 0.75 Watt.
In Germany, the electricity in normal houses is often secured by a fuse of 10 Ampere and the voltage is 220 Volt. So the maximum power possible there is 2200 Watt per fuse (ovens have 16 Amp. fuses, that would be 3520 Watt).
A small car engine has a power of 75 KW or 75000 Watt.
Humans can keep a power output of 100 Watt during a longer period of time, maximum is something around 910 Watt.
So, 75,000 battery toys, 34 power lines with a 10 Amp. fuse, 750 average humans and 1 car all have exactly the same power output.
Now, we are talking about muscle input, not muscle output, also known as "stimulation", plus the extra power that is needed to let the electricity penetrate skin, fat and muscle tissue before reaching the nerves. I guess, the power must be somewhere around 10 or 100 mW (0.01 or 0.1 W) to make someone jerk just a little bit. So a single car could stimulate up to 7.5 million or even 75 million people! I wonder, why there are so many cars in the world. 😁
By the way, I think, if you compared electricity to a projectile, the potential difference would be equivalent to its speed and the current to its mass. The power would be the equivalent to the momentum of the projectile. As a matter of fact, the masses of particles like the electron are expressed in eV (electron volt). One eV equals 1.8 x 10^-36 Kg (1.8 divided by 1000000000000000000000000000000000000).
PS: The tounge test was on a 1.5v battery like this one:
(This post was last modified: 10 Jan 2013, 23:24 by Strappado.)