Platinum Puppets file index

41 Replies, 14232 Views

WARNING: The hypno files below are very addictive and may cause permanent damage to your health and behaviour. If you listen long enough, the effects might be irreversible! Listen at your own risk and only if the effects are desirable! Beware of bimbofication and sexuality changing suggestions!

The Platinum files are known for their strong effects, and they touch some rare kinks like hucow or lesbian themes. Unfortunately, some of the files are strict Patreon only, so one needs to pay to get the full experience. The free files are still worth a shot. This is what they write about the files themselves:
Quote:The Platinum files are my spin on the Bambi files. With an emphasis on traditional hypnotic techniques and inductions combined with the classic Bambi experience wrapped up in crisp sound effects and editing.

These files don't (typically) include suggestions of personality erasure, IQ reduction or anything anxiety inducing. They are more focused on the ideas behind being a Bimbo.

See the main Platinum Puppets duscussion thread

The files are categorized into beginner/advanced/expert files by Platinum Puppets.

Beginner Files
Compact Trigger Reinforcement
Compliance Chip
Cuddle Induction % ☁
Good Girls Lust % ☁
Platinum Bambi Affirmations ☁ 🏦

Advanced Files
Background Cockslut ☁ (🏦)
Background Obedience ☁ (🏦)
Bambi Body Betrayal
Bambi Confusion
Bambi Fractionate ☁ 🏦
Bambi Thinks With Her Tits
BJD % ☁ 🏦
Compliance Chip Program
Compulsion ☁ 🏦
Fake Trigger Remover
Girl Love ✱ (▤) ☁
Incognito % ☁ 🏦
Platinum Hucow
Platinum Trigger Training ☁ 🏦
Pussy Slave % ☁
Sapphic Bambi ✱ (▤) ☁
Tit Slave % ☁
Total Compulsion ☁ 🏦
Tits For Brains % ☁ 🏦
Yes Brain Loop
Yes Series
Yes to Cock % 🏦

Expert Files
Bambi Gives In
Bambi Quick Mind Break
Bambi Resistance Breaker
Bambi Tricks Her Mind
Oblivious Obedience
Platinum Bambi
Platinum Hucow: Herd Mentality 🏦
Platinum Hucow Reinforcement Loop ☁ 🏦

Unknown Category
How To Resist Bambi
Platinum TikTok ☁ 🏦
Background Mantras 🏦

= file does not maintain RACK level safety
% = part of a playlist or series
⋯ = file series
✱ = playlist in multiple files
▤ = full playlist in a single file
☁ = file(s) is/are on bambicloud
🏦 = paid file (patreon or similar)

This list is work in progress, so information will change over time.

(This post was last modified: 10 Jun 2024, 09:14 by subdream.)

Be sure to check the posts in the main thread: Bambi Sleep stuff.
Compact Trigger Reinforcement

Quote:Trains the basic 3 triggers. BD, GG, and BS. Wipers and custom binaurals added. edit: Removed wake up at the end for less confusion.

File is on bambicloud.
Google Drive:
Transcript in forum:
Lite version in forum:
(This post was last modified: 10 Dec 2023, 13:00 by subdream.)
Bambi Resistance Breaker

Quote:Designed to increase obedience and acceptance to hypnosis and Bambi Files. Trains BS, GG, D4C triggers. Suggestions to share the file, hyper obedience, cocksucking.

File is on bambicloud.
Google Drive:
Patreon (free): (fixed, base version and no sharing version)
Transcript in forum:
LessDumb version in forum:
(This post was last modified: 09 Jun 2024, 22:40 by subdream.)
Fake Trigger Remover

Quote:Starts with a fake ‘trigger remover/ resisting induction’ may induce anxiety, but know that the file is a FAKE trigger remover and should be safe for Bambi. Trains obedience, mindlessness, no resistance. Trains BS, GG, B* Freeze, B* Does As She’s Told, Wipers. Ends with Cock sucking training. ZCDO used. Ends with a wakeup.

File is on bambicloud.
Google Drive:
Transcript in forum:
(This post was last modified: 10 Dec 2023, 13:21 by subdream.)
Platinum Bambi

Quote:Very suggestive. Uses a real induction to train BS trigger. Trains GG trigger after induction. Associates ZCDO trigger with feeling good/GG trigger. Trains B* Does As She’s Told trigger. Lots of suggestions to be horny/slutty. Hyper obedience training. Suggestions to play with yourself, share the files, love the Platinum Bambi files. Lots of sound effects, binurals, ASMR.
There is a version with and a version without master related suggestions.

File is on bambicloud (no master related suggestions).
Google Drive: (both versions)
Transcript in forum:
(This post was last modified: 10 Dec 2023, 13:19 by subdream.)
Bambi Tricks Her Mind

Quote:Induction is a confusion style narrative. Left is helping you to ‘resist’, right is telling you to be hypnotized. After introduction, the listener is bombarded with triggers. BS, GG, B Does As She’s Told, Wipers, B*Freeze. Suggestions to stop resisting, stop thinking. Mentions an undefined ‘Master’ throughout the file. Addictive suggestions. Ends with ASMR fade out.
Might be a new name for How To Resist Bambi.

File is on bambicloud.
Transcript in forum:
(This post was last modified: 10 Dec 2023, 12:52 by subdream.)
Bambi Gives In

Quote:Confusion induction. Seriously confusing induction as you count bubbles. Slight ‘gaslightly’ words in the beginning. Introduces the “Yes Brain” trigger. Trains the Wipers trigger with fractionation. The Yes Brain Trigger is a button in the back of your mouth, everytime Bambi sucks cock, she thinks Yes over and over. Trains the ZCDO trigger. Heavy oral fixation themes. Mentions a ‘master’ at the end. Suggestions to love being controlled and obeying. Suggestions to be less stressful and happy.

File is on bambicloud.
Google Drive:
Transcript in forum:
(This post was last modified: 10 Dec 2023, 13:19 by subdream.)
Yes Brain Loop

Quote:Trains the yes Brain Trigger. Suggestions to stop resisting and obey triggers.
The Yes Brain trigger is introduced in Bambi Gives In.

File is on bambicloud.
Google Drive:
Transcript in forum:
(This post was last modified: 10 Dec 2023, 13:20 by subdream.)
Bambi Confusion

Quote:A Confusion Induction file with LOTS of effects and triggers. Suggestions to stop resisting, listening over and over, love being hypnotized.

File is on bambicloud.
Google Drive:
(This post was last modified: 10 Dec 2023, 13:21 by subdream.)

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