My favorite sleepsack methods involve stretchy and durable lycra unitards, such as these Capezio unitards:
The first method, similar to what you've been discussing on this thread:
1) Sit on the floor and put both of your legs into a single leg of the unitard.
2) Pull the garment up to about knee level.
3) The other leg hole should be in front. Gather the garment around the leg hole and shove it over your head
4) Work the garment over your shoulders as you push your head further into the leg.
5) Straighten your body out. Eventually, the opening of the garment should "snap" over your butt and smooth out.
6) The unitard opening will be at your back. After enjoying the sleepsack, it is easy to exit the sack through the opening (depending on how tight the unitard is).
The 2nd method is a little more complicated, but results in a much tighter sack:
1) Obtain 2 unitards
2) Enter the 1st unitard, head first, into one of the leg openings.
3) Pull the garment down your body as far as you can. You are entering the leg headfirst, with the arms of the garment dangling towards your feet. You may want to tie off the 2nd leg opening ahead of time to further restrict your movement inside the sack.
4) Kneel on the floor. Locate the opening to one of the arms of the unitard.
5) With your feet behind you, pull the arm opening towards the toes of one of your feet.
6) Try to shove you foot into the arm opening.
7) Pull the arm over your leg.
8) Repeat with your second leg into the second arm of the unitard.
9) Your head and torso should now be stuck inside the leg of the unitard, and your legs should be stuffed into each arm of the garment. The opening of the unitard should be within reach of your hands, but somewhat awkward to access because the opening is farther down your legs.
10) Then grab the 2nd unitard and apply the first method as usual.
11) This results in the first unitard locking in your upper body. The 2nd unitard covers your upper and lower body. The 2nd unitard's opening is blocked by the 1st unitard. Also, the opening for the 1st unitard is now harder to get to due to the pressure of the 2nd unitard.
12) To escape, you have to work your arms out of the 1st unitard's opening, then pull on the 2nd unitard where it covers your head and upper body. Once you slide off the 2nd unitard, you can escape the 1st one.
For better results, you can close up the foot openings of the unitard. This make the sack tighter since your feet cannot slide out of the foot holes.
Sometimes I like to relax inside the sleepsack. After a while, my mind drifts like it does before I fall asleep. Soon I'm not consciously thinking about being inside the sacks, especially if I stay really still so my body numbs to the sensation of lycra. But then at some point, my brain resumes its focus, and my body suddenly realizes it's encased. There's an intense rush there, like a sudden but exciting confusion of waking up in bonds.
Once you start sweating inside the sack, you might find it more difficult to escape from it. To increase this effect, slide into a partially filled tub of water when you are in the sack (being careful not to hurt yourself). The fabric will become thick and clingy with water. But be sure you don't interfere with your airway!
For safety, I often slip safety scissors under some pantyhose or tights that I put on before entering the sack.
A fantasy I have is to set up a rope ratchet so it binds my arms once I'm in the sacks, making escape impossible. The fixed end of the rope would be tied to a stocking or laundry bag with ice cubes. I'd work the hook of the ratchet around my body, and hook it into the metal ring of the ice release. The loose end would be tied in a loop, which I'd slip over a door knob or similarly sturdy thing. Then I'd pull away from the knob, which tightens the rope ratchet loop. Only the melting of the ice would release the rope, allowing me to work my way out of the sacks. But I haven't tried this yet because I'm afraid of the rope or hook getting stuck, and of passing out in the sacks from overheating.
Another time release option could be to cuff hands behind my back using an ice lock. Then the melting ice would eventually free up my hands to bring around front to work myself out of the sacks.
(This post was last modified: 05 Aug 2014, 21:24 by helpless85.)
The first method, similar to what you've been discussing on this thread:
1) Sit on the floor and put both of your legs into a single leg of the unitard.
2) Pull the garment up to about knee level.
3) The other leg hole should be in front. Gather the garment around the leg hole and shove it over your head
4) Work the garment over your shoulders as you push your head further into the leg.
5) Straighten your body out. Eventually, the opening of the garment should "snap" over your butt and smooth out.
6) The unitard opening will be at your back. After enjoying the sleepsack, it is easy to exit the sack through the opening (depending on how tight the unitard is).
The 2nd method is a little more complicated, but results in a much tighter sack:
1) Obtain 2 unitards
2) Enter the 1st unitard, head first, into one of the leg openings.
3) Pull the garment down your body as far as you can. You are entering the leg headfirst, with the arms of the garment dangling towards your feet. You may want to tie off the 2nd leg opening ahead of time to further restrict your movement inside the sack.
4) Kneel on the floor. Locate the opening to one of the arms of the unitard.
5) With your feet behind you, pull the arm opening towards the toes of one of your feet.
6) Try to shove you foot into the arm opening.
7) Pull the arm over your leg.
8) Repeat with your second leg into the second arm of the unitard.
9) Your head and torso should now be stuck inside the leg of the unitard, and your legs should be stuffed into each arm of the garment. The opening of the unitard should be within reach of your hands, but somewhat awkward to access because the opening is farther down your legs.
10) Then grab the 2nd unitard and apply the first method as usual.
11) This results in the first unitard locking in your upper body. The 2nd unitard covers your upper and lower body. The 2nd unitard's opening is blocked by the 1st unitard. Also, the opening for the 1st unitard is now harder to get to due to the pressure of the 2nd unitard.
12) To escape, you have to work your arms out of the 1st unitard's opening, then pull on the 2nd unitard where it covers your head and upper body. Once you slide off the 2nd unitard, you can escape the 1st one.
For better results, you can close up the foot openings of the unitard. This make the sack tighter since your feet cannot slide out of the foot holes.
Sometimes I like to relax inside the sleepsack. After a while, my mind drifts like it does before I fall asleep. Soon I'm not consciously thinking about being inside the sacks, especially if I stay really still so my body numbs to the sensation of lycra. But then at some point, my brain resumes its focus, and my body suddenly realizes it's encased. There's an intense rush there, like a sudden but exciting confusion of waking up in bonds.
Once you start sweating inside the sack, you might find it more difficult to escape from it. To increase this effect, slide into a partially filled tub of water when you are in the sack (being careful not to hurt yourself). The fabric will become thick and clingy with water. But be sure you don't interfere with your airway!
For safety, I often slip safety scissors under some pantyhose or tights that I put on before entering the sack.
A fantasy I have is to set up a rope ratchet so it binds my arms once I'm in the sacks, making escape impossible. The fixed end of the rope would be tied to a stocking or laundry bag with ice cubes. I'd work the hook of the ratchet around my body, and hook it into the metal ring of the ice release. The loose end would be tied in a loop, which I'd slip over a door knob or similarly sturdy thing. Then I'd pull away from the knob, which tightens the rope ratchet loop. Only the melting of the ice would release the rope, allowing me to work my way out of the sacks. But I haven't tried this yet because I'm afraid of the rope or hook getting stuck, and of passing out in the sacks from overheating.
Another time release option could be to cuff hands behind my back using an ice lock. Then the melting ice would eventually free up my hands to bring around front to work myself out of the sacks.