Gladwrap and timer

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I used to have an old Oster and I think it was a little smaller and worked better than the Sears model I have now, but it still does the job. This type of vibrator can be too intense. Too long in the run mode and it will numb you instead of cum you. LOL
(14 Mar 2014, 19:42 )bodysuit Wrote: Too long in the run mode and it will numb you instead of cum you.
Hence the timer 😉
Tomorrow planning a new 4 hour session. Programming my timer today with 31 different timer entries, most with 1 minute duration. Just enough to get me excited and wanting more.

In the past I used to just use the vibrator directly on my penis with a condom and several layers of gladwrap for extra protection. The problem I had was if I lost my erection during a long "rest" period I would sometimes pop free of the vibrator springs. I tried several options such as a lubing my condom and trying to make a tube with the gladwrap but always had trouble making sure everything stayed in place.

I started doing this years ago with my wife using a long corded remote control I made with push button and on/off switch. It was something I would enjoy while she was busy doing her own thing, reading or watching TV. She was very good at wrapping me and once in, I was in. Unfortunately her mental state has declined and I no longer trust her. This is why I have found an alternative. Not as good but the best so far. I wish I could find an inexpensive computer controlled interface so I could have random intervals in the seconds range instead of minutes.
(31 Mar 2014, 19:15 )bodysuit Wrote: Tomorrow planning a new 4 hour session.
How are you going to be bound? What about the time release?
Did a gladwrap (polyethylene plastic film) cocoon. Saran wrap is not as good because it has less stretch. The release was an alarm clock set for 9:30pm. The release is based on the honor system and besides, it is just too much fun to stop. It still takes a bit of effort to get free. It was a good session but I need to adjust the intermittent timer a bit. Nothing like being almost asleep to be jarred awake when the vibrator kicks on. The only downside was 2/3 through the session I had an orgasm, just as it started the vibrator kicked off. Still it was a great 4 hours of sweaty fun.
One release I have done is a condom with the tip filled with Bengay (deep heat). First a generous squirt of Bengay in the tip of the condom and then tie it off with a slip knot. Next tape the open end of the condom to the penis tube. Finally stretch the condom the length of tube with the filled tip held only by the slip knot. Lube up the tube, insert penis and then secure the tube so it can not come off with extra tape and more Gladwrap. Once I get settled in I attach a string connected to the condom tip release snug it up. Then toss the the string end away so that I can not reach it to loosen the trigger. Normally I was sitting in a chair, snug up to a table so I could not reach the condom/tube. Even if I could I would not be unable to disarm the trigger.

Now to get free, I had to move and it would trigger the release of the Bengay. I had a major incentive to stay bound and not move around too much.

I used to travel a lot and used this many many times in the hotel room, not totally bound but free enough to browse the Internet and chat with friends. Since my penis is in a tube there is no playing around. To give me extra incentive to move fast so I could not try and get loose pain free I would have a nice enema spiked with lemon juice hanging in place. It was ready and waiting for me to release the clamp. I used to chat on-line a lot and those who knew me would sometimes say the magic words.

Nothing like having major cramps, a penis on fire while trying to get untied and unwrapped before you can get to and then use the toilet.
Well my contract job ended last week so to consul myself I am planning a six+ hour gladwrap and vibrator bondage session. I have aeady programmed the timer and with 50 events I'll have no idea when the next buzz starts or how long it lasts.
I work alone at my office and after my last contract ended I have too much time alone. Plus I think a little depression sets in from being out of work. I decided to take a nap, put on a full body latex catsuit, and laid down on my couch for a nap. Wearing latex is comforting to me. After laying there for about 15 minutes, still unable to drift asleep because my mind would not calm down I decided to use my timer/vibrator toy. It was about 5:30pm so I figures I had a few hours to kill since I normally am at the office until 10. I wanted something different on the programming, something that might actually let me sleep. I was wrong. From 6pm to 9pm I set the switch to be on 1 minute, off 14 minutes, a 15 minute cycle. That part was interesting. The last hour I was kept waiting ready for the final cycles. You tend to lose track of what happens next.

Starting at 9:00 I changed to a 2 minute cycle. One minute on, one minute off until 9:30. I was about to discover how exhausting that was going to be.

Once the timer was programmed I completed getting ready. Aeady being in a catsuit made it a little quicker than doing a full plastic mummification. I just had to bind feet and legs with a tight torso wrap. Making sure the vibrator was on low, I attached the vibrator / tube assembly to my penis. Lubing the inside of the tube and my penis I slid the vibrator on and then using large rubber straps secured it in place. Next a little more wrapping to create sleeves for my arms. Finally, plug the vibrator into the timer, ear plugs, and blindfold. Laying down on my couch I slip my arms into the sleeves and rolled side to side lock them in place. The clingy plastic does a good job of this making it difficult to get free.

Done, now just lay back and wait for the pleasure and rest cycles. The 15 minute cycle was just frequent enough to not let me fall asleep but I did get to meditate and air hump a lot. After what must have been about 2 hours I kept anticipating the start of the 2 minute cycle but it was not to be. Frustrations were running high. Lots of air humping trying to get a little relief but with the vibrator tightly strapped there is very little movement no matter how hard I tried.

Then the two minute cycle started. I knew relief was at hand, or so I thought. The first few cycles I was doing everything I could think of trying to orgasm but just as I would get close to cuming the vibrator would switch off. After thrashing around and being being tightly wrapped you start to get a little tired but I was determined to cum. One minute on is just not enough time for me. As each cycle ended the frustration grew and I became a little hotter and more tired from all my air humping and trying to get the right physical moves to orgasm. Finally after about 10 cycles I was starting to realize orgasm was not in the cards. Now each cycle was becoming torturous. I was wanting to just lay there and rest but the timer did not allow it. I was tired but every 2 minutes click on came the vibrator forcing me to endure the pleasure that I knew did not have a finale. Finally it was over and I could escape my plastic and latex prison. Tired but feeling rejuvenated.

What went well:

I never expected the 2 minute cycle to be so intense and torturous at the same time. The 15 minute cycle was nice but I think next time I'll change it to 20. There is nothing like being almost asleep and having a vibrator alarm clock.

What could be improved:

In my haste to get started I did not include an orgasm sequence at the end of the session. Too bad. My hands were sore because I was partially laying on them. All the air humping tended to abrade my finger tips because of very slight movements and the pressure. I need to make sure my hands are more to my side and not being pressed against the plastic so hard. I had left the A/C at normal temps and my toes got cold. I normally kick the temp up about 4 degrees F when I wrap. But I had forgotten to lay down my latex sheet so I didn't get the couch all sweaty. I would like to try a butt plug but would like to somehow have it connected to the vibrator. I need to pee just before I start and limit my fluids during the day.

I think my next attempt will be 2 20 minute cycles followed with 8 two minute cycles. That will give me about 5 hours total time and the last four or five cycles can be a bit longer "on" time.
Got a lot of time on your hands, huh?
(29 Jun 2014, 00:33 )Tinker D Wrote: Got a lot of time on your hands, huh?
When you are unemployed that can happen. Have to do something, right?