I think this will be a little exciting and dirty idea but what about an thick tube with one end stick into anus and another one into mouth. There's another tubing but this one is enema with pump that starts after a bit of time. To much water in anus leads feces into thick tubing and exactly into mouth to stop swallowing "shit" you need to wait for the key 😊. Rest ideas depends on you. I'll be pleased if you could add your ideas 😊
(This post was last modified: 04 Sep 2014, 21:14 by Like Ra.)
Feces is material your body is trying to get rid of. Some feces contain E. Coli which is deadly. Why don't you mix up a batch of goop? I dunno...creamed corn and pork & beans I dunno something other than your own excreted poison.
maybe if you first did a good clean out, and after that take a big brown pudding of other brown substance enema. The idea would be a bit the same, but probably much better for you health. 😊