Artificial Intelligence chatterbot and NLP (Natural Language Processing)

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So you need to create a database for the template to operate from?
Or are you trying to use the template to search the internet to fill the database, then the AI can then operate from the database.
If i'm reading the docs correctly you need to create the AIML file for "Program O" ?. you could parse/scrape data from the forum to do this ?
I have often wondered if there is an optimum human language where the grammar nuances would allow for easy manipulation of such templates. Allowing easy parsing followed by post processing back to say English ?
(This post was last modified: 17 Jan 2015, 06:52 by Marcus.)
OK, looks like the swarm of ideas was not structured enough and led to mass confusion 😉

Let's separate all ideas and issues. It would be nice to have them combined, but apparently it's not possible at the moment.

o- Self-learning chatter bot.

I could not find any. All of them are AIML based.

o- AI search engine

Something like Wolfram, though I may overestimate Wolfram abilities to come up with a conclusion.

o- Program O

PHP/MySQL chatter bot implementation that does not work because of various PHP errors or incompatibilities. I fixed some of them, but the progress is VERY slow.


The AIML files can be downloaded (there are lots of them available on the Internet, but with built-in not quite suitable personalities) and/or created/tweaked "manually". The problem is obvious: you have to predict questions and prepare multiple answers.

o- Neural nets

Good for working with patterns, can "predict the future". Google Image search uses this technology. It would be nice to have all the images in the forum autotagged.

As a side note - I have some ideas about the images on the site. Tagging, grouping, random images, image "contest" are some of them.

o- Diagnostic tool

Can be used to create new self-bondage scenarios. It asks (pre-filled, of course) questions, randomly chooses variants, and proceeds further with another question, chooses next item, based on the previously chosen one and on the answer, etc.
Such tools do exist, but I haven't looked at them yet.

o- Framework/engine

MyBB (forum), WordPress (blog) are good examples of engines.

I hope it becomes more understandable now 😉 Google and Facebook are the first companies that come to my mind that make use of various AI engines and actively work in this direction.
Thanks for clearing this up. I can now see what a project this is going to be.
I wish I could be more helpfull, but I am dated a bit.
Still, if I can be of some help, just let me know.
(17 Jan 2015, 21:50 )Tinker D Wrote: Still, if I can be of some help, just let me know.
References to interesting working programs with a web-interface will help a lot!
(This post was last modified: 18 Jan 2015, 22:04 by Like Ra.)
Ha! The Program O installation bug has been fixed and I'm getting a response in the GUI. One step further!
So, if you stumble upon funny AIML files - please let me know!
I'll keep my eyes open.
Have a look:

This is the very first version of the bot. I haven't added enough fetish or bondage knowledge. The only file I changed is about sex and cocks, but even my changes sometimes get overridden by other AIML files. So, play a bit around and let me know.
Type this:

personality test question

For some reason it goes in circles for me.
(This post was last modified: 19 Jan 2015, 03:23 by Like Ra.)