Naked, thanks much for your extensive communication with Miyuki! 😉
Discovered problems:
o- Going in circles
I'm trying to prevent this by creating dialogues, but I'm stuck at response priorities and properly defined chains of questions.
o- Not-expected answers
Not all answers can be intercepted and properly understood.
o- The response goes to an incorrect pattern
Prioritizing issues again
Basically I solved one issue discovered by Marcus, but created another one that was discovered by Naked 😁
(This post was last modified: 11 Feb 2015, 23:52 by Like Ra.)
I like/love the response in pictures ... totally unexpected....
Should prolly respond to some key works such as "next" ...
I found it always wanted to show me the same picture ...
Would be good if the responses could hint that it can "show you" not just chat.
It seems to be easy to trip over the response that it likes to chat to people so if that was to say "chat about ... and my photo collection" .
(This post was last modified: 12 Feb 2015, 05:38 by Marcus.)
I deliberately avoid converting the chatbot to another photo album, so there will be no direct interface to the pictures. OTOH, it would be interesting to steer the conversation is various directions to discover if there are other images 😉
Almost 150,000 patterns now. Back to making the bot more naughty....
I resolved a couple of loops, that left since I was experimenting with variables and discovered a bug in Program O. Yeah, more variables 😁