All things Aaron Carty.

33 Replies, 15258 Views

Is it just the lighting or does all that bumping and grinding in lycra seem to be causing Aaron some problems at around 1:45?



Before and after pics;

 AC01.jpg     AC02.jpg   

Still, it's always nice to see someone enjoying their work 😉
(07 Aug 2015, 09:55 )culmor Wrote: Is it just the lighting or does all that bumping and grinding in lycra seem to be causing Aaron some problems at around 1:45?



Still, it's always nice to see someone enjoying their work 😉

It could hardly (ahem!) be classed as a wardrobe malfunction 😋

Quote: It could hardly (ahem!) be classed as a wardrobe malfunction :


Nah, this is a wardrobe malfunction...

 Costume malfunction  new.jpg   

...and as for everything heading south O.o


Re the earlier pics, as a crossplayer I can assure you that if you're properly tucked and get an erection that's exactly what it looks like, the shaft of your penis stay can't go anywhere so the root pushes forward to give that squarish bulge.

I'd be interested to know what tights Aaron's wearing in this clip, whatever they are they're awesomely shiny:


There's an ex-police officer named Aaron Carty who had his fifteen minutes of fame a year or so ago lip-synching  on 'Britain's Got Talent' as a Beyoncé Knowles impersonator in some interesting leotards, tights and heels.

However, he often didn't appear to have a very good tuck, either quite bulky

or oddly angular.

Recently I found his version of his 'Grown Woman' performance and was just thinking how things weren't very different in the tuck department
when I spotted this

It can't be a 'Birdlocked' chastity device, can it? Because if he's realised his problem and is performing crammed into something like this

his act just became about 1000% more interesting.
(21 May 2016, 10:23 )culmor Wrote: and I spotted this
I wonder if there are any hi-rez videos. Something is definitely shining like metal.
I was reminded of Aaron recently when I was on a major Cosplay website and in the Crossplay forum a poster recommended male crossplayers wear a pantyliner partly to help hide  the two bumps that can be slightly visible after tucking and but mostly to absorb leakage owing to '...what you're wearing or the attention you're getting'.
Given that Aaron seems to be struggling to control his tuck a lot of the time I strongly suspect that's what's going on here.
Trying a new reply as the photo uploader isn't working properly again...


It does look like  a reinforced dance tight gusset over a panty-liner to me; it's  nice to know he enjoys his work 😉
Quote:Given that Aaron seems to be struggling to control his tuck a lot of the time...

Exhibit 1.


A double post but done with the intention of keeping all  the Aaron Carty pics in one place. I wonder if it's possible to change the title of the thread?
Exhibit 2.


I can't say I remember Bey doing this move...
(12 Feb 2017, 04:42 )culmor Wrote: I wonder if it's possible to change the title of the thread?
Sure, just edit the first post in the thread. Or tell me what you want to change it to.

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