The process of changing the whole picture with a single attribute or an accessory is close to magic in my opinion. And if this attribute can not be taken off by the wearer?
Basically, nothing changes. Same person. Same clothes. Same expression. Same surroundings. Same part of the body. You do not even have to know what is on the left, what is on the front, or what the other parts of body look like. Moreover, the less you know, the more your thoughts will be twirling around this attribute, the more exciting pictures and surreal stories your mind will produce. It’s all about imagination, isn’t it? 😉
See 12 “simple bondage” photos below.
I don’t know why, but 04 is the one that is the most erotic image to me (Bob Carlos Clarke?)
05 makes me want to spedn more time in Europe, as it is obviously a fun place to meet girls who are chained up! (I must assume this is where it was taken – in the UK someone would have stolen the bike and the bike rack already!)