Wheelchair bondage?

2 Replies, 4963 Views

I live in  a fairly middle class area that's quite into recycling etc and if you have a piece of furniture or such-like you want to get rid of a convention is that you put it on your front lawn with a 'FREE' label  on it. Anyone passing by can take it, it's useful to them and you're saved the cost of having the Council collect it, win/win.
I saw a really retro old-fashioned wheel-chair on offer earlier today, that must have some bondage possibilities...
(24 Sep 2016, 19:12 )culmor Wrote: I live in  a fairly middle class area that's quite into recycling etc and if you have a piece of furniture or such-like you want to get rid of a convention is that you put it on your front lawn with a 'FREE' label  on it. Anyone passing by can take it, it's useful to them and you're saved the cost of having the Council collect it, win/win.
I saw a really retro old-fashioned wheel-chair on offer  earlier today, that must have some bondage  possibilities...

Did you get it? I couldn't have resisted something like that 😁

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So many ideas!

I have an electric wheelchair I found at the scrap yard years ago.
Never thought about using it in a bondage seine.