The Strange Case of Miss Toilet

2 Replies, 4654 Views

hello all. I wanted to tell you that I wrote a story linked to fetish-themed latex masks, diapers, toilet for some strange reason and abundant panty poop tables. maybe someone you like, but all, any instance of this narrative. but at least they can see the pictures I made to accompany it.

(Two of these four drawings hid by the spoiler in case anyone would bug the scat and panty-poop)

 miss-toilet-01.jpg     miss-toilet-02.jpg     miss-toilet-03.jpg     miss-toilet-04.jpg   
 miss-toilet-05.jpg     miss-toilet-06.jpg     miss-toilet-07.jpg     miss-toilet-08.jpg   

Unfortunately this story is only in Spanish (in fact I write this myself through a translator XD) but I think using some tools may achieve read. I hope someone finds some of their tastes satisfied in this story (is a bit large to post in one post, so leave a link).

(This post was last modified: 21 May 2013, 12:49 by Like Ra.)
Hi Cepia, thanks for posting the pictures and for the link! Great site, great drawings. I wish I could speak (rather read) Spanish.

I replaced the linked images with uploaded pictures, because they are too big and break the design. Also I included the drafts, if you do not mind.
Thanks for the additional work that has been taken. It's good to know that there could affect the content suceptibilidades. hopefully someone likes the work enough. I'm still polishing and correcting him details from time to time. Anyway it is not necessary to read to enjoy the drawings. When I have desires continue drawing more and more stuff ♥

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