Selfbondage Fitness Unpersonal Trainer 1.3

11 Replies, 22527 Views

Hello from Barcelona. As I don't know how to edit the title of a thread in Ra's forums I post the entire post again with the newer version:

Do you have any fitness machine at home?
(Exercise bikes, eliptical bikes, steppers, etc...)

If so, I've updated the Fitness Unpersonal Trainer to version 1.3:
[Image: logopkr.jpg]
(next time I'll made shorter named programs, promise)

Here is the main gui of the program:
[Image: sinttulonn.png]

And what does this program do?
Basically it forces you to make exercise while you are tied if you don't want to be punished.

It doens't need to be installed to work (works fine from an USB)
Works on Windows XP, Vista and 7
It has the antishutdown and the battery level checker included on the Selfbondage CD Tray Opener.

Let's see how it works:
We need to have a computer (not needed to be a laptop this time), a fitness machine and a teasing device (we will talk about this devices later)

In the main gui we have to input some variables to customize the selfbondage sessions.
  • We have a Time Input, where we must enter the minutes that we want to make exercise
    [Image: inputo.png]

You can setup sessions up to 200 minutes

During the session we will have a countdown on screen with the time remaining:
[Image: countdown.png]

And a more graphical countdown:
[Image: timeleft.png]

  • As the Selfbondage CD Tray Openers we can activate a beep during the countdown checking that checkbox:
    [Image: beep.png]

  • And we can also play with random time checking this option:
    [Image: randoml.png]
  • If you decide to play with random time you will have to input the maximum time that you want to play here:
    [Image: inputo.png]
    and the minimum time that you want to play here:
    [Image: randoml.png]
    So the computer will calculate a number of minutes between the max and the min

If we play with random time we will not get the progress bar with the countdown on screen and the normal countdown will look like this:
[Image: randomcountdown.png]
So you will not know how much time left.

As the program is designed to punish us when we do not make the exercises, and we can do that while we are tying ourselves, we need a security time from the moment we press the button START to begin the session and the moment the program starts the teasing if we do not exercise.
I call this time "The Warming Time" (athelic and sexual warming).
  • You can change the time in minutes that you need to finish tying yourself before the teasing starts with this option:
    [Image: warming.png]

When we press the START button to begin the Fitness session the program will show on screen the warming time countdown:
[Image: warmingtime.png]
If you have any problem during the warming/tying time you can exit the program just pressing the escape key on our keyboard.
We can have the mouse next to us and if we see that we're alredy tied (just remains one hand, for example), we can force the program to start the session in one minute or if we are taking very long to tie ourselves then we can add 5 minutes to the warming countdown

If you do have a little sadomasochistic mind you are going to love the next option:
  • [Image: ramdongteasing.png]
    Checking it every second the program will choose a number between 1 and 100, and if this random number is smaler than the % than you've entered on this option (only values from 1% to 25%) you'll be teased like if you haven't made the exercise ,so you have from 1% to 25% of possibilities of being punished even doing a perfect fitness session every second (only if the checkbox is activated!)

Everytime you get punished with this option you'll see on screen a little window like that:
[Image: jackpoti.png]
So you can see why you are being whipped or spanked.

  • As the time limit, we also have to setup the maximun number of punishes we can get during a session. This number can be changed here:
    [Image: punish.png]
    So when we have been punished that number of times, the session will end

During the sesion we will have a counter on screen with the amount of teasing remaining:
[Image: punishment.png]
When this counter reaches zero the session will end... but if you fail doing your exercise while you are being teased the counter will not decrease... Failing while a punishment will add 1 extra punishment to the counter (so you can't drop this number as easy as being quiet while you're teased)

As the time limit we have a security maximum number of times that we can be teased. You can only setup up to 500 teasings.
  • There is also a random option for the number of teasing. It works like the random time option. You can activate the random number of teasing here:
    [Image: randomnumberofteasing.png]
  • If you decide to play with random number of teasing you will have to input the maximum number of times you want to be punished here:
    [Image: punish.png]
    and the minimum number of teasing that you want to play here:
    [Image: randomnumberofteasing.png]
    So the computer will calculate a number between the max and the min

One thing that I love of this mode is that you're not going to know the number of teasing that the computer has calculated until the warming time countdown ends. Is amazing to be cuffed to a fitness bike, anal plugged, tape gagged, having choose the maximun time allowed (so if you want to be free you're going to exercise more than 2 hours or get the whole pain treatment) and see that the computer has calculated a REALLY BIG number of teasing. And remeber that you are at the hands of the merciless master: your computer

  • As is not the same exercise if you are using a stepper or a exercise bike, you can set the speed of the exercise that the computer is going to use during the session with that option:
    [Image: testspeed.png]
    Pressing the "Test Exercise Speed" button you can get an idea of the speed required. The beep that sounds will be translated as punishment during the session, so choose carefully. Next versions will have diferents setups (start the session with on speed, increase it at the middle, decrease at the end... like real bodypump sessions)

If you take a look at the bottom left of the main gui you will see two buttons.
  • The first one opens the webcam setup:
    [Image: wbcambutton.png]
    Clicking on it we will open the webcam setup window:
    [Image: webcamsetup.png]
    here you can choose if you want to take pictures of your session with your webcam Pictures will be saved on the desktop on a folder created by the program. The program will take pictures every 20 seconds or everytime you get punished (I have to include this option on the CD Tray Opener 4)

If you want to use this feature simply check the checkbox and when you have setup the rest of the options on the main window press the START button to begin (the program will close the webcam setup window itself).

If you do not want to use the photo feature click on the "Don't use webcam" button and the option will be unchecked and the webcam window will be closed.
Sorry but during the sesson there's not webcam windows with a preview of your session. Maybe in next versions, who knows.
  • Next to the webcam button you will see the microphone button:
    [Image: microbuton.png]
    Clicking it will open the microphone setup window:
    [Image: microphone1.png]
    here you can choose if you want that the program listen through a microphone and teases you when you make any sound louder than the choosed one

It works like the sound teasing of the CD Tray Openers, and, like the webcam feature, if you want to use this option you have to check the checkbox on the little microphone window and press the Start button on the main gui when you have the other options set. The program will close the Microphone setup window before the warming contdown begin.

If you do not want to use the microphone feature click on the "Do not use microphone teasing" button and the option will be unchecked and the microphone window will be closed.
During the session the sound level that you're doing every moment will be showed with this window:
[Image: microphone2.png]
One of the best things that you an do with this feature is to gag yourself and use a headset secured with tape, putting the microphone next to your nose, so if you breath very strongly you'll be teased.

[SIZE=5]You've to have a sub-program named "pain.exe" on the same folder as the Fitness Unpersonal Trainer

This "pain.exe" is the program that will be executed everytime you're going to be teased

(there are a lots of possibilities depending on the teasing devices that you have, so I need to create a topic apart)
  • To check that "pain.exe" works as you want (it means, that it teases you) you can use this option:
    [Image: testpain.png]
    so clicking in the Test button the program will run a exe named "pain.exe" stored in the same folder that you have the Fitness Unpersonal Trainer.

Remember that the name must be "pain.exe", not "Pain.exe" or "PAIN.exe"

The Selfbondage Fitness Personal Trainer also runs another program when the session ends. If you have a program named "exit.exe" in the same folder than the Fitness Unpersonal Trainer. You can use this program as release method of as a final punishment. (or maybe both!!! Just imagine that you've tied your slave to the exercise machine with the fastest exercise setup and when the session ends, exit.exe is a 5 minutes working vibrator script as reward, and after this 5 minutes a release method)
  • To test that exit.exe works as you want you have an option very similar to the one for the "pain.exe":
    [Image: testexit.png]

Use this button to make sure that when the session finish exit.exe works as you want (key releasing, for example).

When you have setup your session you can press the START button at the bottom to begin the session.
Doing it you'll get on your computer the warming countdown screen and when it reaches zero the real fun will begin.
If you have choosed the Microphone teasing and not random timer your screen will look like that:
[Image: sinttulovq.png]

If you take a look at the middle of the screen you'll notice that there's a windows like that:
[Image: 39531981.png]

This windows has a progress bar that runs out as fast as you've setted up in the main windows.
If the progress bar reaches zero the Fitness Trainer will run "pain.exe" and you'll be teased
The only way of stop this progress bar is pressing one of the keys coloured in the keyboard showed on the image

As if you press one of the keys that stops the progress bar as if you don't and get punished, the program will delete this window and create another one asking you to press another group of keys:
[Image: 21782574.png]

I call this two groups of keys group1 (letters) and group 2 (numbers).
Here you have both groups represented:
[Image: keyboard.gif]
letters stops the blue progressbar and numbers stop the red progress bar.

And how do we press the keys being tied to a exercise bike or to a stepper?
[Image: stepper.jpg]

The best way of using the program is with an external usb keyboard (and depeding on your fitness machine you can even use 2 usb keyboards, one for every group of keys).

To use it with an exercise bike you can do something like:
[Image: pedalmove.gif]
(the blue line can be a spoon)

*To get an idea of how you can perform a scenario with the program check the "No Pain No Gain Scenario" post here:

*You can get the Selfbondage Fitness Unpersonal Trainer1.3 from here:
[Image: iconde.png]

*And here you'll find example and links for the "pain.exe" and "exit.exe" programs:

When you finish the session the program will show you a splash screen congratulating you for finishing the session or giving you advices:
[Image: finish2.jpg]

There are 7 differents, so I bet that you'll have to try the program to see the other 6.

Hope you like it.
(This post was last modified: 23 Aug 2011, 12:13 by qwertybcn121.)
Hi, i love the oswa off the program. maybee you can add another feature. imagine, every time you failed and get punished Your excercise time will be increasd. this would bee great, or?
Greetings TVSissi
This is dangerous, see
Yes, you are right. but my idea was to add another feature. Set the maximum bondage time, set the increase time for every failure and set the initial bondage time.
For example:
Initial bondage Time: 60 min.
Increase Time per Failure: 2 min.
maximum Bondage Time 300 min.

So it is safe, bevause there will be an end, but you have to do your exercise the whole time to get free before 300 min.

I would love to test a new version including such features.

I hope the developer of the programm keep an eye on this forum 😊

Greetings TVSissi
(31 Mar 2011, 19:41 )tvsissi Wrote: Yes, you are right. but my idea was to add another feature. Set the maximum bondage time, set the increase time for every failure and set the initial bondage time.
For example:
Initial bondage Time: 60 min.
Increase Time per Failure: 2 min.
maximum Bondage Time 300 min.

So it is safe, bevause there will be an end, but you have to do your exercise the whole time to get free before 300 min.

I would love to test a new version including such features.

I hope the developer of the programm keep an eye on this forum 😊

Greetings TVSissi

I have a lot of doubts about including time addition on forced exercise programs. I have created a new software wich includes time addition to a countdown, if you want to give it a try please check:

[Image: logocq.png]

In this program you can setup time addition until the release method if you move or if you make noize...

I can spend more time being quiet and not moving than doing forced exercise (in fact I spend a great part of my working time doing nothing 😁)

Greets from Barcelona

(This post was last modified: 19 Apr 2011, 06:04 by qwertybcn121.)

thank you so much for the new programm. maybee you can add the "add time function" also to the fitness personal trainer. i believe it could be also hard enough to stay quiet without any motion as to execute on the training bike.
Please, i would love to be forced to exercise on my bike, and your programm is really a great chance to do it. i would love to hear from oyu, or even download your new programm.

Greetings TVSissi (a real selfbondage fan, but always be aware about safety)
Hi folks,
Great program!

I really would like to be teased when making a sound louder than choosen.
But how?
What kind of device delivers a tease when there is sound?

A "pet safe" (anti barking collar) as in the picture is not availabe in Germany. I have tried ebay as well.
Any other ideas?

Help would be appreciated!

(18 Apr 2011, 16:41 )amity Wrote: Hi folks,
Great program!

I really would like to be teased when making a sound louder than choosen.
But how?
What kind of device delivers a tease when there is sound?

A "pet safe" (anti barking collar) as in the picture is not availabe in Germany. I have tried ebay as well.
Any other ideas?

Help would be appreciated!


Hello Amity!
You can get teased only using external devices.

Here there is a guy asking for a devices that activates an electric buttplug when sound is detected, so the idea is that your pain.exe plays a sound and conect a minijack audo wire between the laptop and the erostek.

Another possibility is buying an Arduino board, that can rule motors, servomotors and some devices:

With an Arduino the possibilities are endless (I guess that you have aeady visited the Pain and exit.exe thread.

[Image: arduinoswitch.gif], so you can activate any device (for example you can do a home made spanking machine (to see how just visit the No Pain No Gain Scenario thread.

Otherwise the Arduino can also rule electric toys up to 5V like vibrators:
[Image: 27767226.gif]
(that's my case)

or electric teasing toys up to 5V with the usb cable:
[Image: electrictoys.gif]

Hope that you find this info useful.

Greets from Barcelona
Edit post with updated version (now we are on version 1.3).

Minor updates:

· Now the photos that the program takes of your session are stored in .jpg intead of bmp

· In the new version you can choose whatever program that you want to tease you (in previous version it has to be "exit.exe" and it must be stored in the same folder that the Fitness Unpersonal Trainer)

· Now you can setup a different teasing program for when you make noise than the one selected when you do not make the exercise

· Increased the max allowed teasing (from 500 to 999) and the max allowed time (now you can perform sessions up to 600 minutes (10 hours)

· The inputs now have a limit, so is not possible to input negative times or strokes (it can causes mal function or earlier version)

· You can setup whatever program that you want to work as release method (in version 1.2 it has to be a program named "exit.exe" and it must be stored in the same folder than the Fitness Unpersonal Trainer) and you can play without having selected any release method (the program will prompt you asking if you have any external release method before session starts)

· Removed the possibility of being teased when Espace bar is pressed, if needed it can be compiled and sended via PM a version with this feature (got mails explaining that depending on the way keys where stroked you can press the letters keys and the espace bar at the same movement)

· Now the Escape button do only closes the program, it doesn't run the desired release method (too easy to get out)

· As the new releases and updates of my programs the Selfbondage Fitness Unpersonal Trainer 1.3 comes with a pdf with detailed intructions about how to use the program and scurity warnings

you can get the program from here: Selfbondage Fitness Unpersonal Trainer 1.3
i found this post about two weeks ago and have been working on making the arduino board servo circut work since then, however i have made a few changes: first of all, rather than using an arduino board, i used a ti launchpad msp430g2 ( msp430g2553 microprocceser, included with the board) ( heres the product: ( about $10), and the software needed, including a program for running arduino sketches like the ones here (i know, i got it to work myself, and with a launchpad about 5 years out of date 😁 ) msp430 drivers : more drivers: and the program for uploading arduino sketches to the msp430 (energia): and that stuff alone will be enough to make the servo sketches here work, all for about $10! (not including the servo unfortunately, im not sure it would work with other arduino sketches here for other devices because the msp430 only supports devices up to 3v, i had to power the servo with a second usb cable) but i went a bit further, its a bit difficult to explain, but ive made an image as a reference as i built it, so ill add that, (removed image, see revised version below, as well as modified sketch) baisically it uses the same servo circut mentioned here, but it can control up to 4 devices at once, but the arduino sketch may have to be modified to turn at different angles, mine turns 90 degrees, although in the sketch it starts at "angle=0" and turns to "angle=60" and back, though although it says 60, it actually turns 90 degrees, you may have to toy with it for a while. Just thought, after 2 weeks of troubleshooting, id share this here so others could enjoy it too, and at a much cheaper price!

edit: oh and i almost forgot, im not sure if this is needed with the newer msp430s, but mine wouldnt work without it

also just did a bit more work to make it work correctly, if you get a standard servo from radio shack, use this sketch and this new diagram:

.txt   arduino.txt (Size: 955 bytes / Downloads: 23)
 servo circut.jpg   

in order to use arduino.txt, just change the file extention to ".ino" and it will work
(This post was last modified: 10 May 2014, 22:13 by helplessRose.)

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