Hmmm, one of my Flickr pics was invited to be added to the 'Catsuit Club' group. Flattered, I agreed but now I find it's a 'private' group, membership by invite only, so not only am I not allowed to see my own photo there, neither can I apply to join it!
There's something very wrong about my generosity I've handed over all rights to a pic of my one-off custom-made catsuit to a potential scammer...
I never liked flickr... Nor photobucket, nor yahoo, nor ... Hence founded this site for my own money 😉
Doh, that's annoying indeed. I suppose, it is better to check such requests thoroughly before granting any rights. Do I understand it correctly, the image is not public anymore, just visible to members of that group? Can you withdraw the rights?
It's still on my flickr page I think. It was just that if someone thought my pic interesting enough to request it be posted on a dedicated catsuit site I would have expected to be allowed access to that site...
I've seen that on Flickr. I tried to register in one of the groups but could not.
To be honest I see no reason in using Flickr. Do they accept "naughty" photos? What is their censorship policy? Do you want comments? Do you want something in exchange? Do you want to show photos to a specific group of people? Do you want to make money out of showing photos?
For not "very erotic" photos or for private photos I use Picasa. For the rest - this website. Photobucket and Yahoo block even classic art.
BTW, is anybody interested in composing blog articles here?
The main reason for my Flickr page is that without a page of your own it's more difficult to get accepted to view other people's.
Ah, I see, not public images, that is.