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after reading MSM's post, I got thinking - could a "domination machine" be possible? Well, sure it could, in the age where a microcontroller costs less than 20 Euros... So I went to my draft board (that usually contains all sorts of stuff, conspiracy theories, circuit diagrams, weird stories, doodles and scratches on scrap paper, coffee stains, world domination plans... stuff, you know) and drafted.
There's nothing beside a concept (yet), but I guess I might share it with you - just as a "request for comments" of sorts. I'm not an expert selfbondager (but I'm into technical challenges. And SB. Which turns out to be a major technical challenge, so I'm double into-it), so your opinion is very much needed.
Turns out there are a few key principles to follow.
1. Modularity
Whilst MSM's idea was a monolithic device (think like a bondage frame) that could be used for exactly one thing, I'd suggest a modular way (Like Cuffs, Padlocks, Floggers and so on - can be adapted to what you want/need). Devices could be hooked up (and maybe even programmed) via radio, WiFi or Bluetooth.
2. Safe
In no event, any of the devices should harm the "user". If the power goes off, they keys/knife must be made accessible <- possible, using magnetism.
3. Flexible
Devices shouldn't be required. Anything from "just" a timed release (if you're just into bondage) up to a fullscale bdsm session should be possible.
4. Extendible by anyone
Anyone capable of basic programming/soldering should be able to put his own fantasies into the devices.
5. Usable with "legacy" stuff
It should be usable with ice locks and stuff - that expands possibility. You could easily time-release ONE part of your bondage, while the other is released by a... challenge. Whatever that can mean.
In the end, it may end up being one main "brain" device that receives "input" from several sensors and sends output to, say, a remotely controlled "flogging machine", a release, teasing vibrator, and so on.
You'd be totally at the mercy of a random generator, torturing or teasing you "whenever it wanted" - or the device might react to your movement, sound, your breathing, drooling... It may even be playing a "quiz of pain" game with you.
Just wanted to hear your opinion on this. Has anyone ever attempted something like this (apart from the much appreciated stories here)? And if so, what were the results. And in general, what do you think about the idea. Having an "electronical dom" sounds arousing to me (being M as well), and it might allow new, previously impossible variants of selfbondage.
Problem is, I can test the devices only when family is not around - that time's limited right now. I can build and work on drafts (they have no idea what i actually build 😁), but testing... well, you can see the problem.
Sorry, it all is a little vague by now, just an idea I had, and sharing is caring. Hopefully, I hope I can start building something around this weekend - if I manage to produce anything actually usable, I'll post here.
Currently in mad, scientific mood. Like, you know, mad.
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That sounds extremely interesting, and it's exactly the kind of thing that I would love (both to build and to use). I can see it being a big challenge to integrate all of the ideas you've laid out; in the past (on other projects), what I've found to work best is to start with a core concept, then add on parts (like integration with legacy, modularity, etc.) as you build it up, while still keeping in mind the end product so that you don't build yourself into a corner (getting stuck can be fun for self bondage, but not so much for development). Walking up a set of stairs is easier than scaling a cliff.
As for the specifics of this project, I'd love to see what you come up with. Also, if you need alpha or beta testers, that sounds like it could be a lot of fun too.
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I a eady built a device like that and in the moment i built the matching Add-ons!
Look here:
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(11 Mar 2015, 20:49 )madscientist Wrote: my draft board (that usually contains all sorts of stuff, conspiracy theories, circuit diagrams, weird stories, doodles and scratches on scrap paper, coffee stains, world domination plans... stuff, you know) Oh yes, I know... 😉
(11 Mar 2015, 20:49 )madscientist Wrote: 1. Modularity Very good start. I like the modularity, reusability, multifunctionality, object-orientality (nice word, eh?)
(11 Mar 2015, 20:49 )madscientist Wrote: In the end, it may end up being one main "brain" device that One of the reasons I started looking into various AI implementations:
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Something that is accessible (not over-pricy) that can be used with/for SB is very much appreciated throughout the community I think. There are some projects I saw but they were either too expensive or too "tech savvy"
I definitely would want something you describe. I fear it will take a very long time and a huge amount of dedication to make it. And then still only you will have one, witch leaves a lot of people jealous prolly 😉
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Hey, not even one day gone by and so many answers! Thanks!
@boundwolf: Too true - a big concept requires a lot of work (and I fear that at some point, also some hiding). I guess every minute I'm undisturbed enough to work at this thing is gonna be really precious.
What I'm thinking of right now is how I can make a electromagnetic release system that can be timed. The "brain" unit and all the other stuff will be the future - for now, I'm working on the equivalent of an ice lock (not too exciting, but keep in mind it's only 24 hours until weekend).
What I meant with legacy is that I actually do not intend to replace traditional things like cuffs, floggers and padlocks. I'm trying to extend the fun one can have with them, and make SB safer.
@vacbedbound: I looked at what you made - it's really nice. Have you gotten anywhere with that "e-magnet" research yet? All I have worked out would be a (not too heavy) ceiling mounted device with an electric magnet, dropping a key after a certain time... It needs to be light enough to be sticky-taped, so no suspension bondage 😟.. (See end of post for some more details on it)
Maybe we can work something out together.
@Like Ra: I saw your thread on AI... Right now, it's not planned the brain can create sessions. But who knows, plans can change... Who knows... Remote domination maybe? S&M via Skype and RDP? But let's stay basic for now.
@herrpee: In total, I have expended around 50 Euros "research fund" - but that includes a couple of purchasing misstakes, getting a "stock" of often needed parts (Like transistors, resistory, radio modules, MC's) and of course the always present percentage of annoying, emberassing or just plain ridiculous fuckups. Only yesterday, one of my battery cases' wires broke loose (bad solder point), touched the other one and... well, I was reduced to a pile of black plastic. A smelly pile. Luckily, it's only a 1€ part and the MC seems OK. But still, it shows it is important to have a stock of inexpensive stuff. Actually, a grilled BC547 transistor is now holding the whole thing back.
But developing something is always more difficult than building it after a plan. Start simple - that is a resolution I will take.
Right now, the plan I've got is that:
1. An arduino Nano soldered on a breadboard. Connected:
- VIN (which handles up to 12V): A 9 Volt battery case (currently empty, I learn from my mistakes...)
- GND (The ground of the battery case).
- Pin 3: Base of TO-92
2. An electro magnet (=Iron Screw + Lots of copper wire) connected to a TO-92 transistor like that:
- Base: Ardiuno, Pin 3
- Collector: Plus side of battery case
- Ground: Minus side of battery case
3. Programming
Startup: Turns Pin 3 to DIGITAL_OUTPUT and HIGH, sets Timer to 0 and RELEASETIMER to, say, 900 (15 minutes)
Loop: Compares Timer to RELEASETIMER*1000 (#defined), sets Timer to current Milliseconds.
If Timer >= RELEASETIMER, Pin 3 is set to LOW.
4. Intended usage:
Power it up, put the key to the magnet (should stick, if not, it's likely a plastic key or lack of batteries), after the set time, the key will fall down.
This is NOT the whole schematic, just an idea. If you want to really recreate this, you need to get a collector resistor limitting the current to the transistor!! (This is what cost me a BC-547, worth three cents. Inexpensive, but also, indispensable right now. A ten cent piece costing me a whole day of work).
Anyway, I'll drop by a electronics store tomorrow and get one. Then, I hope to make a working device, take some photos and put them here. After that, I'll get to the radio part. Lots of networking there, might take a week and some coffee.
Currently having his head on ethernet protocols. And his tabletop. Repeatedly.
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12 Mar 2015, 22:07
(This post was last modified: 12 Mar 2015, 23:17 by Vacbedbound.)
I updated my post!!! Now you can see my electromagentic release!
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14 Mar 2015, 19:27
(This post was last modified: 15 Mar 2015, 00:12 by madscientist.)
WARNING If you have programmed your device before 03/15/2015, 00:02, re-flash the NEW sourcecode. A conversion error has caused a failure with a previously untested bound time of over 900 seconds. Please make sure you use the new sourcecode below!
said I'd post an update on the weekend - will do so now.
I stepped away from that "electromagnet" release business. Drew too much power, 2400 mAh battery drained after only 2 hours. Certainly too little time for lengthy scenarios, if you don't consider using an array of car/motorbike batteries. Instead, I picked up an RC servo - they're dirt cheap, 6 Euros/piece, and use way less power - if you only use one, the 50mA of an Arduino Uno are more than enough.
This way, I went around usign an external power supply altogether (at least for the release). So it's a "servo" release device by now. Of course, this puts me in front of a safety problem, servos don't re-set themselves when the power goes down. Also, they're pretty noisy, so you'll hear when you're free (That might be a plus, depends on how you see it). Need to solve this - weight at keys maybe? Servo holds 1.2 kg, but I can't let a 1.5 kg weight fall down in my apartment... Not unless I want my neighbours come knocking.
I couldn't test this in a session yet - family around. Luckily, they all know I'm mad and don't ask what I build, so I can go to work undisturbed. But I really look forward to testing this.
Anyway, here's what/how.
What you need:
- RC model servo (4,8/6V. We'll operate it at 5 V DC from the arduino) -> 5 Euros.
- Arduino (I used an UNO, you can use any with 5 V DC output) -> 30 Euros.
- Wires -> 10 Cents, if at all.
Total cost: 35,10 Euros.
Time required to build: 10 Minutes.
Tome required to program: 15 Minutes. You can copy that, though.
How (you hook it up):
1. Program the board - with this, preferrably:
#define BOUNDTIME 5 // The time you want to be bound, in seconds. Maximum is 2147482 - that'd be 1,5 years (Have fun 😉)
#define RELEASEANGLE 0 // The angle at which the key drops (TRY IT OUT!!!)
#define HOLDANGLE 130 // The angle at which the key doesn't drop (TRY IT OUT!!!)
#define SERVOPIN 9 // The PIN that the servo is plugged to (9 if you follow the guide. Needs to be a PWM pin with a ~ on the side!)
// Code starts here - don't change anything below this line unless you know what you're doing.
#include <Servo.h> // Provides functions to control servo.
Servo myservo;
int pos = 0; // Current position
long int releaseTime = millis()+(long)(BOUNDTIME)*1000; // Calculate the release time.
void setup()
myservo.attach(SERVOPIN); // Tell the Servo subsystem where the servo is.
void moveSoft(int target) { // This moves the servo arm slowly - helps protect the gear.
pos =;
if (target > pos) { // If the servo arm is currently further "down" - go up.
for (int i =; i <= target; i++) {
delay(15); // This slows the arm down. Needed to protect the gears of some smaller servos, we don't need full speed for SB.
else if (target == pos) { // If the arm is aeady in the right position - do nothing.
else {
for (int i =; i >= target; --i) { // Otherwise, the arm is too high - go down.
void loop()
if (millis() < releaseTime) { // If it's not time to release yet: move the arm up. This is needed when setting up, but also in longer sessions, when the arm may go down.
else { // Otherwise, it is time to release!
delay (1000); // We don't need to check/correct every 50 Milliseconds. Waiting a second saves power.
1.1 Leave the values at "default" for now.
1.2 Disconnect the Arduino after programming finished.
2. Connect the servo.
2.1 Usually, the "data" line is orange or white. Connect it (I used a gender changer and some breadboard jumper wires) to the Arduino's Port 9.
2.2 Red - Plus. Hook it to the 5V output on the Arduino.
2.3 Brown/Black - Minus. Hook it to any GND on the Arduino.
You'll end up with something like this:
3. Calibration
3.1 Put the servo on the side of your desk / World domination draft board.
3.2 Power it up (External battery pack for Arduino Uno). Note the position it goes into - this is the "hold" position.
3.3 Put your favourite key on a keyring and put it to the Servo's horn's end pointing up.
3.3 Wait a few seconds, until the servo moves again.
3.3 If the key falls down, all is great. If not, sort things out.
4. Sorting things out
4.1 If they key fell down after the servo moved the second time, skip this step. Otherwise, recheck anything. Play with the values
5. Usage in a session
5.1 Set the inteded time for your session in the code (add whatever time you need for preparation), upload it to the arduino (You can do it while the Servo's connected, no problem here).
5.2 Put the servo on the edge of something high (enough you can't reach the key while bound).
5.3 Power it up (You can use the USB cable of the arduino and a Power Bank for a smartphone), the arm should move to "hold" position. Hang the key on it.
5.4 Get dressed, gagged, plugged, blindfolded, bound, aroused...
5.5 Key will fall down when it is time.
6. Advice
- If you intend making a permanent circuit, leave some room. This release board will receive an update soon (when the brain is developed).
- When you want to mount it on your ceiling, use two-sided or velcro tape.
7. Known issues
- If you leave the device for 1.6 years turned on and in "release" position, the arm will pop back into "hold" position for the next 3.2 years. If you really want to be bound that long, I suppose there's bigger considerations than that. :-D
- Setting the RELEASETIME for something more than 1.6 years will result in an infinite lock situation.
- The device getting powered down will NOT result in your release. It is suggested to use a powerbank or some other redundant power supply.
- If your key is heavy enough to make the servo tip over, use tape to fix it or put something heavy on top of it.
Nothing big right now, but it's a start (and even more, it should be reproducable even by beginners). Later on, this board will receive Revision two, adding the radio modules required for the "brain", but it will be the only one that is able to run "brainless" - first, it is a starting device. Second, it needs to work on a timer later on - for disaster migitation. Like when the "brain" goes down while in a sesion.
Besides, I need a device to test the brain.
Next up: An deep dive into Ethernet Frames, Data Radio and the Brain. Stay tuned!
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Good work! Several suggestions:
1. Electromagnet release hoarding power - you can use smaller magnet, and/or limit his consumption with current limiting resistor- it will diminish holding power, but if it is just for the keys, we don't need 150kg force, don't we? And if we do want 150 kg - I believe that we have solid structure with a way to power up out system from mains - or from UPS.
2. Even if we are using magnet for implicit anchoring, it doesn't need to have those 150kg holding force - I remember reading a story, where girl used static wall anchor to draw her elbows together, and electromagnet to hold her nipple clamps chain. Elbow cinch COULD be undone - if she takes a step back. Which, until a magnet powers down, not gonna happen. So, this principle can be used - creatively.
3. Using a servo is still not good - is is not even about reset, or fail secure vs fail safe, or sound. It is about gears, which are mechanics, and can (and, given Time and Will of Murphy - will) be jammed. So - if you are using servo for keys dropping - I still recommend smaller magnet.
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Speaking of electromagnets. Have a look at this thread: Any good source or shops where different form-factor electromagnets can be bought?
Speaking of the servos: servos can be used to release and stop enema (ha-ha...)