Latex candids and selfies

185 Replies, 90259 Views

Thanks to this girls (with possible rich lifestyle, big lips, tan) wearing outfits made of latex or pvc, maybe because they are expensive, are making latex more common than before. 
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Lucky bastard!
 tumblr_olfmwn1AqG1qefjv5o1_1280.jpg     tumblr_olfmwn1AqG1qefjv5o2_1280.jpg   
(This post was last modified: 20 Feb 2017, 06:12 by madboyevil.)
I'm really into this thread, there are so many found pictures. 

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Was this one aeady posted?

(01 Mar 2017, 21:58 )Like Ra Wrote: Was this one aeady posted?

[Image: post_2_1488401875_80cbffd1397707c651dfdc...sTtrfW.jpg]   
I don't think so, but great image
(27 Feb 2017, 06:13 )madboyevil Wrote: [Image: post_1524_1488172355_b46e69e42eb012d969b..._thumb.png]   
Interesting... I dislike each and every detail about this photo, yet it works somehow... Is it in the mood? The story behind? The atmosphere? The anticipation? Imagination?
(This post was last modified: 04 Mar 2017, 17:10 by Like Ra.)
(04 Mar 2017, 16:28 )Like Ra Wrote:
(27 Feb 2017, 06:13 )madboyevil Wrote: [Image: post_1524_1488172355_b46e69e42eb012d969b..._thumb.png]   
Interesting... I dislike each and every  detail about this photo, yet it works somehow... Is it in the mood? The story behind? The atmosphere? The anticipation? Imagination?

I know this feeling, I felt the same way with katerina piglets photos, the outfits are excellent but I found them odd for me I don't how to explain it.
 tumblr_om9flzhDvh1u2cbzko1_500.jpg     tumblr_om9fmyU3yQ1u2cbzko1_1280.jpg   

And in other topic, I found it weird there are girls like her (below) that are slim, in shape and amazing figure and then there's a big guy (not fat but not in shape, no offense) but I find it weird the difference between them and their shapes.
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(This post was last modified: 06 Mar 2017, 05:48 by madboyevil.)
(06 Mar 2017, 05:47 )madboyevil Wrote: I know this feeling, I felt the same way with katerina piglets photos, the outfits are excellent but I found them odd for me I don't how to explain it.
In my case it's the other way around (for me). Most Katerina's photos are "plastic" and "fake". In other words unnatural, made for the photocamera. At least the two photos you posted do not work for me. But the one before (the girl in blue dress) - does.
This one is a candid even if it doesn't look like.

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I think it's latex but i'm not sure
Another "trendy girls"
 tumblr_okwsv89xPt1tg26jmo1_1280.jpg     tumblr_omiojsZLGT1tg26jmo1_1280.jpg   

Great outfit!
 tumblr_omb6orwhgF1ruv87mo1_1280.jpg     tumblr_omb6orwhgF1ruv87mo2_1280.jpg     tumblr_omb6orwhgF1ruv87mo3_1280.jpg     tumblr_omb6orwhgF1ruv87mo4_1280.jpg     tumblr_omb6orwhgF1ruv87mo5_1280.jpg     tumblr_omb6orwhgF1ruv87mo6_1280.jpg     tumblr_omb6orwhgF1ruv87mo7_1280.jpg     tumblr_omb6orwhgF1ruv87mo8_1280.jpg     tumblr_omb6orwhgF1ruv87mo9_1280.jpg   

 tumblr_omemjqRqjG1un5f3ho1_500.jpg     tumblr_omysy6J7z71v80s26o1_400.jpg   
(21 Mar 2017, 05:15 )madboyevil Wrote: Great outfit!
Yes! Great legs too.