Hi, I can't remember where I read about this, but somewhere I saw the idea of using electro shock for invisible fences.
There are these systems using a necklace and an emitter that covers a range of up to 5m. When ever the pet runs into this area, it gets a slight electro shoc, that becomes stronger the closer it gets, to keep it away.
One could also place a key for the bondages near it and connect it to a timer-switch. The author of the article stated, that it is almost impossible to reach close enough to get the key without being punished painfully.
I could also think about modifying the system, maybe to keep someone in inside an area (reversing the effect) or to combine it with other toys.
A neat but quite advanced idea would also be to create a little challenge: Reach certain areas chosen by a computer program in a certain amount of time while bound (maybe hogtied? 😁) or they will be punished...
The article got links to shops selling these pieces however only in USA.
Does anyone here got experience with such thingies using them as a selfbondage/punishing device and does someone maybe know where to get them in Germany?
(This post was last modified: 24 Apr 2017, 00:31 by Like Ra.)
I have not tried the one that uses a proximity sensor, but I have tried two that are triggred by a little remote (about the size of a car alarm remote). One was painful and the other was OUCH REALLY PAINFUL. And that was with just a momentary "zap".
I would be really hesitant to do this, personally - with all the interference in modern houses from computers, microwaves, cellphones etc, I have bad visions of it going off incorrectly, or at a higher level than intended, or continuously.
I do like the idea of something that makes you stay in an area, but with more predictable and limited penalties. Reading this brings a couple ideas to mind, I'll try to figure out if they are practical and post them when I do 😊
After a quick look on eBay the fence kits seem really cheap.... cheap enough to play with at any rate.
Seen as most of these kits come with 2-3 Recivers it makes for some interesting ideas. After the obvious you can play arround with taking the recivers off the collars and making them fit on to other collars to fit over other, less painfull body areas. You could also add the recivers to a collar/strap that also prevents you from taking off what ever items of clothes you have on.
You could also probbly change the out put to a bunch of vibrators. This is made even nicer by the realisation of the fact that the out put becomes more intense the closer to the wires you get. You'd then recive more and more intense vibrations the closer you got.
Because the transmitter unit is powerd by mains you can add a bunch of timers so that you can have a very small loop of wire, put the keys inside that then have timers set to how ever long you want your session to be.
Ooh, I just got a devilish idea....
Now, these kits work on the principle of inductive current. The wire creates an electromagnetic field around it, which the collar can sense by having an inductive coil on its main circuitry. If a current is induced in this from the ground-wire, the collar discharges, usually from a capacitor. (i've seen them use diode-bridge amplifiers. very bad design)
Assume that you have one of these fence kits and can increase the wire length to be something rather long, but not so long as to prevent the inductive signal from being present. Also, assume that you can adjust the resistance on this wire, using a potentiometer or something with similar function.
Also assume that you can modify a collar to have a lower sensitivity. but not much lower.
In theory, you could use the wire to draw a 'maze' on the ground, and then create a bondage situation where you must crawl along the maze to your keys. however, if you cross the wire.... a strict punishment is administered.
Also, if you could modify the control circuitry in the collar, you could give it 'stages' based on the amount of induced current. Say, 0-60 mA is 'off', 61-80 is 'warning', such as a vibrating plug or a tone, and above that is a nice sharp shock.
Trust me, you don't want to try it.
That's what I was thinking, when I saw that the mentioned current is 130mA...
I had been thinking about using these for my rfid/keep moving scheme I mentioned in the electronics thread.
Maybe not. Lol
Tell you what. Go out to a farm and grab an electric fence.
E-stim is one thing, getting hit with a dog shocker is up there with the electric fence and a cattle prod.