Gladwrap and timer

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Using a full roll of gladwrap did a full body mummification. First starting at each foot and wrapping to the top of my leg and continuing up my torso. While wrapping punch a hole for my penis for later. Then wrap each arm and then finally starting at my feet again wrapped everything together as tight as possible.

I then hooked up my vibrator to my penis. I have a hand massage vibrator designed to go on the back of your hand. I used the springs to hold a large stiff cardboard tube where my had would normally go. Inside the tube I have a latex liner (a stretched and taped condom would also work) to protect it from "fluids". Using some strips of rubber from an inner tube I tie the tube to the vibrator, the springs are old and not enough to securely hold it.

Next I lube the inside of the tube and my penis. Then I work the tube/vibrator onto my penis. Using several other rubber strips I secure it to me by stretching the bands around me and tying them. The strips are wrapped around the tube about 3 inches above the base allowing for it to sway around a bit. Pulling the strips tight and with a few adjustments I have the tube/vibrator securely attached to my penis. I also use the strips to form "guy wires" keeping the tube straight out. The tube/vibrator is not coming off no matter what.

Now I plug the vibrator into a Leviton programmable timer. It has 50 programmable on/off settings. I have it programmed to wait 30 minutes, then on 1 minute, off 1 minute, then on 3 minutes, off, and then repeat. At the end of the 3 1/2 session it switches to on 3 minutes, off 2 minutes for a few times and then on for 5 minutes and then off.

Then I put in some earplugs, put on a blindfold, lay down on the couch and wiggle my arms towards my back under a layer gladwrap I left just for my arms. Then I rock side to side to take up any slack further tightening my arms. I can still get out but not very fast.

Now I wait. The first buzz of each period is always an attention getter. The second buzz is almost enough to get me off but not normally. Then I have the 25 minute wait for the next session. I can feel my penis a bit in the tube but just barely and with everything being tight I am not able to self stimulate no matter how much I bounce around. So lots of frustrated meditation time.

When the end comes it is time to cum. I have had ruined orgasms with the vibrator stop right at the wrong moment and intense orgasms with it continuing to run long after I came.

Since the tube is open I have tried a few "extra" lubricants such as BenGay. While exciting, the session was fairly long and my foreskin was sore and a little swollen for a few days afterwards. Not recommended. Also since electricity is used I would not include any water activities such as urine or enemas.

I have also programmed the timer to have lots of 1 minute sessions with 1, 2, 3 or 4 minute off periods. Nothing like being in a constant state of arousal for several hours.
Can you post a couple of photos of your vibrator in usual and in the "assembled" state (with cardboard tubes)?
More questions:

o- What is gladwrap?
o- What is Leviton programmable timer?

Plastic wrap
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about a plastic layer used for short-term preservation of domestic foods. For a plastic wrap often used in bulk packaging, see Shrink wrap.
A roll of LDPE plastic wrap in a box. The lid of the box has a serrated edge for cutting the film.
Plastic wrap, cling film (UK), cling wrap or food wrap, is a thin plastic film typically used for sealing food items in containers to keep them fresh over a longer period of time. Plastic wrap, typically sold on rolls in boxes with a cutting edge, clings to many smooth surfaces and can thus remain tight over the opening of a container without adhesive or other devices. Common plastic wrap is roughly 0.5 mils, or 12.5 µm, thick.[1][2] In Australia and New Zealand the genericized trademark glad wrap is commonly used, while Saran wrap has become genericized in North America.
Gladwrap is the same as cling film. A plastic food wrap. Saran wrap is similar but not as stretchy.
Leviton is a brand name of a programmable timer that I found with 50 settings in 1 minute intervals.

(12 Mar 2014, 12:42 )Like Ra Wrote: More questions:

o- What is gladwrap?
o- What is Leviton programmable timer?
(This post was last modified: 13 Mar 2014, 02:47 by bodysuit.)
I wrap my head in saran wrap regularly.
(13 Mar 2014, 02:45 )bodysuit Wrote: Leviton is a brand name of a programmable timer that I found with 50 settings in 1 minute intervals.
Do you have a link/photo/info? Does it have only one or several channels? Sounds interesting...
OK, made a research:

eBay: Leviton timer
Search eBay UK: Leviton timer

Different versions and some are pretty cool!
(This post was last modified: 14 Mar 2014, 01:19 by Like Ra.)
The first picture is the timer I use. The only one I have found with 50 one minute settings.

Pic 2 is the basic setup. The rubber cords were made from a bicycle inner tube. The cardboard tube was from a commercial paper towel dispenser.

Pic 3 is just another angle but also shows the latex liner I made to protect the tube. A condom will also work but you need to stretch the open end around the tube and tape it. Then stretch the other end of the condom down the tube longer than your penis. You want to be able to slide around inside the tube.

Pic 4 shows the sleeve inside the tube. I cover so much because a little lubricant always manages to work its way out and I don't want to damage my tube.

pic 5 shows how everything is attached. The straps at the base of the tube hold it firmly in place against the pubic bone through the hole I leave in the gladwrap/cling film. The straps go around my torso and are tied off in front. Then I pull them over the top to keep everything nice and straight. No flopping around allowed.

Once on, there is no way I can stimulate myself, only the vibrator can do that. The only non-vibrator feeling is when I am getting erect and I can feel my penis sliding in the tube.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
 likera01.jpg     likera02.jpg     likera03.jpg     likera04.jpg     likera05.jpg   
(This post was last modified: 14 Mar 2014, 16:33 by bodysuit.)
Very interesting vibrator... Quick search on eBay gave me this:

eBay: hand (massage,massager) vibrator

Some of them (e.g. vintage Niagara or oster) look like what you have.

eBay: vintage oster vibrator
Search eBay UK: vintage oster vibrator
(This post was last modified: 14 Mar 2014, 16:54 by Like Ra.)