Single-gloves for naughty little girls

Pink satin single-glove for kids-01Updated on Jan 14, 2011 @ 01:27:

Since this post attracted very interesting comments (I would like to know your opinion on), I’m moving the article to the top.

Posted on Nov 13, 2009 @ 16:45:

John Willie in his “The Adventures of Sweet Gwendoline” suggested a single-glove training to achieve a good posture (see below).

Continue reading “Single-gloves for naughty little girls”

Learning to Walk in Extremely High Heels

BBC wrote a tutorial on how to walk on 6″ heels. The original text is here. I do like the wording and how accurately everything is formulated.

Sexual Desire

Extreme high heels can be an object of sexual desire in themselves. They change the posture of the wearer and lengthen the legs, emphasising the calf muscles. The curve of the arch and the naked ankle are vertically penetrated by the slender stiletto. Buckles and straps tying the foot into the shoe can imply sexual bondage. Feet point during orgasm, and high heels mimic this, high heels to extreme.

Foot movement, and even movement of the entire body is restricted in such high heels, meaning that the wearer can be considered to be in the power of her partner, as running away is impossible. They can also make the dominatrix superior to her partner, as she suddenly towers over him, making him feel small and powerless.

Read the full article with added drawings made by John Willie: Continue reading “Learning to Walk in Extremely High Heels”