Tights in Art

Some time ago Geraden and Co introduced “Tights in Art” historical paintings gallery, mostly featuring men wearing pantyhose (tights) or stockings. The idea was to demonstrate that tights were worn by men long before women got their legs into them. The collection has grown to almost 40 pictures.

On the left: “Blue on pink” by Ann Murray. For those, who are interested here’s a link to her gallery.

3 thoughts on “Tights in Art”

  1. Thanks for the mention!

    The Ann Murray painting is not typical of my Tights in Art collection – it is mostly about the history of tights worn by men as shown in graphical art.

    If your favourite historical painting of men in tights is not featured, please tip me the wink!


  2. Oh, I do understand the idea behind the gallery (I even stole the description from your site, because your phrasing I honestly enjoy is way beyond my modest abilities), but there are reasons behind my citing Ann’s picture:

    o- It really stands out among the other paintings from your gallery: from subject to colour.

    o- I really like the painting

    o- Despite the small size of the picture, you can physically *feel* the filmy shimmering material

    o- It’s a bit fetishy, probably that’s why you don’t agree with my choice 🙂

    And thanks for visiting!

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