"quilted" pvc

3 Replies, 6114 Views


I am on a budget right now, but this looks interesting. The seller says that he makes this stuff by himself, could be worth asking him for other stuff.
(This post was last modified: 28 Jan 2013, 14:26 by Like Ra.)
This is the link to their eBay shop: lollypop-dream
Good idea to post the shop url, the auction is over and it will disappear sooner or later. By the way, it went for 95 Euros, not so bad, if someone likes such stuff. I would prefer a real sleeping bag without sleeves. Instead, I tried a fully closed pvc cape (no buttons, slips over the head) inside my rubber sleeping bag, not bad at all, but the experience was very short - too exciting 😁
"too exciting" - isn't it good? If it's "too good" think about chastity belts ;-D

BTW, I tweaked the original URL, so it searches for product descriptions and should not expire 😉